FELI - Timpul - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction FELI - Timpul

Îmi spuneai se poate,
You told me it was possible,
pot scap de trecut,
That I could escape the past,
Doar să-mi dau voie
Just to let myself
iubesc, iubesc, dar eu nu am vrut.
Love, love, but I didn't want to.
Plin de iubire şi răbdare,
Full of love and patience,
Eu te vedeam un prefăcut,
I saw you as a hypocrite,
luai în braţe şi-mi spuneai cum nu spuneai oricui
You took me in your arms and told me how you wouldn't tell anyone
"Lasă iubirea te-mbrace, dă-i timp timpului"
"Let love embrace you, give time time"
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
M-ai uitat, deşi n-ai vrut
You forgot me, even though you didn't want to
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
Tu nu mai vrei tot ce am avut
You don't want what we had anymore
Dă-i timp timpului...
Give time time...
Câte îmi arată viaţa,
How much life shows me,
Câte semne prind,
How many signs to make me realize,
Cum înclină bălanţa
How the scales are tipped
Spre instinct, să-l ascult şi nu mint.
Towards instinct, to listen to it and not to lie to myself.
Câte amintiri frumoase,
So many beautiful memories,
Ce din când în când m-ating,
What from time to time touches me,
Tu mi-ai transformat în vară ficare anotimp...
You transformed every season into summer...
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
M-ai uitat, deşi n-ai vrut
You forgot me, even though you didn't want to
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
Tu nu mai vrei tot ce am avut
You don't want what we had anymore
Tu nu m-ai, nu m-ai...
You didn't want me, didn't want me...
Tu nu m-ai, nu m-ai vrut x2
You didn't want me, didn't want me x2
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
M-ai uitat, deşi n-ai vrut
You forgot me, even though you didn't want to
Spune-mi, spune-mi ce e de făcut,
Tell me, tell me what to do,
vreau fie ca la început,
Because I want it to be like the beginning,
Dar tu nu mai vrei, tu nu mai,
But you don't want it anymore, you don't,
Tu nu mai vrei tot ce am avut
You don't want what we had anymore

Writer(s): Vlad Cristian Popescu, Felicia Donose, Cazan Ionut Serban

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