Frank Wild - Ona Je - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Frank Wild - Ona Je

Ona Je
She Is
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Yee yee a ona není zadaná
Yee yee and she's not taken anymore
Kouká na že je sama
She's looking at me like she's on her own
Ye ye
Ye ye
Ey, říkám tak nedělej drama
Ey, I'm saying don't be dramatic
Tahle hra je dávno vyhraná
This game has long been won
Koukáme na sebe jak panorama
We're looking at each other like a panorama
A nespecháme nejedeme závod
And we're not in a hurry, we're not racing
Vem si mojí manu máš na to právo
Take my mana, you have the right to
Na symbiózu není návod
There is no manual for symbiosis
Nee není návod
No, there is no manual
A poletíme spolu jen kam budeš chtít bae
And we'll fly together only where you want to, bae
Ona je nebe jsem blesk co letí dolu ohnivej
She is the sky, I am the lightning that strikes down fiery
A spolu to zapálíme
And together we will ignite it
Oheň fire
Jedeme dál a co bude dál dávno víme
We'll keep going and what will happen next we've long known
Jsme propojený jako síť
We're connected like a network
Víš že když chceš tak můžeš mít
You know that when you want me, you can have me
A vím že jenom s tebou můžu naplno žít yee
And I know that only with you can I live to the fullest yee
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Noc je ještě dlouhá a
The night is still long and
Ona do očí mi kouká a
She looks me in the eyes and
Jsme propojený jak lego
We are connected like lego
Ukazuju co je touha
I show her what desire is
Noc je ještě dlouhá a
The night is still long and
Ona do očí mi kouká a
She looks me in the eyes and
Jsme propojený jak lego
We are connected like lego
Ukazuju co je touha
I show her what desire is
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can
Ona je nebe
She is the sky
Ona je most
She is the bridge
Jakože v posteli budem celou noc
Oh honey, I mean we'll be in bed all night
Ona je savana
She is the savannah
Ona je rose
She is the dew
že pojedem dál dokud budem moct
She knows that we'll drive on as long as we can

Writer(s): Frantisek Divoky

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