Fernando Delgadillo - El Abordaje - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fernando Delgadillo - El Abordaje

El Abordaje
The Approach
Y uno, y dos ... y uno, dos, tres,
And one, and two ... and one, two, three,
Cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve y diez
Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten
Disculpe usted, sientese aquí en este lugar
Excuse me, please have a seat here in this place
Sabe, me he estado preguntando como se podría llamar
You know, I've been wondering what your name might be
Hasta la edad que tiene y uno que otro dato más
And your age, and a few other details, you see
Seguro, es a usted a la que le hablo, verá
I'm sure I'm speaking to you, you'll agree
Es un momento que he esperado largo tiempo atras
This is a moment I've waited for, long time past
Siempre me estuve repitiendo: espera chico, ya vendrá
I kept telling myself: wait, boy, it will come at last
Más de una vez negué mi asiento para los demás
More than once I denied my seat for the rest
Niños, ancianos o señoras, esperandola encontrar
Children, elders, or ladies, hoping to find you, the best
Y hoy por fin es el gran día
And today, finally, the great day has arrived
Algo me dice que usted no viaja en tranvía
Something tells me you don't usually travel by tram, I surmised
Usted me encuentra o yo la encuentro, hey
You find me or I find you, hey
Tras de interesarse un poco me concedería un momento
After showing some interest, would you grant me a moment, I pray?
Yo me sentaría a su lado, por ejemplo
I would sit beside you, for example, it's okay
Porque es más cómodo viajar los dos sentados
Because it's more comfortable to travel both seated this way
Además de la ventaja de ir más juntos, sabe no?
Besides the advantage of being closer, you know, right?
Disculpe todavía no acabo, no se pare
Excuse me, I'm not finished yet, please don't take flight
Sepa que la imagine
Know that I imagined you
Tan linda y delicada como usted
As beautiful and delicate as you truly are, it's true
Viernes propicio, coincidencia y si
Propitious Friday, coincidence, and yes, it's you
Es justo el tipo de chiquita que esperaba para mi
You're just the kind of girl I was hoping for, through and through
Lo ha visto? estoy de suerte, me ha pasado otravez
Have you seen? I'm in luck, it's happened again
Ya se ha desocupado un sitio justo junto a usted
A seat has just become available right next to you, my friend
Ya se lo he dicho hace un momento, estoy feliz de ver
I told you a moment ago, I'm happy to see
Que todo viene y va pasando como debe ser
That everything comes and goes as it should be
Diga algo porfavor
Say something, please, I implore
Déjeme oir su voz, vamos
Let me hear your voice, come on, say more
Tal vez será que la emoción le ha impedido decir
Perhaps the emotion has prevented you from speaking so far
Era una broma no se enoje, no me mire así
It was a joke, don't be angry, don't look at me like that, you are a star
Hablando enserio, encantado de conocerla
Seriously speaking, delighted to meet you, my dear
Como me gusta usted
How I like you, it's quite clear
Mire, de veras me interesa, caramba
Look, I'm truly interested, gosh, it's true
No es solo un modo de dolerme la cabeza
It's not just a way to hurt my head, boo hoo
Pero falta este de acuerdo la invito a almorzar
But if you agree, I invite you to lunch, it's a date
Una comida, una merienda, un café nadamas
A meal, a snack, just a coffee, it's not too late
Porque prefiero casi todo menos escapar
Because I prefer almost anything but to escape
Porque por fin me la he encontrado y he empezado a hablar
Because I've finally found you and I've started to talk, it's great
De que se rie? que dije hablar
What are you laughing at? Did I say talk?
Bueno, suponga que hablo un poco más que los demas
Well, suppose I talk a little more than the rest of the flock
No siga riendo, es un problema serio y soledad
Don't keep laughing, it's a serious problem and solitude
Que dice de la historia? le falta el final
What do you say about the story? It's missing the end, it's crude
Venga con migo, la ayudo a parar
Come with me, I'll help you to stop
Deme ese pesado, yo lo llevo, vamos por acá
Give me that heavy thing, I'll carry it, let's hop
Deme su mano y no se olvide de tomar con la otra el barandal
Give me your hand and don't forget to hold the handrail with the other, don't flop
Seguro me la imagine
I'm sure I imagined you
Tan linda y delicada como usted
As beautiful and delicate as you truly are, it's true
Viernes propicio, coincidencia y si
Propitious Friday, coincidence, and yes, it's you
Es justo el tipo de chiquita que esperaba para mi
You're just the kind of girl I was hoping for, through and through

Writer(s): Fernando Delgadillo

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