Fire Ball - P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fire Ball - P.R.O.G.R.E.S.S.

Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
あの日の火種は消さずに Fire 寝静まる真夜中灯せよ Fire
That day's tinder is not extinguished Fire Light your night lamp at the dead of night Fire
音売る Jugglaz 赤目の Hustler
Sound-selling Jugglaz Red-eyed Hustler
知ってる奴らに知らない奴ら いなくても聞こえるイケてる奴は
To those who know me and those who don't Even if you're not there, you can hear those who are cool
We're the Urusei Yatsuras born in the Showa era
誰が来た! 誰が来た? おぉまさか!? そのまさか! FIRE B だ!
Who came? Who came? Oh, no way! It's that guy! FIRE B!
You are really a woman. A woman who doesn't matter.
Shut The Fuck Up 我々が Fire
Shut The Fuck Up We are Fire
変幻自在時代の間 心鷲掴み揺らしていく Floor 耳からくらう羅列の言葉 Mi A Deejay
Versatile In the time of the times Captivating your hearts and rocking the Floor The words that are heard from the ear Mi A Deejay
知らしめるそれが存在価値で 仕事遊び含め挑むマジで まるで博士任せやらせなしで Anytime Mi Readyマイクを手に
To let you know that's the value of existence Seriously challenging work and play like a doctor without any help Anytime Mi Ready with the mic in his hand
意識の覚醒鳴らす New Day
Conscious awakening sounding New Day
サクセス掴み取るための作戦 多少の苦労承知の上 失せろ Back Biter 匙投げりゃゲームセット
Grabbing success strategy Knowing a little bit of hardship Get lost Back Biter Throw the spoon and it's game over
20年越え未だ続投 巻き起こす神風ここが極東 浴びるスポットライト見とけとくと 人が続々と続々と
Over 20 years and still going strong The divine wind here in the Far East Take a spotlight and keep an eye on it People continue to come in droves
Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
あの日の火種は消さずに Fire 寝静まる真夜中灯せよ Fire
That day's tinder is not extinguished Fire Light your night lamp at the dead of night Fire
音売る Jugglaz 赤目の Hustler
Sound-selling Jugglaz Red-eyed Hustler
知ってる奴らに知らない奴ら いなくても聞こえるイケてる奴は
To those who know me and those who don't Even if you're not there, you can hear those who are cool
We're the Urusei Yatsuras born in the Showa era
誰が来た! 誰が来た? おぉまさか!? そのまさか! FIRE B だ!
Who came? Who came? Oh, no way! It's that guy! FIRE B!
研ぎ澄ました Flow 灼熱の火を上げろ We Still Run De Town
Sharpened Flow Raise the blazing fire We Still Run De Town
熱くなんなら直火じゃねえと 前にも増してまるで火のトルネード その程度で話しかけてくんじゃねーよ もう邪念は消えろ もうざけんじゃねーぞ
If you don't get hot, it's not a fire More than before, like a fire tornado Don't talk to me like that Get rid of your evil thoughts Don't mess with me
入れ替わる Love Hate まるでかつてのアパルトヘイト みたく恨みを買う腐った制度 なら喝入れろ やっぱ愛じゃねーの
Love and Hate change places like the former apartheid Feeling hatred like a rotten system Give a cheer because it's love
積み重ねていく閃きとキャリアと努力となにより惜しまぬ愛情 サイトの上では感じれないぞ 来場者には格別なライブを
Accumulating inspiration and career and effort and above all love You can't feel it on the site For visitors, there is a special live
愛を届けるマイクで毎度 前からナイトはマイトでタイト
Delivering love with a microphone every time From the beginning, the night is tight with might
変わっちまったのはお前の方だぜ 変わらず俺らはここからシャウト
You're the one who's changed We'll keep shouting from here
Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
Big Up Every Streets &Big Up Every Corner
あの日の火種は消さずに Fire 寝静まる真夜中灯せよ Fire
That day's tinder is not extinguished Fire Light your night lamp at the dead of night Fire
音売る Jugglaz 赤目の Hustler
Sound-selling Jugglaz Red-eyed Hustler
知ってる奴らに知らない奴ら いなくても聞こえるイケてる奴は
To those who know me and those who don't Even if you're not there, you can hear those who are cool
昭和生まれのうる星やつら 誰が来た! 誰が来た? おぉまさか!? そのまさか! FIRE B だ!
We're the Urusei Yatsuras born in the Showa era Who came? Who came? Oh, no way! It's that guy! FIRE B!
絶好調だ Everything′s So Nice 見ろよ順風満帆な
I'm in great shape Everything's So Nice Look at the smooth sailing
Music Life 冷めた世界なんかには興味ない 今もメラメラ燃えてるパンチライン
Music Life I'm not interested in a cold world The punchline is still burning
FIRE B が着いたら BAD JAPANESE から FIST & FIRE 盛り上がりにかけてはダントツで乗り込めボリューム全開で
When FIRE B arrives, from BAD JAPANESE to FIST & FIRE With the best in excitement, turn up the volume
過去を超えて Progress 生き抜くため歩む道は Dangerous
Beyond the past Progress The path to survival is Dangerous
行けども Too Much Problems この世界がどう変わろうと Gotta Keep Burnin'
Too many problems everywhere In this changing world Gotta Keep Burnin'

Writer(s): Fire Ball, Gunhead, fire ball, gunhead

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