Feli feat. Guess Who - Canta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Feli feat. Guess Who - Canta

Hei, tu, asculta-ma putin
Hey, you, hear me for a minute
Vreau sa-ti povestesc ce cred eu de destin
I want to tell you what I think about destiny
Stii ca unii zic de soarta, ba ca-i buna, ba ca-i rea
You know some say about destiny, whether it is good or bad
Da′ mai zic si vorba aia: Tu ti-o faci cu mana ta
But they also say this saying: Fate is in your own hands
Stiu greselile pe care tot simti ca le repeti
I know the mistakes you keep feeling like repeating
Si ca-ti vine cateodata sa-ti dai capul de pereti
And that sometimes you feel like hitting your head against the wall
Dar mai stiu ca esti puternic si n-o zic sa motivez
But I also know that you are strong and I don't say it to motivate
Nu obisnuiesc sa umflu-n pene, spun doar ce gandesc
I don't usually exaggerate but I speak my mind
Suntem oameni, nu roboti
We are humans, not robots
Te rog ai rabdare, da-ti timp
Please be patient, give yourself time
Stii ca-n drumul spre succes tre' sa suporti
You know that on the road to success you have to endure
Iar eu stiu foarte, foarte bine ca poti
And I know very, very well that you can
Hai, canta
Come on, sing
Hai sa rupem linistea
Let's break the silence
Nu te pierde in detalii
Don't get lost in details
Ritmul tine inima
The rhythm keeps the heart
Atunci cand toata lumea canta
When everybody's singing
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
N-ai de ce sa stai deoparte
You have no reason to stand aside
Ne uneste muzica
Music unites us
Hai, canta
Come on, sing
Pe langa atata vorba multa
Besides all the excessive talk
Ce umbla-n jurul tau si te incurca
Which goes around you and complicates your life
Arunca zarul, te coboara sau te-ajuta
Roll the dice, it brings you down or helps you improve
Oricum nu dai inapoi pana cand nu vezi ca se intampla
Anyway, you don't give up until you see it happen
Nu, nu, nimic nu-i ideal in umbra
No, no, nothing is ideal in the shadows
Dar e mult de munca sa afli ce se-ascunde dupa
But there is a lot of work to find out what is hidden behind
Asa ca, lupta inc-un pic, chiar daca simti ca pici
So, fight a little more, even if you feel like you are falling
Si inteleg ce zici ca maine bagi servici
And I understand what you say about quitting your job
Ghici, noroc ca toate se-ntampla c-un scop
Guess, lucky that everything happens for a reason
Si pentru orice hop exista clar un antidot
And there is clearly an antidote for every hurdle
Muzica stiu ca e remediu, ea vindeca tot
I know music is the cure, it heals everything
Tot ce-ascunzi tu pe sub hainele astea de robot
Everything you hide under those robotic clothes
Tine minte ca feeling-ul nu minte
Remember that a feeling never lies
E singurul care te-mpinge sa-i dai inainte
It is the only one that pushes you to go further
Citeste printre, ca nu sunt doar cuvinte
Read between the lines, because they are not just words
Atunci cand muzica se simte, toata lumea
When music is felt, everyone
Hai sa rupem linistea
Let's break the silence
Nu te pierde in detalii
Don't get lost in details
Ritmul tine inima
The rhythm keeps the heart
Atunci cand toata lumea canta
When everybody's singing
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
N-ai de ce sa stai deoparte
You have no reason to stand aside
Ne uneste muzica
Music unites us
Hai, canta
Come on, sing
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Suntem oameni, nu roboti
We are humans, not robots
Te rog ai rabdare, da-ti timp
Please be patient, give yourself time
Stii ca-n drumul spre succes tre′ sa suporti
You know that on the road to success you have to endure
Iar eu stiu foarte, foarte bine ca poti
And I know very, very well that you can
Hai, canta
Come on, sing
Hai sa rupem linistea
Let's break the silence
Nu te pierde in detalii
Don't get lost in details
Ritmul tine inima
The rhythm keeps the heart
Atunci cand toata lumea canta
When everybody's singing
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
N-ai de ce sa stai deoparte
You have no reason to stand aside
Ne uneste muzica
Music unites us

Writer(s): Constantin Bodea, Felicia Donose, Florin Boka, Serban Cazan

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