Feliton - Desacatao (feat. Rubinsky RBK) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Feliton - Desacatao (feat. Rubinsky RBK)

Desacatao (feat. Rubinsky RBK)
Disrespectful (feat. Rubinsky RBK)
Feliton Music
Feliton Music
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Bajale algo manin
Calm down, man
Abre los ojos manin
Open your eyes, man
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Abre los ojos manin
Open your eyes, man
Bajale algo manin
Calm down, man
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Bajale algo manin'
Calm down, man'
Estas sonando en la calle que tu no estas clean
You are sounding on the street that you are not clean
Te compraste un blin blin tras llevarte a dos casi tarjetas sin fin
You bought a bling bling after taking two almost endless cards
Y que tu eres don clente contigo no puede ni el antimo team
And that you are Mr. Customer, the antimo team can't even deal with you
Que tu eres la para del bloque la labia la rabia del team
That you are the block's and the team's mouth, rage
Ni con todo lo que tienes
Not with everything you have
Haz podido tener tranquilidad
You have been able to have peace of mind
En la cara te digo la verdad
I tell you the truth to your face
Que sin eso manin no tienes na
That without that, man, you have nothing
Tu tas claro papa
You got it, dad
Todo el mundo te busca porque tienes cash
Everyone is looking for you because you have cash
Si el dia que te magan no aparecen malo
If the day they kill you, they don't show up. It's bad
La unica que aparecio fue tu mama
The only one who showed up was your mother
La que te aconsejaba
The one who advised you
Que te decia que de Dios buscaras
Who told you to seek God
Que de lo malo nunca te llevaras
That from the bad you will never get
Que esa factura al final sale cara
That invoice comes out expensive in the end
Aqui no se paga con cualto
Here there is no payment with money
Se paga con prision y muerte
You pay with prison and death
Solamente cristo es la salida
Christ alone is the way out
Tu sabes que no existe suerte
You know there is no luck
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Bajale algo manin
Calm down, man
Abre los ojos manin'
Open your eyes, man'
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Abre los ojos manin'
Open your eyes, man'
Bajale algo manin'
Calm down, man'
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Te gusta la vida fácil
You like the easy life
Te gusta el dinero easy
You like easy money
Te gusta moverte con la cornet
You like to hang out with the corner
Matando mujeres lazzy
Killing women lazzy
Y no te gusta los plomo
And you don't like bullets
Que maten a uno de tu coro
Having one of your choir killed
Buscas tu cita con una menor
You seek your date with a minor
Que no quiere y que pal colmo te deja solo
Who doesn't want to and who leaves you alone at the worst moment
Eso no es vida manin
That's not life, man
Eso es demasiado sufrir manin
That's too much suffering, man
Deja de anesteciarte y ese desastre de vida vivi manin
Stop anesthetizing yourself and living that disaster of a life, man
Cuantas veces te lo van a decir
How many times are they going to tell you
Bien yo se que tu sabes que si
Well, I know you know what if
Desde hace mucho predicando que cristo viene
For a long time preaching that Christ is coming
Tu sabes que el va venir
You know he's going to come
Tu sabes que el que busca encuentra
You know that he who seeks finds
Yo oro pa que tu te arrepientas
I pray for you to repent
Jesuscristo sana, jesuscristo salva
Jesus Christ heals, Jesus Christ saves
Jesuscristo cambia y liberta
Jesus Christ changes and frees
La que le huele a gente muerta
The one who smells like dead people
O acaso es que no te das cuenta
Or is it that you don't realize
Yo tu y le bajo algo pa no irme en la proxima vuelta
I'll lower it for you so I don't leave on the next lap
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Bajale algo manin
Calm down, man
Abre los ojos manin
Open your eyes, man
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Tu estas muy desacata'o
You are very disrespectful
Abre los ojos manin'
Open your eyes, man'
Bajale algo manin'
Calm down, man'
Pa'que no llegue tu fin
So that your end doesn't come
Feliton Music
Feliton Music
Yaoh yaoh
Yaoh yaoh
Busca de dios tu no entiendes que... dios te esta llamando y
Seek God, don't you understand that... God is calling you and
Te lo esta advirtiendo
He's warning you
El es la salida que es lo que es!!
He is the way out, that's what it is!!

Writer(s): Feliton

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