Flacid - Homiez - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Flacid - Homiez

Yow, let's go
Yo, let's go
This ur boyz
This is your boyz
Teriak dalam sepi but my homies try to save me
Screaming in silence but my homies try to save me
Ku tau ini sakit tapi ku tetap berdiri
I know it hurts, but I'm still standing
Di hantam barikade aku pasti bangkit lagi
Hit by the barricade, I'll definitely rise again
So kawan jangan takut tuk berlari
So, my friend, don't be afraid to run
Shout the homies we are livin like in cali
Shout out to the homies, we're livin' like in Cali
Duduk diam santai hisap weed dan arak bali
Sit back, relax, smoke weed and Bali arak
Syukur ku panjatkan atas rahmat sang ilahi
I give thanks for the grace of the divine
Persetan dengan orang ocehan tak kudengarkan
Screw the gossip, I don't listen to it
Putar tegak santai jangan coba ganggu kami
Sit upright, chill, don't try to bother us
Flacid buat track independent dan bernyali
Flacid makes tracks, independent and courageous
Kau bole cek kepalaku penuh rima dan puisi
You can check my head, full of rhymes and poetry
Tak perlu banyak diksi tapi ocehku berisi
No need for a lot of words, but my speech is full
Woke up in the morning and im ready for the aksi
Woke up in the morning and I'm ready for the action
Tak perlu pakai dasi, pejabat yang korupsi
No need for a tie, the corrupt officials
Lawan korporasi struggle for my homies
Fight corporations, struggle for my homies
Duduk sama rata berdiri angkat senjata
Sit equal, stand up, raise weapons
Ingat masa ini kawan bila nanti kita tua
Remember this time, my friend, when we're old
Kita pernah bersama tlusuri tiap jalan
We were together, exploring every road
Menembus kabut malam
Breaking through the night fog
And all we're doing just for fun
And all we're doing is just for fun
(Yeah for fun)
(Yeah for fun)
Duduk santai kawan we're just havin fun
Sit back, my friend, we're just havin' fun
Duduk santai kawan we're just burning blunts
Sit back, my friend, we're just burning blunts
Saat ku dibawah ku di atas aku slalu stay fun
When I'm down, when I'm up, I always stay fun
Walau hidup berat jangan coba tuk berhenti
Even though life is hard, don't try to stop
Pikul dengan erat ima struggle with da the homies
Carry it tightly, we're struggling with the homies
Jika bukan karena mereka mungkin mati baik saja
If it weren't for them, I might have just died peacefully
Mereka beri tawa berikanku seribu canda
They give laughter, they give me a thousand jokes
Buat aku lupa dengan luka dengan semua yang terjadi
Makes me forget about the wounds, about everything that happened
Aku ucap terimakasih karena sudah slalu ada
I say thank you for always being there
Duduk santai kawan we're just havin fun
Sit back, my friend, we're just havin' fun
Duduk santai kawan we're just burning blunts
Sit back, my friend, we're just burning blunts
Saat ku dibawah ku di atas aku slalu stay fun
When I'm down, when I'm up, I always stay fun
Duduk santai kawan we're just havin fun
Sit back, my friend, we're just havin' fun
Duduk santai kawan we're just burning blunts
Sit back, my friend, we're just burning blunts
Saat ku dibawah ku di atas aku slalu stay fun
When I'm down, when I'm up, I always stay fun
Yeah ey
Yeah ey
Shoutout to all my homies
Shoutout to all my homies
Respect to all of my friends i ever have
Respect to all of my friends I ever have
Love you, peace and love
Love you, peace and love

Writer(s): Daniel Sathiya Nugroho

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