Frank Wild - Chutě - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Frank Wild - Chutě

Všechno co máš, tak nech
Leave everything you have,
Jdeme si povídat
Let's talk
O tom co pro seš
About what you mean to me
Chci se ti zpovídat
I want to confess to you
Děláš na oči celej den
You've been making eyes at me all day
To je důvod proč jít s pravdou ven
That's why I'm going to tell you the truth
Tak pojď ke hvězdám aspoň na tejden
So come to the stars for at least a week
Tak pojď za mnou bejby
Come on, baby, come with me
Nepiš že chutě mám
Don't write to tell me you're hungry
Kdyžs nezkusila
When you haven't tried me
Napiš bude dvanáct
Write to me when it's twelve
Abys okusila
So that you can taste me
Se mnou ke hvězdám jít
To come with me to the stars
Ale vedle sebe budem chtít víc
But next to each other we'll want more
Ale vedle sebe budem chtít víc
But next to each other we'll want more
Ona chutě
She has cravings
Že prej chutnám líp
That supposedly I taste better
Ona šťávu
She's got juice
Teče, když ji chci sníst
It flows when I want to eat her
Není zadaná
She's not taken
Tahle hra baví víc a víc
This game amuses me more and more
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Ona chutě
She has cravings
Že prej chutnám líp
That supposedly I taste better
Ona šťávu
She's got juice
Teče, když ji chci sníst
It flows when I want to eat her
Není zadaná
She's not taken
Tahle hra baví víc a víc
This game amuses me more and more
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Vím je to nádherný yee-yee-yee-ye-ye
I know it's beautiful, yee-yee-yee-ye-ye
Ale co jsi čekala?
But what were you expecting?
Jsem lev a ty seš savana
I'm a lion and you're a savannah
I mně se líbilo, co jsi včera dělala-aa-a-a
I also liked what you were doing yesterday-aa-a-a
(Co jsi včera dělala)
(What you were doing yesterday)
Že na sebe čekáme, tuším od mala-a-a-a
That we've been waiting for each other, I suspect since we were little-a-a-a
A teď vím, že chutnáš po jahodách
And now I know that you taste like strawberries
A každej den jedeme dál
And every day we go further
Těšíme se, co bude dál
We're excited for what comes next
To je ve hvězdách bae
That's in the stars, bae
Tím myslím nás bae (tím myslím nás bae)
I mean us bae (I mean us bae)
To je ve hvězdách bae
That's in the stars, bae
Tím myslím nás bae
I mean us bae
Ona chutě
She has cravings
Že prej chutnám líp
That supposedly I taste better
Ona šťávu
She's got juice
Teče, když chci sníst
It flows when I want to eat her
Není zadaná
She's not taken
Tahle hra baví víc a víc
This game amuses me more and more
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Ona chutě
She has cravings
Že prej chutnám líp
That supposedly I taste better
Ona šťávu
She's got juice
Teče, když chci sníst
It flows when I want to eat her
Není zadaná
She's not taken
Tahle hra baví víc a víc
This game amuses me more and more
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave
Nikdo z nás nechce odejít
Neither of us wants to leave

Writer(s): Frantisek Divoky

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