Ferre Gola - Love - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Ferre Gola - Love

Ba'o luka nani azo beta bonda
Tell me, my love, why do you want to break up?
Bonda ezo betama nde ba cot'oyo
A relationship like this, we should fix it, not break up.
Love ezalaki un bébé doux juste un verre me suffisait
Love was a sweet baby, just a glass was enough for me
Bolingo ekoti tenia amour ekomi bilia lia
Love got inside, love became a must-have
MOUSTAPHA akomi vraiment insatisfait
MOUSTAPHA has become truly unsatisfied
Moustapha sadate junior, Prince
Moustapha Sadate Junior, Prince
Et pourtant ezalaki très propre cerveaux ekoti liyanzi
And yet you were so pure, confusion has entered your mind
Mokusa ya bolingo oyo ngai na landaki
This path of heartbreak is the one I've followed
Epolisi ngai nde lokolo mwana ya mama nazo koka te yeeh yeehh mawa
The police are after me, mama's child, I can't take it anymore, oh the pain
Motema elembi mpasi ya boye
My heart is beating so hard from this pain
Reviens à moi peut être esengo eko réactive sentiment
Come back to me, maybe happiness will reactivate the feeling
Ya sentiment ya JUNIOR AZIZ
The feeling of JUNIOR AZIZ
Amida sadate, yaya yasmine
Amida Sadate, sister Yasmine
Armande sadate l'ingénieur
Armande Sadate the engineer
Na yebisaki yo SADATE le bonheur me suffit pas
I told you, SADATE, happiness is not enough for me
Memisa ngai mua ndambu ya kilo wana ngai na kolala te
It reminds me of the few kilos I lost, I can't sleep
Reviens à moi peut être esengo eko réactive sentiment
Come back to me, maybe happiness will reactivate the feeling
Patricia Edesse mama ya Moustapha
Patricia Edesse, Moustapha's mother
Nzambe asala mokili elengi Satana akotisi désordre
God made the world beautiful, Satan brought disorder
Bolingo ekoki kobomisa mutu tala ndenge na komi kowa eeh
Love can destroy a person, look how I've become like this
Terminer, exploiter que je suis na yebaki te kozalaka ingénieur agronome ya ba mbuma
Finished, exploited, I didn't know she was going to be a crop agronomist
Koka geste thoracique na ngai eh ebimi cent pour cent to sepela ngo mayi eh
She can handle my chest gestures, it comes out one hundred percent, let's celebrate with water, eh
Terminer, exploiter que je suis na yebaki te kozalaka ingénieur agronome ya ba mbuma
Finished, exploited, I didn't know she was going to be a crop agronomist
Koka geste thoracique na ngai eh ebimi cent pour cent to sepela ngo mayi eh
She can handle my chest gestures, it comes out one hundred percent, let's celebrate with water, eh
Ekosala mwa elengi oh
She's so beautiful, oh
Ekosala ngai sentiment soki oye ko chauffe chambre amour na ngai
She makes me feel things, especially when she heats up our love chamber
Bébé soki azo lela libele ya mama eza mosika
Baby, when he cries, his mother's breast is far away
Batiaka ye mosapi na monoko oh
They put their finger in his mouth, oh
Na luki lolemu nayo butu butu sucette na ngai aah
I'm looking for your tongue night after night, my lollipop, ah
FABRICE MOLA a preche ya amourrr
FABRICE MOLA close to love
Na tali réserve y'amour na tikaki na mutu ya mbeto nionso chérie akei nango atikali ngai rien
I looked at the love reserve, I relied on one person, darling, she's gone too, and left me with nothing
Eddy kalambaye
Eddy Kalambaye
Ekosala ngai elengi oh
You make me feel good, oh
Ekosala ngai sentiment soki oye ko chauffe ata salon na ngai
You give me feelings, especially when you heat up even my living room
Na luki lolemu nayo butu butu sucette na ngai caprice nayo peche amour
I'm looking for your tongue night after night, my lollipop, your whims, love sin
Na tali réserve ya amour na tikaki na mutu ya mbeto nionso chérie ake nango atikali ngai rien
I looked at the love reserve, I relied on one person, darling, she's gone too, and left me with nothing
Alekaki awa par hasard na avenue na biso
She passed by here by chance on our avenue
Sima naye na kimia nazua wapi eh?
After the peace and quiet, where do I find it, eh?
