FlowZeta feat. Kiko Rivera, Moncho Chavea & Original Elias - Embobao - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais FlowZeta feat. Kiko Rivera, Moncho Chavea & Original Elias - Embobao

This is the remix, ¿eh?, ¿remix de qué?
This is the remix, huh?, remix of what?
Vamos a ver, esto es el FlowZeta con el Kiko Rivera
Let's see, this is FlowZeta with Kiko Rivera
Con el Moncho Chavea y con el Original Elias, ¡eh!
With Moncho Chavea and with Original Elias, huh!
Y Tatami Estudios, ¿qué te pasa en la cara?, ¡dámelo!
And Tatami Studios, what's wrong with your face?, give it to me!
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes embobao, por las redes te sigo
You got me mesmerized, I follow you on social media
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes hipnotizado, eres mi fruto prohibido
You have me hypnotized, you are my forbidden fruit
Hoy, he venido a enamorarte
Today, I came to make you fall in love with me
Si mi plan fracasa, yo me voy pa casa
If my plan fails, I'm going home
Recuerdo cuando lo hicimos
I remember when we did it
y yo desaparecimos (y así lo hicimos)
You and I disappeared (and so we did)
Lo hicimos como si no hubiera un mañana
We did it like there was no tomorrow
Desperté y no estabas en mi cama
I woke up and you weren't in my bed
Un error cometiste, conmigo lo hiciste
You made a mistake, you did it with me
Yo quería enamorarte, tú, sexo me diste (¡da-da-dale, Flow!)
I wanted to make you fall in love, you gave me sex (gi-gi-give it to me, Flow!)
Ya, llevo cantando con métricas
Yeah, I've been singing with metrics
No criticando ni montando polémicas
Not criticizing or creating controversy
Métricas, tétricas, letras geométricas
Metrics, gloomy, geometric lyrics
Rimas sintéticas, rompiendo estéticas ¡ah!
Synthetic rhymes, breaking aesthetics, ah!
Flow como piedras maniáticas
Flow like manic stones
Cuando Flow canta, se vuelven histéricas
When Flow sings, they become hysterical
Ven y cambia de mi zona sin réplicas
Come and change my area without replies
Somos tres españoles que nos oyen por América
We are three Spaniards who are heard in America
Cuando empecé con la rima, la profe de lengua llevó mi contraria
When I started rhyming, the language teacher went against me
Ahora me ve porque todos sus alumnos me tienen de fondo de pantalla
Now she sees me because all her students have me as their wallpaper
Me gustaría ver al profe de música que me suspendió en primaria
I would like to see the music teacher who failed me in elementary school
Para mostrarle que todos sus ceros están en mi cuenta bancaria
To show him that all his zeros are in my bank account
Adiós, casitas, hasta Puerto Rico
Goodbye, little houses, all the way to Puerto Rico
De Sevilla, primo, hasta Pan Bendito
From Seville, cousin, to Pan Bendito
Pa los hoy es tango, no les necesito
For today's tango, I don't need them
Pa las niñas, primo; que me tienen frito
For the girls, cousin, they got me fried
Pa los que no comen, suenan en Naruto
For those who don't eat, they sound in Naruto
Pa estos billets verdes, pa todos mis negritos
For these green bills, for all my black people
Pa todos mis gitanos que tienen delitos
For all my gypsies who have crimes
Pa todas las gitanas que ponen morritos, ey
For all the gypsy girls who pout, hey
Oye, ojalá viera el tutor
Hey, I wish the tutor could see
Que me obligaba al estudio
Who forced me to study
Porque yo creo que esa fue la indirecta
Because I think that was the hint
Pa que me grabara en estudio
For me to record in the studio
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes embobado, por las redes te sigo
You got me mesmerized, I follow you on social media
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes hipnotizado, eres mi fruto prohibido
You have me hypnotized, you are my forbidden fruit
Ti-ri-ti, ti-ri-ti, ti-ri-ti tanga
Ti-ri-ti, ti-ri-ti, ti-ri-ti thong
Pasamos fatiga, la estamos pegando
We're going through fatigue, we're hitting it
Ahora tengo un paramera
Now I have a Panamera
Ah, y doscientos cincuenta mil euros en el banco
