Forfun - Cosmic Jesus - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Forfun - Cosmic Jesus

Cosmic Jesus
Cosmic Jesus
Nos olhos da ciência que desvenda a alegoria
In the eyes of science that unveils the allegory
Soam os tambores em anúncio à boa nova
The drums sound, announcing the good news
Impávido diante do que não se conhecia
Unafraid of the unknown
Avança no sendeiro o homem forte a cada prova
Man advances on the path, growing stronger with each trial
E quando sofre a alma nessa casa de argila
And when the soul suffers in this house of clay
num mergulho de olho aberto a mão amiga que conduz
There is, in an open-eyed dive, a helping hand that guides
Do cosmonauta que avisou: Cada um carrega a sua cruz
From the cosmonaut who warned: Each one carries their own cross
Ah, que maravilha é ver
Ah, what a wonder it is to see
Eu e minha tribo
Me and my tribe
Tranquilidade, lazer
Tranquility, just leisure
Prevalece o amor
Love prevails
O reino vegetal coloria a ciclovia
The plant kingdom already colored the bike path
Inspirando e exalando a pulsação da massa
Inhaling and exhaling the pulse of the mass
E lúcido diante da rica topografia
And lucid before the rich topography
Sentiu a teia viva entrelaçada pela graça
He felt the living web intertwined by grace
Amou e foi amado da maneira que podia
He loved and was loved in the way he could
E na abóboda celeste além do stratocumulus
And in the celestial vault beyond the stratocumulus
O cosmonauta constatou: Cada um carrega a sua cruz
The cosmonaut noted: Each one carries their own cross
Ah, que maravilha é ver
Ah, what a wonder it is to see
Eu e minha tribo
Me and my tribe
Tranquilidade, lazer
Tranquility, just leisure
Prevalece o amor
Love prevails
Yeah kids, hey kids
Yeah kids, hey kids
Over the lies kids, over the lights kids, in a row, let's rock and roll
Over the lies kids, over the lights kids, in a row, let's rock and roll
Onisciente, o poder inteligente que rege a confusão com harmônia
Omniscient, the intelligent power that governs confusion with harmony
Basicamente as plantas, os animais e a gente desvendando a alegoria
Basically the plants, the animals and us, unraveling the allegory
A boa nova é alegria, porque de tudo em volta consciente
The good news is pure joy, because of everything around it conscious
Medita meio monge, meio sábio
Meditates half monk, half wise
Presente no tempo presente o espetáculo, ao invés do vazio e do vácuo
Present in the present time the spectacle, instead of emptiness and vacuum
Ninguém é dono da verdade, mas pode ter sua posse
No one owns the truth, but it can be possessed
Ciente da verdade eu faço o que eu posso
Aware of the truth I do what I can
Meus camaradas, Black Alien eu cheguei agora
My comrades, Black Alien I just arrived
Com a velha sensação de que nunca fui embora
With the old feeling that I never left
Entre a escuridão e a aurora, in the dark time waits, but it waits for nobody
Between darkness and dawn, in the dark time waits, but it waits for nobody
But keeps with the flow of your soul and go, over the lights kids, isso é rock and roll
But keeps with the flow of your soul and go, over the lights kids, this is just rock and roll
A fauna, a flora e a gente aflora a sensação urgente
The fauna, the flora and the people bring out the urgent feeling
De forma plena vive como pode e como não, mas que pena
Fully lives as it can and as it cannot, but what a pity
Mas se vale a pena, ele o próprio criador então
But if it's worth it, then He's the creator himself
Cada um carrega a sua cruz à la cosmic Jesus, Krishna, Buda ou Alá
Each one carries their own cross à la cosmic Jesus, Krishna, Buddha or Allah
As he sees us, in the sea just us, go Darwin, I'm always drifting when I'm driving
As he sees us, in the sea just us, go Darwin, I'm always drifting when I'm driving
Uplift no surprising, the sun is rising, sun is shining, I'm alive in universal
Uplift no surprising, the sun is rising, sun is shining, I'm alive in universal
This lines I write overseen by him, information by creation from the places I've been
These lines I write overseen by him, information by creation from the places I've been
Porque são várias as cruzes, mas é um amor, que lança a sua luz
Because there are several crosses, but it is only one love, that casts its light
Morre na fila do SUS o tal do cósmico Jesus
The so-called cosmic Jesus dies in the SUS line
Motosserras abrem clareira, tribo cercada pelo garimpo
Chainsaws open a clearing, tribe surrounded by mining
Extração ilegal de madeira, limpo
Illegal logging, it's clean
Um benefício à beira do precipício
A benefit on the edge of the precipice
Atitude na latitude, entre games e bolas de gude
Attitude in latitude, between games and marbles
Sabe desde o início: Alma, espírito, corpo, mente
Knows from the beginning: Soul, spirit, body, mind
Sua jornada diligente faz valer o sacrifício
Your diligent journey makes the sacrifice worthwhile
É isso
That's it

Writer(s): Danilo Ferreira Alves Cutrim, Rodrigo Ferreira Costa, Nicolas Christ Fassano Cesar, Vitor Isensee E Sa

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