Franco "El Gorilla" - Dejense Ver - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Franco "El Gorilla" - Dejense Ver

Dejense Ver
Show Yourselves
La Máquina
The Machine
Si los vieras como roncan
If you saw how they snore
Hablan de dinero y pistola
They talk about money and guns
Hablan de lo que ellos no tienen
They talk about what they don't have
De lo que tiene el otro
About what the other one has
No se pa' que frontean
I don't know why they front
La envidia los corrompe (envidioso)
Envy corrupts them (envious)
Lo que fuman los tiene torpes (infeliz)
What they smoke makes them dull (unhappy)
Estas sintiendo el torque
You're feeling the torque
Y al golpe del fondo rompe
And the bass breaks the bottom
Cógelo suave bobo
Take it easy, fool
Que yo he visto hasta los más guapos
Because I've seen even the handsomest
Como los presionan y al ratito suena el sapo
How they're pressured and the frog sounds right away
Si los vieras
If you saw them
Por si fueran como si ellos fueran
As if they were, as if they were
Los que al diablo
Those who to the devil
Agarrao' por el rabo tuvieran
Grabbed by the tail they had
No se asusten
Don't be scared
Pero les recomiendo que se ajuste
But I recommend you adjust yourself
Que no frontee
Don't front
No vaya ser que se la monte
Don't let it get to you
Siga manso
Stay calm
No sea maison (...)
Don't be a moron (...)
Ya tienes dos strikes
You already have two strikes
Al tercero ya no rasó
On the third one, you're out
Llego godzilla
Godzilla arrives
A.k.a franco el gorila
A.k.a. Franco the Gorilla
Luis francisco cortez corre mi nombre de pila
Luis Francisco Cortez is my full name
Natural born killer
Natural born killer
El que mentalmente los mutila
The one who mentally mutilates them
Y si esto fuera crack
And if this were crack
Los adictos harían fila
The addicts would line up
Déjense ver
Show yourselves
Pa' sacarles y abrir fuego
To take them out and open fire
Quisiera tenerlos de frente
I'd like to have you in front of me
Pa' mandarles caliente y que sepan que no juego
To send you heat and let you know I'm not playing
(La maquina)
(The machine)
Déjense ver (infeliz)
Show yourselves (unhappy)
Pa' sacarles y abrir fuego
To take them out and open fire
Quisiera tenerlos de frente
I'd like to have you in front of me
Pa' mandarles caliente y que sepan que no juego
To send you heat and let you know I'm not playing
Un Lincoln negro
A black Lincoln
Cuatro negros
Four black guys
Vestidos de negro
Dressed in black
Con pensamientos negros
With black thoughts
Un gato negro mala suerte negro
A black cat, bad black luck
Una cuarenta pa' la frente
A forty to the head
Me vieron de frente
They saw me in front
Y los impactos pal cerebro
And the impacts to the brain
Cabrones piensan que yo (...) y piloto
Bastards think that I (...) and driver
Y no saben que la leche sale con cualquier roto
And they don't know that milk comes out with any broken
Yo sigo fiel al toto
I remain faithful to the motto
El que joda le mando un insecto yo mismo lo exploto
The one who fucks up, I send him an insect, I explode it myself
El mono a.k.a el veinte y pico
The monkey, a.k.a. the twenty-something
From puerto rico
From Puerto Rico
Y usted lambón no saque pico
And you little kiss-up, don't stick your beak out
Yo que tu mujer me escucha
I know your wife listens to me
Y la canoa se le inunda
And her canoe gets flooded
No te confundas que ando con los de la funda
Don't get confused, I'm with the ones with the cover
Si los vieras como roncan
If you saw how they snore
Hablan de dinero y pistola
They talk about money and guns
Hablan de lo que ellos no tienen
They talk about what they don't have
De lo que tiene el otro
About what the other one has
No se pa' que frontean
I don't know why they front
La envidia los corrompe (envidioso)
Envy corrupts them (envious)
Lo que fuman los tiene torpes (infeliz)
What they smoke makes them dull (unhappy)
Estas sintiendo el torque
You're feeling the torque
Y al golpe del fondo rompe
And the bass breaks the bottom
Déjense ver
Show yourselves
Pa' sacarles y abrir fuego
To take them out and open fire
Quisiera tenerlos de frente
I'd like to have you in front of me
Pa' mandarles caliente y que sepan que no juego
To send you heat and let you know I'm not playing
(La maquina)
(The machine)
Déjense ver (infeliz)
Show yourselves (unhappy)
Pa' sacarles y abrir fuego
To take them out and open fire
Quisiera tenerlos de frente
I'd like to have you in front of me
Pa' mandarles caliente y que sepan que no juego
To send you heat and let you know I'm not playing
From puerto rico
From Puerto Rico
Desde Jam Studio
From Jam Studio
Te estamos partiendo
We're tearing you apart
G&G music
G&G music
Oye golde dile que se amolde
Hey, Golde, tell him to shape up
Y que dejen el desorden
And to stop the mess
Blake the vampire
Blake the vampire
Oye caballo sin colmillo te sacamos la sangre
Hey, horse without fangs, we'll suck your blood
Full metal Enterprise
Full metal Enterprise
Pasándote por encima (rrrrrra)
Passing over you (rrrrrra)

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