Fernando Costa feat. Chichobeats - Dinamo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fernando Costa feat. Chichobeats - Dinamo

Magia como Dynamo, mira que nos íbamos
Magic like Dynamo, look at how we went
Dirección al Líbano, yo liaba un habano
Heading to Lebanon, I rolled a cigar
Árbol tropical, ella era como el ébano
Tropical tree, she was like ebony
Picadura de mortal tábano africano
Deadly bite of an African horsefly
Tabaco y alcohol pa'l niño que mal amaron
Tobacco and alcohol for the boy who was badly loved
No noto los brazos como el árbol que talaron
I don't feel my arms like the tree that was felled
Lo detuvieron, lo soltaron
They stopped him, they let him go
Vieron la valla y la saltaron
They saw the fence and jumped over it
Lo cogieron, lo asaltaron ¡Primo!
They caught him, they mugged him Cousin!
Dimos vueltas de campana y acabamos por los pinos
We did somersaults and ended up in the pines
C'est fini, nos fuimos
It's over, we're gone
La parábola, el hijo pródigo
The parable, the prodigal son
Vengo con mis prójimos
I come with my neighbors
Me fijo en el camino, voy que trino
I watch my way, I go like a bird
vas como comí'o de comino, hilo fino
You go around like you've eaten too much cumin, fine thread
Yo voy con los niños parlanchinos
I go with the chatty kids
Parlan español o parlan italiano
They speak Spanish or they speak Italian
Parlan en francés, parlan alemán
They speak French, they speak German
Parlan chino
They speak Chinese
Antonela, dame una sábana de franela
Antonela, give me a flannel sheet
Para mis noches en vela
For my sleepless nights
Porque sigo con la pena
Because I'm still sad
De que alguien está con ella
That someone is with her
De que no duerme en mi cama
That she doesn't sleep in my bed
De que estoy con la botella
That I'm with the bottle
De que ya no tiene ganas
That she no longer feels like it
'Tamos lindos como tu pelo
We're as pretty as your hair
De Ibiza al Limbo, de Madrid al cielo
From Ibiza to Limbo, from Madrid to heaven
Me han dicho que tu truppe traga suelo
I've been told that your gang eats dirt
Dicen que son de la calle, prueba del pañuelo
They say they're from the street, they'll prove it with a handkerchief
Fernando, aka Diego Armando
Fernando, aka Diego Armando
Los niños con los que ando tienen el comando
The boys I hang out with are in command
Me han dicho por ahí que la andas liando
They've told me around that you're messing around
Fuman black mamba, les gusta el mambo
They smoke black mamba, they like mambo
Soy de mezclar la boloñesa de la pesa
I like to mix the Bolognese sauce on the scale
De los huevos en la mesa de la empresa
Of the eggs on the table in the company
De mi padre, de mi madre, su entereza
Of my father, of my mother, their integrity
De la roca más alta de cabeza
Of the highest rock, headfirst

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