Contra C-Kan no creo que puedan los que me tiraron que se vallan a la verga
Against C-Kan I don't think they can the ones who dumped me fuck off
Manos ariba hijos de puta este es un asalto
Hands ariba motherfuckers this is an assault
Para las putas de luto que del kan estan hablando
For the mourning whores who are talking about the khan
8 lineas y te callo me la rayo si yo tiro nunca fallo
8 lines and I shut you up I get the lightning if I shoot I never miss
Quieres competir contra mi facil te anulo
You want to compete against me easy I cancel you
Cuantas veces le has corrido al quetzal eres bien culo
How many times have you run to the quetzal you're good ass
Eso queria eso le digo
That's what I wanted that's what I tell
¿No andabas de lame huevos que querias grabar conmigo?
Weren't you going around licking eggs that you wanted to record with me?
No le cabo la bala le cala chabala saber que desde calcuta yo controlo asta chapala
Don't let him out the bullet it makes him chabala to know that from calcutta I control asta chapala
Directo y a la cabeza pa que le sumbe
Straight and to the head to that sumbe
El gato me platico que son chavos de los derumbes
The cat told me that they are kids from the derumbes
Son puras netas para que se emputen
They are pure net to be used
El poni me abrazaste y me dijiste te discutes
The pony you hugged me and told me you argue
Son tus acciones yo no tengo la culpa
It's your actions I'm not to blame
Si me bajo el cierre alli mismo me la chupas y asi que ahora comete tu propia mierda
If I pull the zipper down right there you blow me and so now you do your own shit
Querias grabar conmigo pero te mande a la verga te las das de malo pero la de kan te comes
You wanted to record with me but I sent you to the dick you give them bad but the one of kan you eat
Llamale a la cuika si nos miras por la comex cuervo como tu y yo somos tu y yo
Call the cuika if you look at us by the comex cuervo as you and I are you and I
Jaja si te dio en tu madre el yolo cuervo eres pollo diga pio
Haha if he gave you in your mother the yolo crow you are chicken say pio
Quien resulto ser una perra de valdio si se pone conmigo es facil que usted pierda
Who turned out to be a valdio bitch if you get with me it's easy for you to lose
Los chinos de tu cabeza a mi me salen en la verga
The Chinese in your head come out on my dick
Que dira la gente despues yo ya se cuervo de la pelo al perro de la C
What will people say next I've already crowed from the hair to the dog of the C
Punto de luto son putos miren pendejos como lo disfruto conta C-Kan no creo que puedan los que me tiraron que se vayan a la verga
Mourning point they are fucking look at assholes how I enjoy it conta C-Kan I don't think they can the ones who fucked me go to the dick
Querian tirar pa eso rimas tengo varias el que sigue tambien tengo pal puto del paya
They wanted to throw out for that rhymes I have several the one that follows I also have pal puto del paya
Te meo con una rima paya con una sola con veneno de escorpion el joto pica con la cola
I piss you with a rhyme paya with a single with scorpion venom the jack itches with the tail
Hijo de perra ya no aga tanta bulla
Son of a bitch don't make such a fuss anymore
Los mas vergas de la cuadra en mi cuadra y en la tuya
The most dicks on the block in my block and yours
Me pasas por los cojones tio que españolete de toda la cancion tu eres el mas pendejete
You pass me by the cojones tio que españolete of the whole song you are the most asshole
Julio el gabacho lo confisco que pedo con tu ingles wey estamos en jalisco
Julio el gabacho I confiscate what I fart with your English... we're in jalisco
Idiota se real asi no duras real donde chambeabas juntando basura
Idiot be real like this don't get real where you were hanging out collecting trash
Conta mi no aguanta me sobra garganta quien te dijo que tu cantas moreno color de llanta
Conta mi no endanta me sobra garganta who told you that you sing tan rim color
Raptor el que sigue traigo refa yo tampoco cojo putas bueno nomas a tu jefa
Raptor the next one I bring refa I don't fuck whores either well you name your boss
Todos tus gritos se volvieron murmuyos si no me oyen en mi barrio ¿como me oyen en el tuyo?
