Franco Ricciardi - Ajere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Franco Ricciardi - Ajere

Chi avuto giorni senza sole a passare dietro ai vetri di un dolore
Those who have had sunless days behind the glass of pain,
Il brutto mese di dicembre, che sembrava non volesse mai finire
The nasty month of December that seemed like it would never end,
Chi ha avuto in tasca troppi sogni da rubare alla realtà
Those who have had too many dreams to steal from reality in their pockets,
Lo sai che il buio non fa paura ed ogni lacrima col tempo asciughera
Know that darkness is not scary, and every tear will eventually dry
Simme crescite senza niente rind e vico, senza n'albero e natale
We grew up with nothing, in the streets and alleys, without a tree or a Christmas,
E pa befane nu regalo semp o stesso rind o scatolo e cartone
And from the Befana, the same old gift, in a box or cardboard carton,
L'uocchie chiuse rind o scure, fammi crescere ti prego mio Gesu
Close your eyes in the dark, let me grow up, I beg you, my Jesus,
Me so stancato e fa o creature rind a
I'm tired of being a child in this
Stu munno, addo o creature nun si chiu
World, where children are no more
E chillu vasce sta la, sta e casa ancore mamma
And that ship is still there, it's still home, mom
Ca me scetav accussi, cu ciente lire e caffe, ajere
Because I used to wake up like that, with a hundred lire and coffee, yesterday
Cu tutt o tiempo ca se ne va, e ancora ajere
Like all the time that passes by, and it's still yesterday
Vulesse ca stisse nzieme a me, ma nun e ajere
I wanted you to be with me, but it's not yesterday
E dint a chesta citta c avimme mbarata a campa
And in this city, we have learned to get by,
C avimme mbarata aspetta ricenne semp chissa
We have learned to always wait for this one, stay the same
Riman, che c'e vuluto pe ce scaffa nu poc e man
Stay, there's nothing left to lend us a hand
Ajere e na fotografia pe te fa ricurda quand era ajere
Yesterday is a photo to make you remember when it was yesterday
M annascunnrva sott' o liett pa paura quando pateme alluccav
I used to hide under the bed, scared when my father yelled.
E quanda sera senz cena, ma che fridd rind o cor me scennev
And when it was cold at night, but what a shiver ran through my heart
Giurai che sarei scappato via per sempre ma un bambino non lo sa
I swore that I would run away forever, but a child doesn't know
Che ogni lacrime che scenne rind a l'uocchio rind o vient se ne va
That every tear that falls in the eye, in the wind, goes away
Vulesse ca stisse nzieme a me
I wish you were here with me.
Ma nun e ajere
But it's not yesterday.
E dint a chesta citta, c hamma imparat a campa
And in this city, where we've learned to get by,
C'amma imparato aspetta ricenne semp chissa rimane
We've learned to always wait for this one, stay the same.
Che c'e vuluto pe c'e scaffa nu poc e man
There's nothing left to lend us a hand.
Ajere e na fotografia pe te fa ricurda quando era ajere
Yesterday is a photo to make you remember when it was yesterday.
E dint a chillu vasce sta e case ancora mamma
And in that ship, it's still home, mom.
Ca me scetava accussi cu cento lire e cafe, ajere
Because I used to wake up like that, with a hundred lire and coffee, yesterday.

Writer(s): L. D'alessio, Enzo Rossi, C. Rigione

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