Fox - Bog Je Matematicar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fox - Bog Je Matematicar

Bog Je Matematicar
God is a Mathematician
Imam ljubicastu krv
I have purple blood
Jer ne poticem sa Zemlje
Because I don't come from the Earth
Sedmi paralelni svet
Seventh parallel world
Se prostire na sever
Stretches to the north
Duh mi luta dugo
My spirit wanders for a long time
Po sirini ovog vakuuma
Through the vastness of this vacuum
Ne znam sta je cudno
I don't know what's strange
Mi smo stigli s golog Saturna
We came from the naked Saturn
Iz ruku bacam magije
I cast magic from my hands
Kao Kung Lao
Like Kung Lao
Telepatijom sam znao
I knew by telepathy
Da mi je Vuk pao
That my Wolf had fallen
Cuj 'vamo nibiru
Listen up, Nibiru
Anunakiji su sa mnom
The Anunnaki are with me
I shvatit ces sve
And you'll understand everything
Kad shvatis da je tu tamo
When you realize that here is there
Zemljani su meki virusi
Earthlings are soft viruses
Na vrhu lanca
At the top of the chain
Jedni mole se u Meki
Some pray in Mecca
A druge vodi papa
And others are led by the pope
A Hindusi su Siva
But the Hindus are Shiva
A sveta reka Ganga
And the sacred river Ganges
A oni su u vodi
But they are in the water
I pali seka brata
And the ax burns, my brother
A 'vamo patrijarhat
But here's the patriarchy
A tamo matrijarhat
And there's the matriarchy
A u Rusiji i Srbiji
But in Russia and Serbia
Svi slave patrijarha
Everyone worships the patriarch
Drustva Templara i iluminata
Societies of the Templars and the Illuminati
Palih andjela
Of fallen angels
Pitaj Mikelandjela
Ask Michelangelo
Kanta, onda Hokinga
Kant, then Hawking
Ako Bog postoji
If God exists
On je onda matematicar
He is then a mathematician
S Plutona su mormoni
Mormons are from Pluto
Citauri su Afrika
Chitauri are Africa
U sebi nosim tajne
I carry secrets within me
Stare arktickog portala
Of the ancient Arctic portal
I serem se na teze
And I take a dump on the theses
Stare antickog morala
Of ancient antique morality
Otvorena spoznaja
Open cognition
Preko tantrickog kanala
Through the tantric channel
Inter arma musae silent
Inter arma musae silent
I na latinskom ja spajam
And in Latin, I combine
Svaki kaspijski Uralac
Every Caspian Ural man
Je zapravo Uranac
Is actually a Uranian
Dos'o sam po uranijum vas
I came for your uranium
I trpam ga u ranac
And I stuff it in my backpack
Ne znas sta se krije
You don't know what's hidden
Iza druge strane Meseca
On the other side of the Moon
Eshadrile Hitler
Eshadrile Hitler
I crne vrane Gebelsa
And the black crows of Goebbels
Trep Gilgames
Tremble Gilgamesh
To su znanja iz Akase
This is knowledge from Akasha
Kontrolisem ti um
I control your mind
Um ti jedem kao kase
I eat your mind like cassettes
Svetlost kao neon pase
Light passes by like neon
Drugi periodni sistem
Second periodic system
Na putu ceo eon
On the road for an eon
I ne skode mi sile
And my forces don't lack
Gle mora kerozina
Look at the kerosene sea
I zlatne stalagmite
And the golden stalagmites
Moj tanjir je bobina
My plate is a coil
Nepojmljive brzine
Of unimaginable speed
To je usijana magma
That is red-hot magma
Azurno plave bojе
Of azure blue color
Mi smo usikana gamad
We are a raging horde
Da, Marsovci se boje
Yes, the Martians are afraid
Zajeb'o sam Sokrata
I fucked Socrates
Zajeb'o sam Hegelа
I fucked Hegel
Zajeb'o Heraklita
I fucked Heraclitus
Koji kurac Senega
Who the fuck is Seneca
Zajeb'o Arhimeda
I fucked Archimedes
Zajeb'o sam Ajnstajna
I fucked Einstein
Zajeb'o sam Dekarta
I fucked Descartes
Zajeb'o sam Paskala
I fucked Pascal
Zajeb'o sam Edisona
I fucked Edison
Zajeb'o Martonija
I fucked Marconi
Nikola Tesla nikad dobar
Nikola Tesla was never good
Sa Masonima
With the Freemasons
Ako Bog postoji
If God exists
On je onda matematicar
He is then a mathematician
S Plutona su mormoni
Mormons are from Pluto
Citauri su Afrika
Chitauri are Africa
Ako Bog postoji
If God exists
On je onda matematicar
He is then a mathematician
U sebi nosim tajne
I carry secrets within me
Stare arktickog portala
Of the ancient Arctic portal
I serem se na teze
And I take a dump on the theses
Stare antickog morala
Of ancient antique morality

Writer(s): Fox

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