All your screams turned into murmurs if they don't hear me in my neighborhood how do they hear me in yours?
Hijo de papi que le arda la cola ¿a donde crees que va tu vieja cuando tu la dejas sola?
Daddy's little son, let his tail burn, where do you think your old lady is going when you leave her alone?
Culo ¿a poco te dio miedo? mandaste a tu máma con la de yolo a calmar pedos ya viste para acarte notarlo eres gay tienes nariz de calamardo
Ass did it scare you a little bit? you sent your mom with yolo's to calm farts you already saw to lie down notice you're gay you have a squid nose
¿No que eras maton? que te a pasado el del flow chiqueado te trae bien asorrillado
Not that you were a bully? what happened to you the one of the flow chiqueado brings you well asorrillado
Punto de luto son putos miren pendejos como lo disfruto contra C-Kan no creeo que puedan los que me tiraron que se vallan a la verga
Mourning point they're fucking look at assholes how I enjoy it against C-Kan I don't think they can the ones who dumped me fuck off
El que sigue ¿quien es? lo desconosco eres tan vale verga ni si quiera te conosco y tus comadres
The next one, who is he? i don't know, you're such a good dick. I don't even know you and your wives.
Son puras copias papi rapean como el diablo y usan vid como de adkwid
They are pure copies daddy they rap like the devil and use vid like from adkwid
Se sienten de revista todos unos artistas nunca avia mirado marranos basquetbolistas
They feel like a magazine all a few artists never avia mirado marranos basketball players
El que canto en enero mi mente no lo recuerda mi mente no recuerda cosas que no valen verga
The one I sing in January my mind doesn't remember it my mind doesn't remember things that aren't worth dick
Yo que si escupo sangre como tu decias la razon tu hermana andaba en sus dias
Me that if I spit blood like you said the reason your sister was walking in her days
Y si estilo tienes muy poco ¿que se puede esperar de un vergero adicto al foco
And if you have very little style, what can you expect from a gardener addicted to the spotlight
Mira no mas mira que cosas nunca avia escuchado una rola tan enfadosa cierren el corral
Look no more look that things never avia heard such an angry roll close the corral
Se salen las puercas que cagadones puso blaze de vidas chuecas suenan muy malos cierren la boca
The pigs come out that shit put blaze of chuecas lives sound very bad shut the mouth
Saben que ando por chapala ¿porque no me topan? quisieron competir se quedaron lejos C-Kan contra una bola de pendejos
They know I'm hanging around chapala, why don't they bump into me? they wanted to compete they stayed away C-Kan against a ball of assholes
Y ya no tiren no me isieron ni un rose
4 minutos contra tus 7, 14 me dan gota tengo una vergota
And don't shoot anymore they didn't hurt me not even a rose
4 minutes against your 7, 14 they give me gout I have a shame
Pa todas las CDE, Punto de luto y doble nota
For all the CDE, Mourning point and double note
No creo que quieran mas mejor (tsssss) jajaja ¿Que transa mi negro? el Gato el macha el Quetzal toda la banda del derrumbe de san miguel
I don't think they want more better (tsssss) hahaha What does my nigga deal with? the Cat the macha the Quetzal the whole band of the collapse of San Miguel
El zimple car 13 triple bando y el estres con los mataris la cancha 98 el C-kan el C-Kan hijos de su puta madre
The zimple car 13 triple side and the stress with the mataris the court 98 the C-kan the C-Kan sons of his fucking mother
Punto de luto son putos miren pendejos como lo disfruto contra C-Kan no creo que puedan los que me tiraron que se vallan a la verga
Mourning point they're fucking look at assholes how I enjoy it against C-Kan I don't think they can the ones who dumped me fuck off
Punto de luto son putos miren pendejos como lo disfruto contra C-Kan no creo que puedan los que me tiraron que se vallan a la verga
Mourning point they're fucking look at assholes how I enjoy it against C-Kan I don't think they can the ones who dumped me fuck off
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