Flashy Ice Cream feat. Santa Salut - Glaç - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Flashy Ice Cream feat. Santa Salut - Glaç

Ice Cream
Arenas movedizas, historias malditas
Quicksand, cursed stories
Me pierdo aunque haya pistas
I get lost even though there are clues
No siento fuerzas aunque me insistas
I don't feel strong even if you insist
Demasiado presente lo que ya está atrás
Too present what is already behind
Oye, dónde vas, para y observa qué hay detrás
Hey, where are you going? Stop and look what’s behind
No saps què passarà al matí quan t′aixeques del matalàs
You don’t know what will happen in the morning when you get out of bed
No ets capaç de allargar cap braç per
You are not able to reach out
Ajudar al que et trobes al mig del pas
To help the one you find in the middle of the way
Tinc l′animà freda com el glaç
My soul is cold as ice
Després serà aigua i deprés serà gas, vaig pel terrat com un gat
Then it will be water and then it will be gas, I go on the roof like a cat
La llibreta oberta, el boli ben agafat
The notebook open, the pen well held
Serà per sempre l'amistat? Ja no tinc el cap quadrat
Will friendship last forever? My head is not squared anymore
Ja no busco excuses perquè la música m'ha salvat
I'm not looking for excuses anymore because music saved me
que estic del revés com un ratpenat, però m′ajuda a volar en picat
I know I'm upside down like a bat, but it helps me fly up high
Això es rap en contra de la maldat
This is rap against evil
No si t′has percatat, que ja he catat tot tipus d'esclat
I don't know if you noticed, that I have already tasted all kinds of bursts
No saps res del meu passat, només busco la veritat
You know nothing about my past, I’m just looking for the truth
Patriarcat per erigir ciutats (Yeh, yeh), cada dia un pas en fals
Patriarchy to erect cities (Yeh, yeh), every day a false step
Estic fent trial per triar el que val
I'm doing a trial to choose what's worth
Aguantar i cada punyal, lluito per ser ben adalt
To hold on and every stab, I fight to be high up
Escupo ràbia, fumo Aràbia
I spit rage, I smoke Arabia
Com un ocellet, nena, tancat a la gàbia
Like a little bird, baby, locked in a cage
Troba′m a flatar com els macarrons de l'àvia, paraula
Find me puffing like grandma's macaroni, word
Soc el que castigaven darrere l′aula
I'm the one they punished in the back of the classroom
I ara els nens m'escolten com al puto professor
And now the kids listen to me like the fucking teacher
o no, qué pasó, dia a dia estem millor
Yes or no, what happened, day by day we are better
Sense pasta, sense horari, tot fumat rulant per el barri
Without pasta, without a schedule, all smoked rolling around the neighborhood
Si vols anells te′ls faig amb el fum de la haze
If you want rings, I'll make them for you with the haze smoke
Jo he vist a camells més honrats que presidents
I have seen camels more honorable than presidents
I ara mira'm, i ara mira'm, ballant al punt de mira
And now look at me, now look at me, dancing at gunpoint
Només notes la soga quan estira
You only notice the rope when it pulls
I en una rima explico més que tu en tota la teva vida
And in one rhyme I explain more than you do in your whole life
Moltes paraules, però totes mentida
Many words, but all lies
que hi han problemes i el primer que es gira
I know there are problems and the first one to turn
És el primer que es caga quan no la clica darrera, yeah
Is the first one who shits himself when he doesn’t have the clique behind, yeah
No em sento un gàngster, però que somio amb cadenes d′or (D′or)
I don't feel like a gangster, but I do dream of gold chains (Gold)
Poder escriure el teu nom en una bala de plom (Pew, pew)
To be able to write your name on a lead bullet (Pew, pew)
Vull cambiar l'aigua per diners de la font (Eh, yeah)
I want to change the water for money from the fountain (Eh, yeah)
Del parc del costat de me casa, o almenys que surti ron
From the park next to my house, or at least rum comes out
Tinc a l′àvia dient que la meva música es santa
I have grandma saying my music is holy
Que ja no resa per la Verge
That she doesn’t pray to the Virgin anymore
Sinó per tenir pasta a sobre de la taula
But to have money on the table
Money per comprar rings a la mare (Eh, eh, eh, eh, yah)
Money to buy mom rings (Eh, eh, eh, eh, yah)
Per tirar-li al teu ex a la cara (Que el follin)
To throw it in your ex's face (Screw him)
Elles escriuen el meu nom a les parets de la city
They write my name on the city walls
No paren de botar-ho, semblen eleccions per triar al presi (Jah)
They keep bouncing it, they look like elections to choose the president (Jah)
Sabràs que has passat la línia quan jo em piri
You’ll know that you crossed the line when I get pissed off
Són les 5 i per fi et tinc aquí ballant-ho so sexy (Yo')
It’s 5 and I finally have you here dancing so sexy (Yo')
Uns busquen la sortida i altres troben èxits
Some seek the way out and others find success
Només una manera d′arribar adalt i es diu "Flashy" (La meva gang)
I only know one way to get to the top and it's called "Flashy" (My gang)
Faré que el català soni d'Itàlia a Mèxic
I will make Catalan sound from Italy to Mexico
Emporta′t el que vulguis mentres em deixis la music (Word)
Take whatever you want as long as you leave me the music (Word)
La meva crema és tan bona que no li falten toppings (No li falten)
My ice cream is so good that it doesn't lack toppings (It doesn’t lack them)
Donant voltes pel club, de fondo sona loopings
Going around the club, loopings playing in the background
I ara mira
And now look
Oye, dónde vas, para y observa
Hey, where are you going, stop and watch
La music
M'ajuda a volar en picat
It helps me fly up high
Ballant al punt de mira
Dancing at gunpoint
La meva—, la-la meva—,
My—, my-my—,
La meva crema és tan bona que no li falten toppings
My ice cream is so good that it doesn't lack toppings
Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream
Fla-Fla-Flashy Ice Cream
The fucking DAAX
The fucking DAAX

Writer(s): Pol Vidal Ribas

Flashy Ice Cream feat. Santa Salut - Don Gelato
Don Gelato
date de sortie

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