Flower - Colorful - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Flower - Colorful

非常階段座り込んでUmm 雨上がりの空を見てたね
I was sitting on the fire escape, lost in thought, staring up at the sky after the rain.
坐在逃生梯上Umm 仰望雨過天晴後的天空
I was sitting on the fire escape, lost in thought, staring up at the sky after the rain.
くちびるを噛みしめながら キミはどんなこと想ってたの?
What were you thinking about as you bit your lip?
緊咬嘴唇的你 在想著什麼呢?
What were you thinking about as you bit your lip?
泣いてないのに 泣いているみたいな顔してたんだ
You looked like you were crying, even though you weren't.
明明沒有在哭 為何卻一副泫然欲泣的模樣
You looked like you were crying, even though you weren't.
キミの向こう 儚い虹がぼんやり架かってたんだ
There was a faint rainbow behind you, arching across the sky.
在你釋憲的另一頭 一道夢幻的彩虹朦朧地架在天邊
There was a faint rainbow behind you, arching across the sky.
そしてボクは キミから目が離せなくなって
And from that moment on, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.
自那以後 我再也無法將目光從你身上移開
And from that moment on, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.
That's how our love began...
That's how our love began...
どんな色が キミは一番好きですか?
What's your favorite color?
你最喜歡的是 什麼顏色呢?
What's your favorite color?
その色を ボクも好きになりたいよ My girl
I want to love that color too, my girl.
我也想要喜歡上 那個顏色 My girl
I want to love that color too, my girl.
願わくばキミの世界を カラフルに彩って
Let me paint your world with colors.
但願我能讓你的世界 染上繽紛的色彩
Let me paint your world with colors.
誰にもできないくらいそうキミを 愛してく My girl
I will love you more than anyone else, my girl.
我會比任何人都還深愛你 My girl
I will love you more than anyone else, my girl.
たとえばもしも振り返ったらUmm 叶わなかった夢のカケラ
If we look back, Umm, there will be fragments of dreams that didn't come true.
若是回首過去的話Umm 那些沒能如願的夢想碎片
If we look back, Umm, there will be fragments of dreams that didn't come true.
たくさんね 落ちているだろう それはそれで必要な宝物
There are many, and they are all necessary treasures.
有很多都 散落一地了對吧 那都是不可或缺的寶物呢
There are many, and they are all necessary treasures.
頼りないけど ボクの手をずっと握ってるんだよ
I'm not reliable, but hold my hand forever.
雖然還不是那麼可靠 不過你可以一直緊握我的手
I'm not reliable, but hold my hand forever.
この先はもう 孤独と仲良くなんてしなくていいよ
You don't have to be friendly with loneliness anymore.
從今以後 你就不再需要和孤獨友好相處了
You don't have to be friendly with loneliness anymore.
だってキミは 淋しさ感じる暇もないほど
Because you're too busy to feel lonely.
因為你 無暇感受寂寞
Because you're too busy to feel lonely.
Because I'm always with you.
Because I'm always with you.
どんな色に キミは憧れてますか?
What color do you dream of?
你嚮往著的是 什麼顏色呢?
What color do you dream of?
その色で 包み込んであげたいよ My girl
I want to wrap you in that color, my girl.
我想要 用那顏色 將你圍繞其中 My girl
I want to wrap you in that color, my girl.
ボクたち名もない花で カラフルに咲いていよう
Let's bloom together as nameless flowers, filled with vibrant colors.
讓我們這兩朵無名的花 一起綻放繽紛的色彩吧
Let's bloom together as nameless flowers, filled with vibrant colors.
見たこともないような色をして 咲いていよう My girl
Let's bloom in a color that no one has ever seen before, my girl.
綻放出 從未見過的顏色吧 My girl
Let's bloom in a color that no one has ever seen before, my girl.
Which color do you like? どんな色が...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? 什麼顏色...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? どんな色に...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? 什麼顏色...
Which color do you like? What color...
どんな色が キミは一番好きですか?
What's your favorite color?
你最喜歡的是 什麼顏色呢?
What's your favorite color?
その色を ボクも好きになりたいよ My girl
I want to love that color too, my girl.
我也想要喜歡上 那個顏色 My girl
I want to love that color too, my girl.
願わくばキミの世界を カラフルに彩って
Let me paint your world with colors.
但願我能讓你的世界 染上繽紛的色彩
Let me paint your world with colors.
誰にもできないくらいそうキミを 愛してく My girl
I will love you more than anyone else, my girl.
我會比任何人都還深愛你 My girl
I will love you more than anyone else, my girl.
Which color do you like? どんな色が...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? 什麼顏色...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? どんな色に...
Which color do you like? What color...
Which color do you like? 什麼顏色...
Which color do you like? What color...

Writer(s): Daiki Kagawa, Masato Odake

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