Fernando Delgadillo - Hablando de Lobo a Lobo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fernando Delgadillo - Hablando de Lobo a Lobo

Hablando de Lobo a Lobo
Talking Wolf to Wolf
Cuando así acabó el granuja
When the rascal finished like this,
Y le iba yo a dar su lugar,
And I was about to put him in his place,
Vino a hablar de su persona
He came to speak of himself,
Sin dejarse de halagar.
Without ceasing to flatter himself.
Y habló mucho,
And he spoke a lot,
Y más que dijo de sus ventajas,
And more than he said about his advantages,
Y entre ellas,
And among them,
Que los príncipes hoy día,
That princes nowadays,
Ya no se casan con plebeyas.
No longer marry commoners.
Pero que era lo de menos,
But that was the least of it,
Porque al fin su ilustre nombre
Because in the end his illustrious name
Le otorgaba privilegios
Granted him privileges
Que no tendría cualquier hombre.
That any man wouldn't have.
Y ofreció que a las doncellas
And he offered that the maidens
Iba pues a examinar,
He was going to examine,
Para elegir la más bella
To choose the most beautiful
Y darle la oportunidad
And give her the opportunity
De un idilio borrascoso,
Of a stormy romance,
Con un renombrado conde
With a renowned count
Que también tenía un palacio,
Who also had a palace,
Aunque no se acordó a dónde.
Although he didn't remember where.
Cuando escuché tales suertes
When I heard such fortunes
Que el truhán había pronunciado,
That the scoundrel had uttered,
Repliqué con tonos fuertes,
I replied in strong tones,
Sarcásticos e indignados.
Sarcastic and indignant.
Y así dije... -Vaya, vaya.
And so I said... -Well, well.
Ya le salieron las mañas
The tricks have already come out
A nuestro cuenta los cuentos,
To our teller of tales,
Al fino hombre de palabras.
To the fine man of words.
Al mostrenco, mentiroso,
To the stray, liar,
Traicionero y lengua larga,
Treacherous and long-tongued,
Que llegó contando historias,
Who came telling stories,
Con la falta de memoria
With the lack of memory
Que delata al boca floja,
That betrays the loudmouth,
Que aprovecha la enseñanza
Who takes advantage of the teaching
Para bien de su persona.
For the benefit of his person.
Digo... que está perdido.
I say... that he is lost.
Ya le tengo entre mis garras,
I already have him in my clutches,
Y alcancé a verle la oreja,
And I managed to see his ear,
Al lobo que con piel de oveja
To the wolf in sheep's clothing
Se ha colado hasta mi casa.
That has sneaked into my house.
A lo que el engañabobos
To which the fool
Contestó alzando una ceja.
Replied raising an eyebrow.
-Me gustó cuando me dijo
-I liked it when you told me
De la oreja de la oveja...
About the sheep's ear...
¿O la oveja de la oreja
Or the sheep of the ear
Que se rascaría la ceja
That would scratch its eyebrow
Que le picaba en su casa...?
That itched in his house...?
¿Dijo algo de alguna oveja
Did you say something about a sheep
Que ya tenía entre sus garras?
That you already had in your clutches?
¿Dijo que era usted un lobo
Did you say you were a wolf
Y que perdiera la esperanza?
And that you lost hope?
No me acuerdo si me dijo
I don't remember if you told me
Si era oveja negra o blanca,
If it was a black or white sheep,
Si se cambió de rebaño
If it changed flocks
O sólo anda desbalagada;
Or just wanders around;
Si es la cena o la comida,
If it's dinner or lunch,
¿Cómo rimó las palabras?
How did you rhyme the words?
A lo que yo contesté
To which I replied
Algo confundido... de momento:
Somewhat confused... for the moment:
-Vaya hombre, pues la verdad
-Well man, well the truth is
Es que tampoco yo me acuerdo.
That I don't remember either.
-¡No se acuerda, no se acuerda!
-You don't remember, you don't remember!
-He murmured-.
-Tampoco yo.
-Neither do I.
Bueno, ¿en dónde nos quedamos?
Well, where were we?
¡Ah sí!, porque interrumpió
Ah yes!, because he interrupted
Este caballero mi enseñanza,
This gentleman my teaching,
Y es algo que no tolero,
And it's something I don't tolerate,
Comentarios del primero
Comments from the first one
Que quiera tomar confianza.
Who wants to take confidence.
De tal modo,
In such a way,
Le conmino a que cese de interrumpir,
I urge you to stop interrupting,
Conque... cálleseme ya
So... shut up now
Y que no se vuelva a repetir.
And don't let it happen again.
Y se me quedó mirando
And he stared at me
De modo reprobador,
In a reproachful way,
A lo que bajé los ojos, y le dije:
To which I lowered my eyes, and I said to him:
-Por favor... continúe... ande,
-Please... continue... go on,
Vamos, cuéntenos más... narrador.
Come on, tell us more... narrator.
Hizo como quién lo piensa,
He did as one who thinks about it,
Mientras duda y se resuelve,
While he doubts and resolves,
Y continuó diciendo:
And he continued saying:
-Bueno, lo haré, cuando me lo rueguen.
-Well, I'll do it, when you beg me to.
Y entonces, todos a coro,
And then, all in chorus,
Y aunque el recordar me apena,
And although remembering it pains me,
Dijimos de grave modo:
We said in a serious way:
-Te rogamos, sinvergüenza.
-We beg you, you shameless one.
Él, nos miró horrorizado
He looked at us horrified
Ante tan tamaña ofensa
At such a great offense
Y un anónimo aclaró:
And an anonymous one clarified:
-Conde Bruno...
-Count Bruno...
No dijimos lo que piensas.
We didn't say what you think.
Faltó la separación:
The separation was missing:
Te rogamos sin vergüenza.
We beg you without shame.
Y él, recordando esas tretas
And he, remembering those tricks
Que nos juegan las palabras,
That words play on us,
-Muy bien, prosigo,
-Very well, I continue,
Pero ya no digan nada.
But don't say anything else.
Y yo recordé de pronto su engaño,
And I suddenly remembered his deception,
¡ah!, pero era tarde,
ah!, but it was too late,
Y a punto ya de golpearle
And about to hit him
Me contuve todavía.
I still held back.
Y me acerqué
And I approached
Para anunciarle:
To announce to him:
-Voy a desenmascararle,
-I'm going to unmask you,
Aunque pierda todo el día.
Even if I lose the whole day.
Pero él ya no me escuchaba,
But he was no longer listening to me,
Estaba en otro lugar
He was in another place
Y se acompaño en la guitarra
And he accompanied himself on the guitar
Mientras comenzó a contar...
While he began to tell...
-Yo he venido de muy lejos,
-I have come from afar,
Y de todas partes soy,
And I am from everywhere,
Llevo mi vida en la mano,
I carry my life in my hand,
Como el pájaro en la voz.
Like the bird in its voice.
Ando por caminos viejos
I walk along old paths
Y aunque de estos no me quejo,
And although I do not complain about these,
Al más alto soberano
To the highest sovereign
Nunca le debí el favor
I never owed him the favor
De pensar en lo que pienso,
Of thinking what I think,
De ganármelo en mi mano,
Of earning it in my hand,
De valer por lo que cuesto,
Of being worth what I cost,
Y por lo que soy yo, son estos:
And for what I am, these are:
Los cantares de un gusano.
The songs of a worm.

Writer(s): Fernando Delgadillo

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