Fil Tilen feat. Mongrel - Džaba Lebaroš - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fil Tilen feat. Mongrel - Džaba Lebaroš

Džaba Lebaroš
Free Loaf
Probudim se podne
I wake up at noon,
Negdje oko 5
Somewhere around 5
Onda opet malo legnem
Then I lie down again for a bit
Jer sam neki eee
Because I'm kind of, like, eeeh
Da bi ispro mozak
To test my brain
Palim dnevnik trljam oči
I turn on the news, rub my eyes
Litre kave točim
Pour liters of coffee
I opet ne radim ništa
And again I do nothing
Imao sam velik izbor kad sam bio malac
I had a big choice when I was a kid
Radi ili kradi ili budi policajac
Work or steal or be a cop
Ali rađe doma pišem pjesme
But I'd rather write songs at home
Slažem novi flou
Craft a new flow
Neg da lažem samog sebe
Than lie to myself
I da odem na biro
And go to the unemployment office
Svi bježe u bijeli svijet
Everyone's fleeing to the white world
Posla nikad dosta
There's never enough work
Ja ostajem u ovoj zemlji
I'm staying in this country
Jer tu nema posla
Because there's no work here
Meni ovdje paše
It suits me here
Jadranka me jaše
Jadranka rides me
Nemam kuću, nemam poso′
I don't have a house, I don't have a job
Sve je moje vaše
Everything of mine is yours
A ja bi samo
And all I would like is
Doma džabe leba
Free bread at home
Voda i ljubav
Water and love
Sve što mi treba
Everything I need
Ja radit ne znam
I don't know how to work
Al' zato repam
But I rap instead
Mikrofon, žene
Microphone, women
I ja sam sretan
And I'm happy
A vodim đumbus od života
And I lead a chaotic life
Viču: klošar!
They shout: Bum!
Pjesnička duša
A poetic soul
U sebi nosi košmar
Carries a nightmare within
čovjek ga čini srce
A man is made by his heart
Ljubav je za dijelit
Love is for sharing
Ajmo ruke do plafona
Let's raise our hands to the ceiling
Koliko ste veliki
How big you are
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba
Water and love, that's all I need
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba
Water and love, that's all I need
Nema ništa na biro-u
There's nothing at the unemployment office
Ni jučer, ni prekjučer, a bome ni lani, ni predlani, ni 2008
Not yesterday, not the day before yesterday, and certainly not last year, or the year before, or 2008
Možda mi se nebo smiješi
Maybe the sky is smiling at me
Gledam sa balkona
I'm looking from the balcony
Jer išo sam na dijetu
Because I went on a diet
Da me posvoji Madonna
So Madonna would adopt me
Ako neće ona
If she won't
Bude Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie will
Jer čuo sam da dijeli novce
Because I heard she gives away money
I da bokce voli
And she likes guys
Svi čitaju žutilo
Everyone reads the tabloids
I svi puše zeleno
And everyone smokes green
Zašto bi se šutilo
Why be silent
Kad je svima jebeno
When everyone's fucked
Kada se zakuri
When it gets lit
Slina mi curi
My drool is dripping
Pa koda mi se žuri
Like I'm in a hurry
Po dva u turi
Two at a time
Budistički sam strpljiv
I'm Buddhist patient
što se tiče posla
When it comes to work
Konobar sam bio... bio
I was a waiter... was
Više sam od gosta
I'm more of a guest
Naraslo mi srce
My heart grew
Procvale mi oči
My eyes blossomed
Kada snimio sam malu
When I recorded the little one
Kako hladnu pivu toči
How she pours cold beer
Jao a što se pjeni
Oh, how it foams
Ja-a-aoo a dodaj meni
Oh-h-h, give me some
Kad novci drže te za jaja
When money holds you by the balls
Jaja bolje hladi
Better cool your balls
Ajmo noge gore
Let's put our feet up
Džaba lebaroš u zgradi
Free bread in the building
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba
Water and love, that's all I need
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba
Water and love, that's all I need
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba
Water and love, that's all I need
Al nema džabe leba
But there's no free bread
Nema džabe leba
No free bread
I kažu mi da pare neće pasti s neba
And they tell me money won't fall from the sky
A ja bi samo da se smijem i da pjevam
And all I want is to laugh and sing
Voda i ljubav, to je sve što meni treba.
Water and love, that's all I need.
Fil Tilen
Fil Tilen

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