Flower - 七色キャンドル - traduction des paroles en anglais

七色キャンドル - Flowertraduction en anglais

Seven Colored Candle
I light the seven colored candle
私のココロの中のBlue sky 虹が架かりますように
In my heart's blue sky, may a rainbow appear
I don't say good-bye But I'll say hello
I don't say good-bye, but I'll say hello
You don't say good-bye You'll say hello
You don't say good-bye, you'll say hello
昨日私ちょっとね 落ち込んでいたの
Yesterday, I was a little down
でもあなたに会ったら 元気になった気がするのよ
But when I saw you, I started to feel better
もどかしいのが 若いってことなの?
Is it because I'm young that I'm so impatient?
There are more and more times when I can't be honest with my feelings
優しい言葉に傷付いたり 涙を笑って誤魔化そうとしたりで...
I get hurt by kind words and try to hide my tears with a smile...
You wave your hand and say, "See you tomorrow"
そう言ってくれるから 私は 頑張っていけるんだね
Because you say that, I can keep going
In my heart キャンドルに火を灯した
In my heart, I light a candle
私のココロの中のBlue sky 虹が架かりますように
In my heart's blue sky, may a rainbow appear
Each time a wish comes true
何かを失くしている それは仕方がないけれど
I lose something too, but that's inevitable
変わらないもの 大切にするのも
There are things that never change, and cherishing them
大人になるために 絶対必要だと思うの
I think is absolutely necessary to becoming an adult
私はあなたを幸せにできてるのかな? それだったら嬉しい
Am I able to make you happy? I would be so happy if I could
「ありがとう」って あなたが微笑むたびに
Each time you smile and say, "Thank you"
どんなに辛いことでも 何だか 乗り越えて行けそうなの
No matter how hard things get, I feel like I can overcome them
In your heart キャンドルを消さないでね
In your heart, don't let the candle go out
明日のココロの天気予報は きっとね曇りのち晴れ
Tomorrow's weather forecast for my heart is, it will be cloudy then clear
私からあなたへと あなたから私へと
From me to you, and from you to me
決して消えない キャンドルの炎を
The candle's flame that will never go out
次々点けて 思い出映して 忘れないでいたいのよ ずっと
We'll light it again and again, and let its glow guide us, because I want to remember it forever
指の隙間を零れ落ちてく 砂のように時間は
Time slips through our fingers like sand
It passes us by
You wave your hand and say, "See you tomorrow"
そう言ってくれるから 私は 頑張っていけるんだね
Because you say that, I can keep going
In my heart キャンドルに火を灯した
In my heart, I light a candle
私のココロの中のBlue sky 虹が架かりますように
In my heart's blue sky, may a rainbow appear
Surely, I'll be able to laugh again
I don't say good-bye But I'll say hello
I don't say good-bye, but I'll say hello
The seven colored candle
You don't say good-bye Yes, you'll say hello
You don't say good-bye, yes, you'll say hello
Is flickering
Don't say good-bye
Don't say good-bye

Writer(s): 小竹 正人, Takarot, 小竹 正人, takarot

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