Fox feat. Furio djunta - Indigo Deca (feat. Furio Djunta) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Indigo Deca (feat. Furio Djunta) - Furio djunta , Fox traduction en anglais

Indigo Deca (feat. Furio Djunta)
Indigo Deca (feat. Furio Djunta)
Cuces podle price da
You whisper under your breath that
Ne voli niko liju
Nobody likes a snake
Ma jok, od svih zmija
But no, of all the serpents
Zovite mi Nikoliju
Call me Nikolija
Na Dalaj lama skali
On the Dalai Lama scale
Picko pacenice, lepa si
Damn girl, you're beautiful
Mi na vrhu gore
We're at the top of the mountain
Himalaji, Nepal, Sepal si
Himalayas, Nepal, you're a sepal
Anunaki, anunaki
Anunnaki, Anunnaki
Zna se ko je dekan, ko maturanti
It's known who's the dean, who are the graduates
Zna se ko je mekan
It's known who's soft
Ko vatru pali
Who lights the fire
Palim vas k'o metak u barutani
I ignite you like a bullet in a powder keg
Nizija nam dodje
The lowlands seem to us
K'o Abu Dabi
Like Abu Dhabi
Mi smo ovde zakon Hamu rabi
We are the law here, ruling like a sheikh
Plemici, vojnici, samuraji
Nobles, warriors, samurai
Hugo Boss rap fow, Dzabulani
Hugo Boss rap flow, Jabulani
Nosim samo Nike
I only wear Nike
Imam dijamantska pluca
I have diamond lungs
U nasim sobama su vage
There are scales in our rooms
Plus iritantna guzva
Plus an irritating crowd
Autor bita je u bekstvu
The beatmaker is on the run
Glavni artikal je MDMA
The main article is MDMA
MDMA skazana direktno
MDMA sentenced directly
Narko mafija me cuva
The narco mafia protects me
Mrvim bluberi, bluberi
Crushing blueberries, blueberries
Palim buksnu
Lighting a blunt
Vi ste luzeri, luzeri
You are losers, losers
Daj mi krunu
Give me the crown
Mogu da prelomim flow
I can break the flow
Sranje sam previse puta ubio
I've killed shit too many times
Ako me posalju klinici na sto
If they send me to the clinic on the table
Nek' me sije Djunta Furio
Let Djunta Furio stitch me up
Lova, lova, uspeh i show
Money, money, success and show
Dobra kola, kuje i moc
Nice cars, bitches and power
Borba, borba, muke i bol
Struggle, struggle, hardship and pain
Gozba, tozla, curke i folk
Feast, booze, girls and folk
Kada si mlad
When you're young
Pokusavaju da te zbune
They try to confuse you
Prekovremeni rad
Overtime work
Placamo racune
We pay the bills
Ko je boss, ko je mula
Who's the boss, who's the mule
Tvrda lobanja, cele kula
Hard skull, whole tower
Ko je boss, ko je mula
Who's the boss, who's the mule
Indigo deca, sesta cula
Indigo children, sixth sense
Nasi vokali krce
Our vocals crackle
Od radze i krdze
From weed and booze
Stavim mdze u pdze
I put haze in the lungs
One su bombe, ja kuce
They are bombs, I'm a house
Mi smo dzombe i budze
We are zombies and stoners
Koje hasluju budzet
Who hash the budget
Nas bas iz bembare tuce
We blast from borrowed Beamers
Ali su bembare tudje
But the Beamers are not ours
Zato ne sme da se dangubi
That's why we can't mess around
One misle da smo mangupi
They think we're thugs
Pare nece da se prave same
Money won't make itself
Za nas ne postoje kalupi
There are no molds for us
Na viljuskama gambori
Shrimp on forks
Na ulicama tabori
Camps on the streets
Na slikama lepotice
Beauties in the pictures
Na ulicama gabori
Cops on the streets
Reperi mi kuvaju sikteruse
Rappers are cooking up dismissals for me
Ne zele da sam tu
They don't want me here
Moja rima mozak im testerise
My rhyme testerizes their brains
Oni zele da se preruse
They want to disguise themselves
Al' vidim ih, vidim sve
But I see them, I see everything
Duse sitne, sitnije
Small souls, smaller
Ne vrede vam ni mimikrije
Your mimicry is worthless
Prljavi igraci
Dirty players
Treba mi kostobran
I need a shin guard
Pluca puna dima
Lungs full of smoke
Od spaljenih mostova
From burned bridges
Fox moze da nabavi
Fox can get
Sta ti treba da se zabavis
Whatever you need to have fun
Vase price su smesne
Your stories are ridiculous
Ja mogu da se zadavim
I could choke myself
Lova, lova, uspeh i show
Money, money, success and show
Dobra kola, kuje i moc
Nice cars, bitches and power
Borba, borba, muke i bol
Struggle, struggle, hardship and pain
Gozba, tozla, curke i folk
Feast, booze, girls and folk
Kada si mlad
When you're young
Pokusavaju da te zbune
They try to confuse you
Prekovremeni rad
Overtime work
Placamo racune
We pay the bills
Ko je boss, ko je mula
Who's the boss, who's the mule
Tvrda lobanja, cele kula
Hard skull, whole tower
Ko je boss, ko je mula
Who's the boss, who's the mule
Indigo deca, sesta cula
Indigo children, sixth sense

Writer(s): Fox

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