Porcion de todos los matojos que tienes mi amor tienes pelo en la espalda y en el hombligo tiene mogollon mas de una ves me a quedado enredado entre las grandes patas de tu canalon
Portion of all the bushes you have, my love. You have hair on your back and in your belly button. You have a lot more than once I've been tangled in the big legs of your gutter
Eres king kong eres una selva
You're King Kong, you're a jungle
Tropical y yo nena yo soy tu tarzan
Tropical and I, girl, I'm your Tarzan
Sigo tu boca no esta demasiado mal
I follow your mouth, it's not too bad
Pero tus dientes son algo sobrenatural
But your teeth are something supernatural
Y eso que yo de dientes no deberia
And that I shouldn't talk about teeth
Hablar pero al menos vivir lo suelo limpiar
At least I usually clean them
Tu ali tosis mato al doberman del vecino a doscientos marinos de un barco marino aleman en el fono no te dejan entrar
Your bad breath killed the neighbor's Doberman and two hundred sailors from a German marine ship; at the airport they won't let you in
Las mofetas han dicho que bueles fatal
The skunks have said that you smell terrible
Pero te quiero
But I love you
Eres tan fea que cuando enviastes tu foto por hotmail la detecto el anti virus
You're so ugly that when you sent your photo by Hotmail the antivirus detected it
Pero te quiero
But I love you
Eres tan fea que el medico dijo al nacer si no llora es un tumor
You're so ugly that the doctor said when you were born, if you don't cry you're a tumor
Pero te quiero
But I love you
Eres tsn fea que fuistes a un concurso de feas y dijieron que no aceptaban profesionales
You're so ugly that you went to an ugly contest and they said they didn't accept professionals
Pero te quiero
But I love you
Eres tan f
You're so u
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