Fox - Super Skank - traduction des paroles en anglais

Super Skank - Foxtraduction en anglais

Super Skank
Super Skank
Mir, ljubav, sreća
Peace, love, happiness
Deća cveća
Flower children
Dragi ljudi
Dear people
Dame i gospodo
Ladies and gentlemen
Prilično se kajem, znam, treb'o sam još ranije
I regret it quite a bit, I should have done this sooner
U srednjoj školi albanka, tad nije bilo skanije
In high school, Albanian girl, nothing was more beautiful
Zent'o sam se, trz'o sam se, mislio sam droga je
I started getting high, I was twitching, I thought it was a drug
Jedan cim i znao sam da poslata od Boga je
One seed, and I knew it was sent by God
Hed boje borovnice, dok pijem borovnice
Blueberry colored hash, while I drink blueberries
Pripitomio sam sve zmije otrovnice
I have domesticated all the venomous snakes
Širom planete ljudi cene moć konoplje
People all over the planet appreciate the power of cannabis
A slobodni zidari, lažu, kažu kako otrov je
And the Freemasons lie, they say it's poison
Jer da je legalna da l' bi bilo farmacije
Because if it were legal, there would be no pharmacies
Pravimo čistaka za zdrave plućne maramice
We make wraps for healthy lung handkerchiefs
Odakle pamuk, pitam, odakle sintetika
Where does cotton come from, where does synthetics come from?
A da leči rak, nećeš čuti to na vestima
And not a word on the news about how it cures cancer
Ekvilibrijum postižem sa njom
I am balanced with it
Da smiren sam pri finišu, to postižem sa njom
To get stoned at the finish, I get there with it
Imam dijamantsku liriku, to postižem sa njom
I have diamond lyrics, I get there with it
Da dešifrujem bibliju, to postižem sa njom
To decipher the Bible, I get there with it
Red Panama, Super skank, og kush, orange bud
Panama Red, Super Skank, OG Kush, Orange Bud
Purple haze, bubble gum, acapulco gold, svaki dan
Purple Haze, Bubble Gum, Acapulco Gold, every day
Red Panama, Super skank, og kush, orange bud
Panama Red, Super Skank, OG Kush, Orange Bud
Purple haze, bubble gum, acapulco gold, svaki dan
Purple Haze, Bubble Gum, Acapulco Gold, every day
Božija sativa ima pregršt proteina
God's sativa has a handful of proteins
Aminokiselina, a nema kofeina
Amino acids, but no caffeine
Ona je lek za dušu, kanal u onostrano
It is a medicine for the soul, a channel to the afterlife
Na pustom ostrvu, ja samo s njom bih opstao
On a desert island, I would survive only with it
U studiju kod Tatule rolamo tarantule
In the studio at Tatula's, we roll tarantulas
Ulje od kanabisa mi dodamo na blantove
We add cannabis oil to our blunts
Može tulipan, na ventil ubija
It can be a tulip, it kills with a valve
Seckam hed, hed beo kao Rusija
I'm cutting hash, hash as white as Russia
Ljubav sa osmehom, osmeh počinje prirodom
Love with a smile, a smile begins with nature
Izrodom će me smatrati izrodi, prirodno
By nature, freaks will think of me as a freak
Izlazak sunca i tek zapaljena unca
The sun rises and just lights up a joint
Neki dobar instrumental, ja i napaljena cura
Some good instrumental, me and a hot girl
Moja majka zna kol'ko sin joj je Jamajka
My mother knows how much her son loves Jamaica
Kanabinol mi je fetiš, Wiz Khalifa Novog Sada
Cannabinol is my fetish, Wiz Khalifa of Novi Sad
Kako seješ, tako žanješ
You reap what you sow
Ako hoćeš pravu stvar, uzmi dobre lampe, care
If you want the real thing, get good lamps, man

Writer(s): Fox

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