ForceParkBois feat. Sxph - Massa (feat. Sxph) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais ForceParkBois feat. Sxph - Massa (feat. Sxph)

Massa (feat. Sxph)
Massa (feat. Sxph)
Weh Ali lek jap
Oh baby
Cari yang hilang cuma buang masa
Searching for what's lost is just a waste of time
Tinggal tanda, takda yang tanya
Leaving signs, no one cares
Dalam gelap pernah berkaca mata
In the dark, I once wore glasses
Laju tapi, takda yang rasa
Fast, but no one feels
Takde rasa
No feeling
Takde rasa
No feeling
Bagi peluang buka pintu
Give me a chance to open the door
Bukan kau yang penat menunggu
You're not the one who's tired of waiting
Jangan kau hilangkan kunci
Don't lose the key
Aku yang penat mencari oou woah woahh
I'm the one who's tired of searching ooh, woah, woahh
Jangan pandang aku stars
Don't look at me, stars
Tengok aku dalam spaceship
Look at me in a spaceship
Dekat bawah dengan boys
Close to the ground with the boys
Aku tak penat even aku lost
I'm not tired, even if I'm lost
Tinggal ku sorang cam parking porch
Alone in the parking porch
Takda yang dekat eventho aku porsch
No one's close, even if I'm in a Porsche
Alasan kau bagi aku takleh cope
Your reasons don't make sense to me
Baik ku mati dari ku jadi choice
I'd rather die than be your choice
Cari yang hilang cuma buang masa
Searching for what's lost is just a waste of time
Tinggal tanda, takda yang tanya
Leaving signs, no one cares
Dalam gelap pernah berkaca mata
In the dark, I once wore glasses
Laju tapi, takda yang rasa
Fast, but no one feels
Takda rasa
No feeling
Takda rasa
No feeling
Bagi aku masa, tenangkan aku
Give me time, calm me down
Bagi aku rasa tenang
Give me a sense of peace
Aku perlukan cahaya untuk mataku
I need light for my eyes
Semua dah ada apa lagi kurang?
Everything's here, what else is missing?
Aku perlukan tenaga
I need strength
Penat dah jual masa
Tired of selling my time
Now bukan mcm dulu waktu masih ade rasa
Now, it's not like before, when I still had feelings
Ku harap boleh ulang
I wish I could repeat
Kenangan tak dibuang
Memories are not thrown away
Flash dalam bilik gelap, gelap
Flash in a dark room
Silau kacau mata makin lelap, lelap, lelap
The glare confuses my eyes, making me sleepy
Tenang even kejap
Calm, even for a moment
Hilang itu tetap
Losing is permanent
Takde tanya situasi sbb dah kena cop, cop
No one asks about the situation because it's already been dealt with
Di hujung semesta, aku pergi
At the edge of the universe, I go
Mencari ruang minda untuk isi hati
Searching for space in my mind to fill my heart
Ku cari emas, hampir lemas dalam peti
I search for gold, almost drown in a chest
Aku kejar impian siang pagi
I chase dreams day and night
Letih kau tu cuma kejar mimpi
You're tired because you're chasing dreams
Cuma ku tahu apa yang ku perlukan
Only I know what I need
Penat tanya hati, aku tanya tuhan
Tired of asking my heart, I ask God
Apa ku perlukan, apa kau mahukan
What do I need? What do you want?
Bawah bintang hujan, gelap mana bulan?
Under the shooting stars, where's the moon?
Cari yang hilang cuma buang masa
Searching for what's lost is just a waste of time
Tinggal tanda, takda yang tanya
Leaving signs, no one cares
Dalam gelap pernah berkaca mata
In the dark, I once wore glasses
Laju tapi, takda yang rasa
Fast, but no one feels
Takda rasa
No feeling
Takda rasa
No feeling
Bagi aku masa, tenangkan aku
Give me time, calm me down
Bagi aku rasa tenang
Give me a sense of peace
Aku perlukan cahaya untuk mataku
I need light for my eyes
Semua dah ada apa lagi kurang?
Everything's here, what else is missing?
Aku perlukan tenaga
I need strength
Penat dah jual masa
Tired of selling my time
Now bukan mcm dulu waktu masih ade rasa
Now, it's not like before, when I still had feelings
Ku harap boleh ulang
I wish I could repeat
Kenangan tak dibuang
Memories are not thrown away
Flash dalam bilik gelap
Flash in a dark room

Writer(s): Nakalness, Laws, Aali.3gp, Blxckid, . Sxph

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