Oh, and two hundred and fifty thousand euros in the bank
Si fuero conguero, sería Giovanni
If I was a drummer, I'd be Giovanni
Frobato la pita como Cavani
I'm nibbling on the grass like Cavani
Capo como Tony vestido de Armani
Boss like Tony dressed in Armani
Gritando mi nombre, tengo a tu mami
Shouting my name, I have your mommy
Si quieres que le meta rapidito
If you want me to put it in quick
Solo dime, yo lo mato facilito, como quieras, suavecito, loquito
Just tell me, I kill it easy, however you want it, soft, crazy
No te me pongas chulito, primito; que esto es Pan Bendito
Don't get cocky with me, cuz; this is Pan Bendito
Y aquí le metemos al que va de bonito
And here we put it to the one who goes for pretty
Por algo me llaman el rey del trap
There's a reason they call me the king of trap
La pongo a sepiar al ritmo del trap
I make her sip to the rhythm of the trap
La música aquí vende más que el crack
Music here sells more than crack
Y no me ganas ni al Minecraft
And you can't even beat me at Minecraft
Túmbala, túmba la casa
Drop it, drop the house
Llegaron los puppets, esto no es guasa guasa
The puppets arrived, this is not guasa guasa
Esto palo' racista'
This is 'for racists'
¡Qué vivan los gitanos!, ¡qué viva mi raza!
Long live the gypsies!, long live my race!
Y que me paren los jambo
And let the jambo stop me
Que me paren los jambo, (¡qué me paren!)
Let the jambo stop me, (stop me!)
Te lo voy a parar, primito
I'm going to stop you, cuz
Hasta que yo me compre un Lambo
Until I buy myself a Lambo
Que sigan tirando si quieren
Let them keep shooting if they want
Saben que conmigo no pueden
They know they can't with me
Muchos me tiran por la espalda
Many throw me behind my back
Y luego de frente se mueren, primo
And then they die in front of me, cuz
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes embobao, por las redes te sigo
You got me mesmerized, I follow you on social media
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes hipnotizado, eres mi fruto prohibido
You have me hypnotized, you are my forbidden fruit
Primeramente, vengo a enseñar
First of all, I come to teach
Con la astucia de Pablo Escobar
With the cunning of Pablo Escobar
Con talento, vengo a traficar
With talent, I come to traffic
Con la ritmo de Original, Rhasta man
With the rhythm of Original, Rhasta man
dices que baile hasta sazonar
You say I dance until I season
Pero, my friend, no me demuestras nada
But, my friend, you don't show me anything
Con tu flow bara, pero tu style está muerto
With your flow bara, but your style is dead
siempre dormido, yo siempre despierto
You're always asleep, I'm always awake
Y en esto sigo seriocon algún man troverbio
And in this I continue serious with some man proverb
eres Fendito, yo soy de Asturiasal completo
You are Fendito, I am from Asturias to the fullest
Si esto te vende y afecta, todo eso será está bueno
If this sells you and affects you, all that will be good
Mira que te siendo bajo la quiruta, mato por sueldo
Look, being under the quiruta, I kill for a salary
Ya hablamos de lo que te has vuelto y te digo lo que yo-yo sigo siendo
We already talked about what you've become and I tell you what I-I'm still
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes embobao, por las redes te sigo (¡dímelo!)
You got me mesmerized, I follow you on social media (tell me!)
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes hipnotizado, eres mi fruto prohibido
You have me hypnotized, you are my forbidden fruit
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes embobado, por las redes te sigo (¡dímelo, compa!)
You got me mesmerized, I follow you on social media (tell me, buddy!)
Vente, vente conmigo
Come on, come with me
Me tienes hipnotizado, eres mi fruto prohibido (vamos a dejarle)
You have me hypnotized, you are my forbidden fruit (let's leave it)
Yo sor KR
I'm KR

Writer(s): Ruben Carrasco Lozano

FlowZeta feat. Kiko Rivera, Moncho Chavea & Original Elias - Embobao (feat. Original Elias) - Single
Embobao (feat. Original Elias) - Single
date de sortie

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