Wo är no i d schueu isch
- isch no aus ir ornig gsiidä meitschi schöni briefe gschribe
- u s no lang nid mit ne tribeglii isch är sich nümme einig
- mit em vater sire meinigseit am ueli blib elleini
- är het itz scho meh aus eini dumme ueli? mach d ouge ufdumme ueli? ellei chunsch nie drufdumme ueli? la di nid la gheieo du hesch e meinig we me di tuet aschreiedumme ueli? nid d fuscht macht z rächtentscheid doch säuber über grächt u schlächt säge au är sig? e souhung? e fozzucheib? u heig e schtieregringär sig? e blöde aff- e motzisiech u no es riise chingaber äbe dr einzig wo froue het? bisch du är isch doch gar nid sone liebe
- u o nid dr heuscht wos gitsone typ lat me säute? so schnäu la gäutedänkt nie a schlimmi fouge
- macht u git ging ausbis är het e fauschi gno? u drum het zoff übercho dumme ueli? mach d ouge ufdumme ueli? ellei chunsch nie drufdumme ueli? la di nid la gheieo du hesch e meinig we me di tuet aschreiedumme ueli? nid d fuscht macht z rächtentscheid doch säuber über grächt u schlächt säge au är sig? e souhung? e fozzucheib? u heig e schtieregringär sig? e blöde aff- e motzisiech u no es riise chingaber äbe dr einzig wo froue het? bisch du au die viele schöne meitschi
- schtöh itz aui ufe ueliwäge ihm wärde aui schwach
- u die wo wie? die leit är flachdr ueli lost uf niemer -s geit so wie n ärs gärn hetdrum tüet nid z viu schtudiere
- mir chöis ja säuber mau probiere
Where is now in the hayloft
- he was still out of order beautiful letters written
- and has not yet driven with them he is no longer unanimous
- with what his father said stay alone with the grandfather
- he has now more than one stupid grandfather? make your eyes open grandfather? alone you will never think of it, grandfather? don't let yourself be chased, you have an opinion when you shout at it, dear grandfather? not the fist makes the right decision but judge for yourself about right and wrong tell him so too? a reconciliation? a foot catch? and get a ring in your nose? a stupid fool
- a grumbler and still a huge whiner just the one who has women? are you he is not a dear at all
- and not the most handsome what kind do you let me sow? so fast do not be tempted never think of bad consequences
- always power and give until he has a fake? and therefore has a fight stupid grandfather? make your eyes open grandfather? alone you will never think of it, grandfather? don't let yourself be chased, you have an opinion when you shout at it, dear grandfather? not the fist makes the right decision but judge for yourself about right and wrong tell him so too? a reconciliation? a foot catch? and get a ring in your nose? a stupid fool
- a grumbler and still a huge whiner just the one who has women? are you the many beautiful girls
- now all stand up he will weaken all
- and those who how? he digs them flat the grandfather don't listen to anybody
- it goes the way he likes it so don't study too much
- we can try it ourselves
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