-Sömürü düzeni bu, sömürü!- -döviz, döviz kalmadı;
-This is a system of exploitation, exploitation!- -no currency, no currency left;
Türkiye'nin dözvizi yok- küçücük bir çocuktum, sebebini bilmeden, sokağa çıkamadık, ihtilal oldu sandık, sonra biraz büyüdük, alfabeyi bitirdik, azı dişim çıkmıştı, sünnet bile olmuştum, Kennedy öldürülmüş,
Turkey has no tolerance- I was a little kid, didn't know why, couldn't go outside, we thought it was a revolution, then we grew up a little, finished the alphabet, my baby tooth had come out, even got circumcised, Kennedy was killed,
Migros açılmamıştı,
Migros hadn't opened yet,
Beatles ortada yokken ekonomi bomboktu, Zeki Müren ortada,
The Beatles were nowhere to be seen, the economy was terrible, Zeki Müren was around,
Bülent Ersoy erkekti.
Bülent Ersoy was a man.
Vietnam Savaşını kendisi ile başlattı -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- sonra Ay'a gidildi, evelallah dönüldü, suya yazı yazıldı, içimiz rahatladı,
He started the Vietnam War himself -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- then we went to the Moon, returned by God, water was written on, we were relieved,
Mao henüz ölmemiş, ortaokul bitmemiş, yapyaş yavaşlarken, bankalar hep bomboşmuş, kırat attan inerek, kemerini sıkmıştı, halk üstüne binince, üstümüze çökmüştü.
Mao hadn't died yet, middle school wasn't finished, slowing down, the banks were always empty, the thoroughbred stepped off the horse, tightened his belt, fell on top of the people when they got on, collapsed on top of us.
Hak, hukuk, düzen vardı.
There was right, law, order.
Çüş demesi çok zordu.
It was hard to say fie.
Ortaokul biterken, yine ihtilal oldu. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- Bilgisayar bulunmuş,
As middle school was ending, there was another revolution. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- Computers had been invented,
Deniz Gezmiş asılmış,
Deniz Gezmiş had been hanged,
Papa yine değişmiş,
The Pope had changed again,
Mandela hapisteydi,
Mandela was in prison,
Çevre kirlenmemiş, İbo evlenmemiş,
The environment wasn't polluted, Ibo hadn't gotten married,
Ajda tam boşanırken, dolar yine çıkmıştı. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- Kenan sopalısıydı,
Ajda was just getting divorced, the dollar had gone up again. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- Kenan was a clubber,
Turgut boyalısıydı.
Turgut was a dyer.
Pek anlamazdı amma Mesut ...
He didn't really get it, but Mesut...
Naim kaldırıyordu, zalim bastırıyordu.
Naim was raising, the oppressors were suppressing.
Dün dündür bugün bugün, gafil ablanıyordu.
Yesterday it was yesterday and today it's today, the naive were being tricked.
Kırat attan inerek, kemerini sıkmıştı halk üstüne binince, başımıza çökmüştü.
The thoroughbred stepped off the horse, tightened his belt, fell on top of the people when they got on, collapsed on our heads.
Hak, hukuk, düzen vardı,
There was right, law, order,
Çüş demesi çok zordu.
It was hard to say fie.
Tam askere giderken, yine ihtilal oldu. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- Paşa resim yapardı,
Just as I was going to the army, there was another revolution. -Süleyman Hep Başbakan- The Pasha would paint pictures,