Finx - Debesis Nav Zilas (Don't Be My Friend)pt. 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Finx - Debesis Nav Zilas (Don't Be My Friend)pt. 2

Debesis Nav Zilas (Don't Be My Friend)pt. 2
The Sky Ain't Blue (Don't Be My Friend) pt. 2
"Kā attiecības rodās - tās romantiskās
"How relationships are born - those romantic ones.
Tas ir tad kad tu sākumā mīli sevi
It's when you love yourself first.
Un tikai tad kad tu mīli sevi tādu kāds tu esi
And only when you love yourself for who you are.
Tad tad tu vari iemīlēt kādu citu kurš mīl tevi tādu kāds tu esi
Then you can love someone else who loves you for who you are.
Ar draugiem ir aptuveni līdzīgi
It's kinda similar with friends.
Basicaly tev ir jābūt par interesantu cilvēku
Basicaly, you have to be an interesting person.
Bet ja ne par interesantu, tad par ieinteresētu
But if not an interesting one, then an interested one.
Jo ja tev ir lidmašīna un tev izkrīt tās elpošanas maskas
Because if you are on a plane and the oxygen masks fall out.
Tev sākumā jāuzvelk sev maska, un tikai tad tu vari citiem uzvilkt
You have to put on a mask yourself first, and only then can you put it on others.
Tāpēc ka ja tu būsi beigts, tad tu varēsi palīdzēt citam
Because if you're dead, then how can you help someone else.
Rēķini, tev ir kautkā jācenšās sevi uzlabot
Consider, you have to try to improve yourself somehow.
Lai tu kādam šķistu interesants
So that you seem interesting to someone.
Esmu saņēmusi ļoti daudz hate arī skolā
I have received a lot of hate even at school.
Tas nozīmē man nav bijuša ne ģimenes atbalsta, ne skolas atbalsta"
It means I had neither family support, nor school support."
Es atminos to kad, pagaidi,
I remember that when, wait, no.
Es atceros to kad jutos bērns
I remember that when I felt like a child.
Mani nesa uz pleciem, visur viss apkārt
They didn't carry me on their shoulders, everything, everyone around.
Bet tagad tas viss ir tikai pagātnē, tagad
But now it's all in the past, now
Iekrājums kontā, Trūkums baudā
Savings in the account, lack in pleasure.
Vairs nav tīra gaisa, es gribu tikt laukā
There's no fresh air, I want to get out.
Bet pietrūkst man rutīna, Pietrūkst man draugi
But I miss the routine, I miss my friends.
Pietrūkst man svētki, pilsētas un lauki
I miss the holidays, the cities and the countryside.
Un huzin tas beigsies, saka nevajag steigties
And who knows how it will end, they say there's no need to rush.
Kad šī stulbā slimība vienkārši var beigsies!
When this stupid disease can just end!
Bet slimība, rozā brilles nobeidza mani
But like a disease, rose-colored glasses finished me.
Egoisma pilns noroku sevi, kas te, kapi?
Full of egoism I buried myself, what's this, a grave?
Esmu skrējis pakaļ skuķēm, bedzot pieleca izbeigt
I've been chasing girls, begging to jump out and end it.
Pat vienreiz visu apsolija lai izdrāstu dzīvu šeit
Once even promised everything to get me out of here alive.
Un piedrāza mani, vienreiz burtiksi, otreiz ne
And they hurt me, once literally, the second time not like that.
Tagad tikai redzu bildes ar citiem čaļiem netā
Now I only see pictures with other guys online.
Debesis nav zilas
The sky ain't blue.
Īsta sirds nav sirds formā
A real heart ain't heart-shaped.
Svētkus svinam tikai savās gultās
We only celebrate holidays in our beds.
Cerot gaidot citu domas
Hoping and waiting for the thoughts of others.
Un ko? Man skauž? Tu paskaties divreiz
And what? Are you jealous? Look twice.
Not funny, didnt laugh, man atkārtot velreiz?
Not funny, didn't laugh, do I have to repeat again?
Esmu puzles licējs, sliktu domu sitējs
I'm a puzzle solver, a hitter of bad thoughts.
Šanbja pudeļu pisējs, žanru noteikt nevar
