Finx feat. Lara - Don't Be My Friend - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Finx feat. Lara - Don't Be My Friend

Don't Be My Friend
Don't Be My Friend
Ir ka cilvēki, viņi parasti
It is so that people, they usually
Draudzējas ar saviem domu biedriem
Make friends with their soulmates
Un mums te tagad šitajā bariņā ir daudz kopīga
And we now have a lot in common in this flock
Bet mums ar tevi nav nekā kopīga
But you and I have nothing in common
Jo like mēs esam ļoti atšķirīgi
Because like we are very different
Un ja mēs negribam lai tu esi mums blakus
And if we don't want you to be with us
Tad tev nav jābūt mums blakus
Then you don't have to be with us
I mean, es nezinu
I mean, I don't know
(Lara and Finx)
(Lara and Finx)
Sāc ar sevi
Start with yourself
Es atminos to kad biju vēl sīks
I remember when I was still young
Es niķojos, bet tik un biju mīlēts
I was being bitchy, but still I was loved
Es atcerosto kad man bija desmit (Jā)
I remember when I was ten (Yes)
Visi mani ienīda un sadzīvot nebij' vēts
Everybody hated me and it was not easy to get along
Braucu ar autobusu katru dienu trīs stundas
I was riding a bus three hours every day
Runājos ar dreugim nulle stundas
Talking to a friend zero hours
Pilnveidoju talantu tikai dažas stundas
I was improving my talent only some hours
Un nepadevos pielikt ekstra sekundes
And I didn't give up to make more seconds
Tās skrien garām
They are going away
Meklējot sevi
Looking for myself
Dziedot un skrienot saprast tevi
Singing and running to understand you
Laikam nebij' laika get laikam esmu viens
Probably I didn't have time to have time because I'm alone
Tagad esmu liels un ir iekšējais miers
Now I'm an adult and I have inner peace
Kad nav kur iet es griežos pie sevis
When I have nowhere to go, I go back to myself
Kad slēpjos no sevis jūtos zaglis
When I'm hiding from myself, I feel like a thief
Tev šobrīd esmu lieks
Now I'm too much for you
Rīt būšu viens
Tomorrow I will be alone
Varētu taikt ka mums ir vajadzīgs miers
I could say we need peace
Vai tu ticēji sev
Did you believe in yourself
Vai tu tēloji
Or did you pretend
Kautkā galā tu nokļuvi
Somehow you got
Ceļš vel ir tāls
The road is still long
Kalniem Pilns
Full of mountains
Līkumiem pilns
Full of bends
Bedrēm pilns
Full of pits
Es atminos to kad bija piektā klase
I remember when it was the fifth grade
Dienasgrāmatā bij' divi divi divi viens
In my diary there were two two two one
Divi pieci četri divi, 112
Two five four two, 112
Zvana prasa kur ir man vel divi divi
The bell rings and asks where are my two two
Misters viens nav neviens
Mister one is nobody
Draugiem ir prieks jūtos super lieks
Friends are happy I feel super weird
Pēctam pārvācos uz rīgu
Then I moved to Riga
Meklēju intensāku dzīvi
Looking for a more intense life
Vienīgais ko atceros bij'
All I remember was
Agri rīti, vēlas naktis
Early mornings, late nights
Mājās kaķis, pavadīt mājās dažas stundas
A cat at home, spending a few hours at home
It was FED UP
Murgs nevis sapnis
A nightmare not a dream
Mans sapnis
My dream
Bet es gribu būt
But I want to be
Dzīvāks par dzīvu un stiprāks par brīvu
Be alive and stronger than free
Pabeidzot rīgu esmu neapstādināms
When finish Riga I'm unstoppable
Sit cik gribi, neizkustināms
Hit as much as you want, you can't move me
Saki ko gribi bet asaras nebirs
Say what you want but the tears won't fall
Varbūt patiesībā es neesmu viens
Maybe in fact I'm not alone
Varbūt es neesmu viens
Maybe I'm not alone
Varbūt es neesmu viens,
Maybe I'm not alone, yes
Reāli, draugi man ir visur
Seriously, I have friends everywhere
Gan te gan rīgā
Here and in Riga
like man, man ir draugi,
Yes like me, I have friends, yes
Kur problēmas?
Where are the problems?

Writer(s): Ainārs Krastiņš

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