Fermín IV - Extraordinario - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fermín IV - Extraordinario

Hace algunos años he estado buscando
For some years I've been searching,
Amor que no se agote, me dijo desesperado
Desperate for love that doesn't fade,
"Créeme que he andado por todos lados,
"Believe me, I've looked everywhere,
Esperando que algún día pueda encontrarlo,
Hoping someday I'll find it,
Ya estoy cansado" dijo
I'm tired," he said,
"De entregar mi corazón
"Of giving my heart away
Y después recuperarlo partido en dos"
And getting it back broken in two."
El amor acaba, no hay amor eterno,
Love ends, there's no eternal love,
ése sólo existe en fantasías y sueños
That only exists in fantasies and dreams.
Si existiera no habría sufrimiento,
If it existed, there wouldn't be suffering,
No habría dolor, no habría rompimientos,
There wouldn't be pain, there wouldn't be breakups,
Y de éstos tengo mucho conocimiento,
And of those, I have plenty of experience,
Yo que sólo es cuestión de tiempo para surjan diferencias
I know it's just a matter of time before differences arise.
Ella me dijo "Nunca he querido hacerte daño
She told me, "I never wanted to hurt you,
Pero creo que es mejor si nos separarnos"
But I think it's best if we separate."
No entiendo, primero compartimos todo,
I don't understand, first we shared everything,
Ahora no podemos mirarnos a los ojos,
Now we can't even look each other in the eye,
"¿Qué ha pasado?" me dijo,
"What happened?" he said,
"¿Tú crees que algún día encuentre el amor que estado buscando?".
"Do you think I'll ever find the love I've been searching for?".
Extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
Extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
It is, extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario.
It is, extraordinary.
Crecimos juntos, fuimos a la misma escuela,
We grew up together, went to the same school,
Se sentaba en mi misma fila,
She sat in the same row as me,
Ella me dijo sus papás,
She told me her parents,
Y mis papás si hicieron amigos,
And my parents became friends,
Casi, casi, nos veíamos todos los domingos,
Almost, almost, we saw each other every Sunday,
Al principio ni lo imaginamos, pero
At first, we couldn't imagine it, but
Conforme pasaron los años nos fuimos gustando,
As the years passed, we started liking each other,
Algo sucedió, fuimos cambiando
Something happened, we changed,
"Yo me hice una mujer" me dijo mientras lloraba
"I became a woman," she said while crying,
él, estudiaba mucho, quería ser doctor,
He studied a lot, he wanted to be a doctor,
Quería darle un futuro seguro,
He wanted to give her a secure future,
"No puedo creerlo", dijo, lo recuerdo y no,
"I can't believe it," he said, I remember it and no,
No puedo entenderlo,
I can't understand it,
Yo que tenía buenas intenciones conmigo
I know he had good intentions with me,
"Muéstrame tu amor" me dijo, "acuéstate conmigo"
"Show me your love," he told me, "sleep with me,"
Y ahora esto es lo único que me queda de él,
And now this is all I have left of him,
Una nena y tengo que mantenerla,
A baby girl and I have to support her,
Tengo quince años, trabajo, estudio,
I'm fifteen, I work, I study,
"Ese no es amor" me dijo,
"That's not love," she told me,
Creía que lo era, pero no es amor.
I thought it was, but it's not love.
Extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
Extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
It is, extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario.
It is, extraordinary.
(No, no nada es común, nada normal,
(No, nothing is common, nothing normal,
Cien por ciento especial, no, no, no otro igual
One hundred percent special, no, no, no other like it,
Nunca jamás encontrarás algo parecido,
You'll never find anything similar,
Si lo buscas te darás cuenta que es tiempo perdido,
If you look for it, you'll realize it's wasted time,
Es amor que todo lo sufre, aquel que de lo más hondo
It's a love that endures all things, the one that from the depths
Te lleva a la cumbre, no pide nada a cambio,
Takes you to the summit, asks for nothing in return,
"A M O R" en máxima expresión).
"L O V E" in its highest expression).
Extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
Extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario,
It is, extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario
It is, extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary,
Es, extraordinario, su amor no es nada ordinario.
It is, extraordinary, your love is nothing ordinary.
(Es elegante, puro, extravagante, ágape,
(It's elegant, pure, extravagant, agape,
Guíanos para adelante, primero empezaste a amarme
Guides us forward, you started loving me first,
Gracias, Adonai, por esperarme,
Thank you, Adonai, for waiting for me,
Amor, garantía, abrigo, poder, energía, arriba, guarida,
Love, guarantee, shelter, power, energy, above, refuge,
Adelantaste para encontrarme, ahora grande amor
You went ahead to find me, now great love
Pudiste enseñarme).
You were able to teach me).

Writer(s): Fermin Iv Caballero Elizondo

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