A pisser of champagne bottles, genre can't be defined.
Iešu kāzās ar skuķi vārdā mūziku
I'll go to the wedding with a girl named Music.
Bet viņu piekrāpšu ar savo labo roku
But I'll cheat on her with my good hand.
Stop. Sveiki mani sauc ainārs, esmu gudrs idiots no Salaspils
Stop. Hello, my name is Ainars, I'm a smart idiot from Salaspils.
Steiki vienmēr mainās bet jā, man ir liels (Es zvēru ja viņš pateiks daikts)
Steaks are always changing but yeah, I have a big (I swear if he says thing)
Gribasspēks kas virza visu uz priekšu
Willpower that drives everything forward.
Tikai grūti izprast kurā virzienā es iešu
It's just hard to understand which direction I'm going in.
Kādā ātrumā, kādā laikaposmā
At what speed, in what timeframe.
Un ja nu viss tik un beigtos, jūs sešas nezinājāt kas jūs gaida
And if everything ended like this, you six wouldn't know what awaits you.
Kad šitā karantīna beigsies es būšu karalis, bet jūs nevis karalienes, bet laidnes
When this quarantine is over, I'll be the king, but you won't be queens, you'll be pawns.
Bez manis šī spēle būtu bezjēdzīga, bet bez jums, garlaicīga (šahs un mats)
Without me this game would be meaningless, but without you, boring (checkmate).
Debesis nav zilas
The sky ain't blue.
Īsta sirds nav sirds formā
A real heart ain't heart-shaped.
Svētkus svinam tikai savās gultās
We only celebrate holidays in our beds.
Cerot gaidot citu domas
Hoping and waiting for the thoughts of others.
Fuck it, break the rules, third verse in english
Fuck it, break the rules, third verse in english.
I can't get in to the bed, i can't get out of the bed
I can't get in to the bed, i can't get out of the bed.
If i can be a king then ill ask to bring your head
If i can be a king then ill ask to bring your head.
See, this is more than a game, i see my friends rise to fame
See, this is more than a game, i see my friends rise to fame.
I'm stuck on the ground feels lame, i have changed, I'm not the same
I'm stuck on the ground feels lame, i have changed, I'm not the same.
Turning insane, in days, in ways every second is a waste of my
Turning insane, in days, in ways every second is a waste of my.
Time that costs more money and precious life this doesn't feel
Time that costs more money and precious life this doesn't feel.
Right, i thought i found my self in music
Right, i thought i found my self in music.
But still, i don't know how and why
But still, i don't know how and why.
Talk about regrets, there is no backwards button on the clock. Can't
Talk about regrets, there is no backwards button on the clock. Can't.
Digress, i write this for me or get writers block. Yeah I'm a
Digress, i write this for me or get writers block. Yeah I'm a.
Mess, I've seen so much shit i should cut. But love for music is
Mess, I've seen so much shit i should cut. But love for music is.
Bless, girl, don't leave signs, just ask
Bless, girl, don't leave signs, just ask.
Wanna fuck? If you wanna, you can suck
Wanna fuck? If you wanna, you can suck.
You will scream from my D oh my god like you're fucking Norris Chuck
You will scream from my D oh my god like you're fucking Norris Chuck.
So best of luck to you, or miss out you will
So best of luck to you, or miss out you will.
Ha ha but you're shy so ask yourself why
Ha ha but you're shy so ask yourself why.
The sky aint blue, why my heart isn't in the shape of a heart
The sky aint blue, why my heart isn't in the shape of a heart.
Why you're stuck at home in bed, you don't need permition to get out
Why you're stuck at home in bed, you don't need permission to get out.
I chalange you, go ahead!
I challenge you, go ahead!

Writer(s): Ainārs Krastiņš

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