Florin Salam feat. Mr. Juve - Ma Omoa,Ma Omoara (feat. Mr Juve) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Florin Salam feat. Mr. Juve - Ma Omoa,Ma Omoara (feat. Mr Juve)

Ma Omoa,Ma Omoara (feat. Mr Juve)
She's Killing Me, She's Killing Me (feat. Mr Juve)
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară...
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall...
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară...
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall...
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară...
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall...
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară...
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall...
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
Hai special pentru toate femeile singure,
Hey, especially for all the single ladies,
Cele din zonele rezidenţiale şi pentru fetele din zonele
Those from residential areas and for the girls from the
Crepusculare măăă, daa'
Twilight zones, yeah'
Aolo, Doamne, câte dame nemăritate,
Oh Lord, so many unmarried ladies,
Divorţate, la mine pe scară, s-au strâns toate
Divorced, on my stairs, they all gathered
Da', una dintre ele e cea mai belea,
Yeah, one of them is the most troublesome,
De când mama m-a făcut, eu n-am văzut aşa ceva.
Since my mother gave birth to me, I haven't seen anything like it.
Şi omoară, ca-n fiecare seară
And she's killing me, like every night
opreste şi îmi spune:"Vecine, ce faci diseară?"
She stops me and says: "Neighbor, what are you doing tonight?"
Râde de mine mereu, râde nu am tupeu,
She always laughs at me, laughs because I don't have the guts,
Da' moară, facă dacă nu... o prind eu.
But I swear, if I don't... I'll catch her.
Am una bună, e pe scară,
I have a good one, she's across the hall,
îmi face ciudă fiecare seară,
She annoys me every night,
Îmi spune mereu îi este frică,
She tells me she's always scared,
şi nu poate doarmă singurică,
And that she can't sleep alone,
Cum fac de ea nu pot deloc scap,
What can I do, I can't escape her at all,
îşi bate joc de mine, ştie sunt însurat,
She makes fun of me, she knows I'm married,
Dar cum fac, nu ştiu dacă e bine,
But what can I do, I don't know if it's right,
Chiar dacă e bine sau nu-i bine, nu scapă de mine.
Even if it's right or wrong, she won't escape me.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy
(Hai special pentru toate femeile singure,
(Hey, especially for all the single ladies,
Care vor adevarul noaptea)
Who want the truth at night)
Mamasita, vecinica,
Mamasita, neighbor girl,
Tu bunita, necăsătorita,
You're pretty, unmarried,
Ai prea scurtă fustiţa,
Your skirt is too short,
ţi se vede aluniţaa
I can see your little mole
Numai umbla aşa,
Just keep walking like that,
Manca-ţi-aş guriţa ta.
I could just eat your little mouth.
Numai umbla aşa
Just keep walking like that
cam dai de belea,
Cause you're kinda getting me in trouble,
Când treci prin faţa mea,
When you pass in front of me,
bâlbâi şi se prinde
I stammer and my wife notices
My wife
Mare bucată,
A big piece,
Umblă aproape dezbrăcată,
She walks around almost naked,
Umblă numai despuiată,
She only walks around undressed,
Ce m-aş da cu ea o dată.
What I would give to be with her once.
Într-o zi când ies pe-afară,
One day when I was going outside,
Am vazut-o deja din greşeală aoleo
I already saw her by mistake, oh my
Cum arată goală,
How she looks naked,
Bai frate fata asta omoară!
Dude, this girl is killing me!
Da' cum fac, eu nu pot deloc scap,
But what can I do, I can't escape her at all,
îşi bate joc de mine,
She makes fun of me,
ştie sunt însurat,
She knows I'm married,
Dar cum fac nu ştiu dacă-i bine,
But what can I do, I don't know if it's right,
Chiar dacă nu-i bine sau e bine,
Even if it's not right or it is right,
Nu scapă de mine.
She won't escape me.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.
omaoră, omaoră, fata după scară
She's killing me, she's killing me, the girl from across the hall
omaoră, omoară, vecina bagă-n boală.
She's killing me, she's killing me, the neighbor is driving me crazy.

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