I ghöre d'Chilche Glocke wider lüte, Verschtah das stärnezeiche Düte
I hear the church bells ringing again, I understand the language of the stars
Schmöcke Düft woni nie ha wohrgno, gsesch dr Morge?
I smell scents I've never noticed before, you see the morning?
Ha mir öbbis vorgno. Den ghöri d'Vögel wider pfiffe, verschtah das me nit alles mue begriffe, wenn ig am ischlafe bi, denn ligsch duuu näbe mir.
I had something in mind. Then I hear the birds whistling again, I understand that I can't understand everything, when I'm sleeping, you're lying next to me.
Wenn ig am ischlafe bi, drei i mi Chopf gäge d'Wand und dini Hand strichlet mi fiin stundelang, nächtelang.
When I'm sleeping, I bang my head against the wall and your hand caresses me gently for hours and hours.
Befori d'auge zue due, gisch mir no es Müntschi u i bechumme nie gnue, du gisch mir warm, i lige i dim Arm.
Before I close my eyes, you give me another kiss and I never get enough, you warm me up, I'm lying in your arms.
I lige i dim Arm
I'm lying in your arms
I ghöre s'Wasser wider rusche, i gspüre Gfühl wo me no cha dusche, i schmöcke di so fiin u im Früehlig, härzlich u schön, so neu u so füührig.
I hear the water rippling again, I feel feelings that can still be showered, I smell you so fine and in the spring, hearty and beautiful, so new and so moving.
Nimm mi zrück dört ane wo alli läbe. Es git ke wenn me oder es aber, es isch nüt vergäbens
Take me back to where everyone lives. There's no if or but, it's not in vain.
I lige i dim Arm u du gisch mir warm
I'm lying in your arms and you warm me up
Bi dir chani mi entfalte, träume Gschichte woni cha bhalte u si si schön u mal si si truurig, mal erfunde u mal e chli kwurlig.
With you I can develop, dream stories that I can keep and they are beautiful and sometimes they are sad, sometimes invented and sometimes a little grumpy.
Bi wider da und erlich mache mir nüt me vor, Mache mir nüt me vorstelle mi wo bisch duu?
I'm here again and honestly I'm not pretending anymore, I'm not pretending anymore where are you?
Näbe dir schlafe i geng guet i, nur näbe di schlafe i geng guet i, geng guet i, schlafe i.
Next to you I always sleep well, only next to you I always sleep well, well, I sleep.
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