Fil Tilen - Debela - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fil Tilen - Debela

Fat Girl
Ovo je pijesma o mojoj bivsoj curi
This is a song about my ex-girlfriend
Ljubav, ljubav je zajebana stvar
Love, love is a bitch
Ljubav je slijepa, ah stvar
Love is blind, ah yeah
Kad sam je upozno nije bilo tako grozno
When I met her it wasn't that bad
Cinila se skupa, slatka, prava, glupa
She seemed expensive, sweet, real, stupid
Zavrsili smo skupa u kineskom restoranu
We ended up together in a Chinese restaurant
Samo smo se gledali i zvakali hranu
We just looked at each other and ate
To se zove ljubav tako mi je rekla
That's called love, that's what she told me
I gledala me tako vruce da me je opekla
And she looked at me so hot that she burned me
Ona se zaljubila bez beda
She fell in love without a care
A ja sam samo htijeo da umocim frenda
And I just wanted to dip my friend
Dani su prolazili falila je sve vise
Days went by, she missed me more and more
Nisam to razumio, ja sam se zaljubio
I didn't understand it, I was in love
Jos od restorana prije tjedan dana
Ever since the restaurant a week ago
Prokleti kinezi i chungkunfu hrana
Damn Chinese and their chungkunfu food
Parkici, klupice, setnjice za rukice
Parks, benches, walks hand in hand
Kavice, pusice i u autu fukice
Coffee, cigarettes and fucking in the car
Tako ti to ide i onda zavrsis u vezi
That's how it goes and then you end up in a relationship
Poslusan ko Lesi, suti, sijedi lezi
Obedient as Lassie, shut up, sit, lie down
Sedi - ok
Sit - ok
Lezi - pa evo
Lie down - here I go
Donesi - idem
Fetch - I'm coming
I suti - e necu
And shut up - no way
Zivjeli smo skupa, trpio sam teror
We lived together, I endured terror
Ljubav me omeksala ko da popijo sam Lennor
Love softened me up like I drank Lenor
I dok moji piju pivo od tilena ni traga
And while my friends drink beer, there's no sign of Tilen
Jer meni moja draga nije dala preko praga
Because my darling didn't let me out the door
Nisam vise mogo, postalo je tesko
I couldn't take it anymore, it became difficult
Zmirijo na lijepe zene ko' jebeni Pesko
I stared at beautiful women like a damn Pesko
I ako sam pogledo onda sam najebo
And if I looked, then I was fucked
Do ducana utorkom, a sex samo petkom
To the store on Tuesdays, and sex only on Fridays
Vidim grizao sam nokte, i poceo mucat
I see I was biting my nails, and started stuttering
Od stresa i straha po noci buncat
From stress and fear, raving at night
I nije bilo dobro, sa mnom sve u redu
And it wasn't good, everything was fine with me
Ljubav pocela je pucat, ja zagrlio sam medu
Love started to crack, I hugged the bear
Taj dan sam vidio da je ljubav slepa
That day I saw that love is blind
Sta sam manje voleo sve je manje bila lepa
The less I loved, the less beautiful she became
Ustvari, upomoc, doziveo sam fras
Actually, help, I experienced a crash
Njena guzica, sise i dlake su pocele rast
Her butt, tits and hair started to grow
Ogromna je bila, oko 150 kila
She was huge, about 330 pounds
Pa je skocila na Fila
So she jumped on Fil
I bilo mi je jasno, za mene je prekasno
And it was clear to me, it's too late for me
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Moja cura je debela
My girl is fat
Ona ne voli ogledala
She doesn't like mirrors
Krevet puca dok se na-na-na
The bed cracks while she na-na-na
Ona sve nas bude pojela
She will eat us all
Sa debelom sniclom namamio sam dragu
With a fat steak I lured my darling
Kad stala je na vagu, vaga otisla je k vragu
When she stood on the scale, the scale went to hell
Onda je popizdela, pokazala mi trik
Then she freaked out, showed me a trick
Nije mogla dignut nogu, dobio sam low kick
She couldn't lift her leg, I got a low kick
Tu noc sam skuzio da kraj mene ne lezi
That night I realized that she wasn't lying next to me
Palim svetla u kuhinji, ona jede i rezi
I turn on the lights in the kitchen, she's eating and growling
I onda sam video da ovo nije sala
And then I saw that this was not a joke
I da moja slatka mala, vec odavno nije mala
And that my sweet little one, has not been little for a long time
Evo prosli mesec ja i moj mesec
Here last month, me and my buddy
Isli na kebace i deserte ona placa
We went for kebabs and desserts, she's paying
Pojela je 12 ogromnih kolaca
She ate 12 huge cakes
Gledam i ne verujem, kuja ne povraca
I watch and can't believe it, the bitch doesn't puke
Jedan kebab drzi, drugi jede treci gleda
She holds one kebab, eats the second, looks at the third
I jos mase rukom, hoce preko reda
And she waves her hand, she wants to skip the line
U torbici q pack mozda bude zedna
In her purse, a juice box, maybe she'll get thirsty
Jer gajbicu dvije s mamom pije preko tjedna
Because she drinks two gallons with her mom during the week
Kad se hoce sexat mene boli glava
When she wants to have sex, I have a headache
Okrenem se s mjesta i pravim da spavam
I turn around and pretend to be asleep
Al' kuzi ona fore i ne upali mi uvijek
But she knows the tricks and it doesn't always work for me
Zadnji put me htjela dok je jela burek
Last time she wanted me while she was eating burek
Ovo nije sexy
This is not sexy
Ona pogleda me i zazeli dobar texy
She looks at me and wants a good texy
Oblio me hladan znoj
Cold sweat poured over me
Jer kotrljam se po sobi al' jos sam na njoj
Because I'm rolling around the room but I'm still on her
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Kolaci (mmm)
Cakes (mmm)
Prozvaci (ahah)
Chew (ahah)
Igramo se sakrivaca
We're playing hide and seek
Lazem ne mogu je naci (ahahhaha)
I'm lying, I can't find her (ahahhaha)
Gledali smo Titanik, plakala je suze
We watched Titanic, she cried tears
Zasto hladan ocean Leonarda uze
Why did the cold ocean take Leonardo
Kada je zavrsilo je pala u bananu
When it was over, she fell into a banana
I u suzama je pojela sve jestivo u stanu
And in tears, she ate everything edible in the apartment
Rastegnute majice, pukle su joj tajice
Stretched T-shirts, her leggings burst
I po sobi skace kad ne stane u hlace
And she jumps around the room when she doesn't fit in her pants
Jednom mi je rekla i da tangice bi htela
She once told me she wanted thongs
Al' nisam naso broj ni kod Djure xxl-a
But I couldn't find her size even at Djura xxl
U vreme pms-a kaze da je zeljna mesa
During PMS, she says she craves meat
U birtiji se opijam jer se bojim sexa
I get drunk at the bar because I'm afraid of sex
Umesto buketa, pola kile vratine
Instead of a bouquet, half a kilo of neck
Kad dodjem doma pijan da ne dobijem batine
When I get home drunk so I don't get beaten
Za rodjendan je htela kucnoga ljubimca
For her birthday, she wanted a pet
Imali smo zeca i vise ga nemamo
We had a rabbit and we don't have it anymore
Gde je, kud je nesto
Where is he, where is he something
(Tak nekak)
(Something like that)
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Moja cura je debela
My girl is fat

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Raul Peica, Slaven Beriä†

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