Fox - Influencer - traduction des paroles en anglais

Influencer - Foxtraduction en anglais

Dobar dan, poštovani gledaoci,
Good day, dear viewers,
Ovo je emisija "Intervju" u produkciji Balkan Info,
This is the show "Interview" produced by Balkan Info,
Ja sam Teša Tešanović
I am Teša Tešanović
Naš današnji gost je gospodin Branko Kljaić - Fox
Our guest today is Mr. Branko Kljaić - Fox
Gospodine Fox, hvala Vam što ste gost u našoj emisiji
Mr. Fox, thank you for being a guest on our show
Da li ste Vi možda influencer?
Are you perhaps an influencer?
Skroz mi puca, baš me boli, pored mene Tiću Gang je
I don't care, it doesn't bother me, Tiću Gang is next to me
Svi bi tajni sos za roštilj, mislim da sam influencer
Everyone wants the secret sauce for the barbecue, I think I'm an influencer
Tu u žiži, sad u lovi, oni kući pišu pesme
Here in the spotlight, now rolling in dough, they're at home writing songs
Poslovno sam reptil Rotšild, Guru Boss je influencer
Business-wise I'm a Rothschild reptile, Guru Boss is an influencer
Ti me mrziš, ona voli, što se pržiš? Ne znam ko si
You hate me, she loves me, why are you burning up? I don't know who you are
Ja bih novi Day-Date Rollie, sve me smara kao foršpil
I'd like a new Day-Date Rollie, everything bores me like a foreplay
Vidi mene, sad sam viral, sve što nosim teški trend je
Look at me, now I'm viral, everything I wear is a heavy trend
Zidam, zidam, zidam tvrdo - trideset i treći stepen
Building, building, building hard - thirty-third degree
Pitaju me šta se dešava, brate, ko je sad ovaj Fox?
They ask me what's going on, bro, who is this Fox now?
Šta je ovo, kakav je ovo sos?
What is this, what kind of sauce is this?
Šta radi ovaj, da li je normalan ovaj čovek?
What is this guy doing, is this guy normal?
Kakav bik, koga šuri, znaš?
What a bull, who is he screwing, you know?
Trzaju se dosta u zadnje vreme, ništa im nije jasno
They've been twitching a lot lately, they don't understand anything
Opet pljuju, to me loži, moje blede siluete
They're spitting again, it turns me on, my pale silhouettes
Hejt sa sujetom pomnoži, Branko Kljaić - influencer
Multiply hate with envy, Branko Kljaić - influencer
Bassivity je lobi, po celom svetu idu veze
Bassivity is a lobby, connections go all over the world
IDJ u priči, bebo, ja, Fox - influencer
IDJ in the story, baby, me, Fox - influencer
Ako batre, ti nas zovi, plug za pare smo najbolji
If you're homies, call us, we're the best plug for money
Ovo nije više hobi, rastemo k'o bitcoin
This is no longer a hobby, we're growing like bitcoin
Svi mi kažu da sam koza, prvi album još u modi
Everyone tells me I'm a goat, the first album is still in fashion
Bidujem od prošlog veka, ovih dana biznis gori
I've been bidding since the last century, business is booming these days
- A YouTube je krenuo to malo da kažnjava, recimo,
- And YouTube has started to penalize that a bit, for example,
Ovi sad koji kupuju taj brzi milion koji
These guys who buy that quick million that
Pominješ nisu više u trendingu toliko...
You mention are not trending that much anymore...
- Kažu "marketing, marketing..."
- They say "marketing, marketing..."
Nije to marketing, znači, nije to boost, nije to boost, razumeš...
It's not marketing, you know, it's not a boost, it's not a boost, you understand...
Iz mog kraja dovde doći, to je ovde triput teže
To come here from my hood, it's three times harder here
Ali rodi majka sina koji sad je influencer
But a mother gave birth to a son who is now an influencer
Balkan Info, Mondo, Vice, gas što dajem niko ne sme
Balkan Info, Mondo, Vice, no one dares to give the gas I give
Intervjui, gostovanja, javna ličnost - influencer
Interviews, guest appearances, public figure - influencer
Silver Bullet, Air Max, Just do it, sve Nike
Silver Bullet, Air Max, Just do it, all Nike
Njena rupa bez dna
Her bottomless pit
Lija snaga - Džems Vat, ova gandža - West Side
Fox power - James Watt, this ganja - West Side
Hypebeast, fashion guru, nema nazad, can't stop
Hypebeast, fashion guru, no turning back, can't stop
- Jedan od problema, pred kraj emisije bih hteo da te pitam,
- One of the problems, I would like to ask you before the end of the show,
Vezano za samo društvo,
Related to society itself,
Dosta smo nekako u apatiji,
We are quite apathetic,
Kad vidiš ljude, a ono, mrtvi su svi nekako...
When you see people, they are all kind of dead...
- Pa moraju da promene dilera, očigledno
- Well, they obviously need to change their dealer
- Fox, hvala ti što si bio gost u našoj emisiji
- Fox, thank you for being a guest on our show
- Hvala, Tešo
- Thank you, Tešo

Writer(s): rr

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