Bolingo ya MOUSTAPHA eeh ekomi kozanga ngai
MOUSTAPHA's love, eh, is starting to miss me
Bilengi ya SADATE ekomi ko manquer ngai
SADATE's beauty is starting to miss me
Totola nga na tongo na toka na lela
I wake up in the morning and cry
Safula ngai na ningana te na lela amour ekozala bien ELVIS DESHUGA
Don't comfort me, I'm crying, love will be alright, ELVIS DESHUGA
Aphodite Titi gutar basse d'Angola
Aphrodite Titi, bass guitar from Angola
Bolingo ya MOUSTAPHA eeh ekomi kozanga ngai
MOUSTAPHA's love, eh, is starting to miss me
Bilengi ya SADATE ekomi ko manquer ngai
SADATE's beauty is starting to miss me
Totola nga na tongo, na toka, na lela
I wake up in the morning, in the evening, I cry
Safula ngai na ningana te, na lela amou,r ekozala bien ELVIS DESHUGA
Don't comfort me, I'm crying, love will be alright, ELVIS DESHUGA
Fabrice mulele, papy mpiana, baya aziz akonda
Fabrice Mulele, Papy Mpiana, Baya Aziz is skinny
Moto mosusu amipesa na bolingo
Someone else throws himself into love
Mikolo nionso ayaka kaka na ba plaintes
Every day they come with complaints
Kasi soki olobi naye atika
But if you tell them to leave
Mbala moko Okomi mfiti naye
Suddenly they become bewitched by it
Alex le grand Nigérien Engwubini de l'Afrique
Alex the Great Nigerian, Engwubini of Africa
Alekaki awa par hasard na avenue na biso
She passed by here by chance on our avenue
Sima naye nga kimia nazua wapi eeh
After the peace and quiet with her, where do I find it, eh?
Tongo tongo nazui ba mbote kili kili eeh
Early in the morning, I received greetings, kili kili, eh
Ekeseni ya nini WILLY NTEMBELA?
What's the difference, WILLY NTEMBELA?
Ekeseni ya nini GUY MALUMBANGA?
What's the difference, GUY MALUMBANGA?
Alain finini chocolat partout
Alain Finini, chocolate everywhere
Bolingo ezalaka miracle MOUSTAPHA
Love is a miracle, MOUSTAPHA
Po ngai ya awa nako lala te
Because I can't sleep here anymore
Likolo ya MOUSTAPHA Sabat
The stories of MOUSTAPHA Sabat
Destino bilele
Destino Bilele
Bolingo ya MOUSTAPHA eeh ekomi kozanga ngai
MOUSTAPHA's love, eh, is starting to miss me
Bilengi ya SADATE ekomi ko manquer ngai
SADATE's beauty is starting to miss me
Totola nga na tongo, na toka na lela
I wake up in the morning, in the evening, I cry
Safula ngai na ningana te, na lela amour, ekozala bien ELVIS DESHUGA
Don't comfort me, I'm crying, love will be alright, ELVIS DESHUGA
Alice de Monaco
Alice of Monaco
Bolingo ya MOUSTAPHA SADATE ezokisi motema
MOUSTAPHA SADATE's love is killing my heart
Na sali nionso na luki ba masta to bongisa
I did everything to find masters to fix it
Bolingo yango eboti nde mafiti
That love was witchcraft
Tala batieli nga ba pieges na nzela po baluka liwa ya mwana mutu
They set traps for me on the road because they're after my life
Baluka kaka ngi na kufa po bazala na ya Unis
They just want me dead because they are united
Wana ezo luka liwa ya CHARLES STONE NA CURTIS
They're looking for the death of CHARLES STONE and CURTIS
Kopimela ngai bolingo nayo te
Don't copy your love from me
Eza likelemba te po to kabola ba jours ya bolingo oyo
It's not weakness because we shared the days of this love
Joie d'amour na kweleli makwela oyo
The joy of love, I cried at this wedding
Mu kwenda na munu ba bwala ku sosa keto mu kwela mbangu mbangu SANDRA Mwana je t'aime
Going to the village to look for a wife, getting married quickly, SANDRA, my love, I love you
Guylain Mapeke
Guylain Mapeke
Ata na bomoyi oyo oboyi nayo kolinga ngai
Even in this life, remember you loved me
Bimela nga ata na ndoto
Appear to me even in a dream
Nako belela au nom de JESUS te
I'll scream in the name of JESUS
Kaka po na zala nayo GUELOR KATENGE
Just because I was with her, GUELOR KATENGE
Ezali se bolingo na ngai BERNARD KAVAYI
It's only my love, BERNARD KAVAYI
Ezali se motema na ngai mpo leader po nayo, Maitre Ali
It's only my heart, because you're the leader, Maitre Ali

Writer(s): Bataringe Gola

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