Sing whatever pops into my head, that is my style, my profile
Ischs nid schön, am Läbe z sy? Die einzig Blöde sy die Öde
Isn't it great to be alive? The only fools are the dull ones
Wo dumm umeschnöde? sy verbii I weiss doch nid? s geit mi nüt a
Who sneers around? They have had their day. I don't know? It's not my business
Söu i blibe oder söu i gah
Should I stay or should I go
I ha ke Blasse
I have no idea
Wär isch besser u wär isch schlächt
Who is better and who is worse
Wär isch dümmer u wär het Rächt
Who is stupider and who is right
Die einte möi mi, die angere chöi mi
Some like me, others can have me
Chrüzwis Ig bine suburbane Mundartstar
What the hell, I'm the suburban dialect star
Ke Chole, kes Outo, u i loufe Gfahr
No car, no car, and I'm taking risks
Lose nümm uf Lüt wo mit Ach u Krach
I no longer listen to people who, with great difficulty
Wei verhindere nach u nach
Gradually want to prevent me
D Stimmig vermindere Sueche grüble pöble göisse
From spoiling the mood, searching, brooding, whining, pouring
He, he, Frou Meier het ds Spiel doch gheisse I weiss doch nid? s geit mi nüt a
Hey, hey, Mrs. Meyer started the game after all. I don't know? It's not my business
Söu i blibe oder söu i gah
Should I stay or should I go
I ha ke Blasse
I have no idea
Wär isch besser u wär isch schlächt
Who is better and who is worse
Wär isch dümmer u wär het Rächt
Who is stupider and who is right
Die einte möi mi, die angere chöi mi
Some like me, others can have me
Chrüzwis Wo isch d Kurve? verwütschi se oder nii
What the hell, where is the curve? Do I curse them or not
I ha kei Charte wo mi länkt, keis Navi wo mitdänkt
I have no map to guide me, no navigation system to think along with me
I bin e geile Siech wo alles miech, wie seit me scho wieder? Siebesiech! Ds Schicksau meints überall brutal genial I weiss doch nid? s geit mi nüt a
I am a cool sick person who does everything, what is it again? Seven sick! Fate means it everywhere, brutally, genially. I don't know? It's not my business
Söu i blibe oder söu i gah
Should I stay or should I go
I ha ke Blasse
I have no idea
Isch är ächt oder öppe gliich no my Gotts Seel nid eso schlächt
Is he really, or still, by God, not that bad
Die hei kei Blasse, das isch ds Krasse Wär isch besser u wär isch schlächt
They don't have a clue, that's the best. Who is better and who is worse
Wär isch dümmer u wär het Rächt
Who is stupider and who is right
Die einte möi mi, die angere chöi mi
Some like me, others can have me
Die einte möi mi, die angere chöi mi
Some like me, others can have me
What the hell
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