Franka - Plan B - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Franka - Plan B

Plan B
Plan B
Ja još zadrhtim ka netko pravu pjesmu zasvira
I still tremble when someone plays the right song
Kada note pogode u moj dio svemira
When the notes hit my part of the universe
Ja još zaplačem kad tužni film se završi
I still cry when a sad movie ends
Ali suze samo odu kada o me zagrli
But the tears only go away when you hug me
Ja nemam drugi put ja nemam drugi smijer
I have no other way, I have no other direction
Svijet je bez ljubavi zauvijek izgubljen
The world without love is forever lost
Ja nemam drugi dan ja imam ovaj tren
I have no other day, I have this moment
Sekund bez ljubavi je život promašen
A second without love is a life missed
Trebam stvari obične obične a čarobne
I need simple things, simple but magical
Da si kraj mene jer od tebe srce još mi preskače
For you to be next to me because my heart still skips a beat for you
I najmanji je osjećaj svakom danu sretan kraj
And the smallest feeling is a happy ending to every day
Samo zagrljaj jer najveće su želje besplatne
Just a hug because the greatest desires are free
Sve drugo za mene samo plan je B
Everything else to me is just Plan B
Još se uvijek zabrinem kad dugo mi se ne javiš
I'm still worried when you don't call me for a long time
Na trenutak protrnem kao da me ne voli
For a moment I feel scared as if you don't love me
Oda dođe pozvoni i taj me osmijeh umiri
Then you call and that smile calms me down
Poljubac mi pokloni i opet mi smo mi
You give me a kiss and we are again us
Ja nemam drugi put ja nemam drugi smijer
I have no other way, I have no other direction
Svijet je bez ljubavi zauvijek izgubljen
The world without love is forever lost
Ja nemam drugi dan ja imam ovaj tren
I have no other day, I have this moment
Sekund bez ljubavi je život promašen
A second without love is a life missed
Trebam stvari obične obične a čarobne
I need simple things, simple but magical
Da si kraj mene jer od tebe srce još mi preskače
For you to be next to me because my heart still skips a beat for you
I najmanji je osjećaj svakom danu sretan kraj
And the smallest feeling is a happy ending to every day
Samo zagrljaj jer najveće su želje besplatne
Just a hug because the greatest desires are free
Sve drugo za mene samo plan je B
Everything else to me is just Plan B
Trebam stvari obične obične a čarobne
I need simple things, simple but magical
Da si kraj mene jer od tebe srce još mi preskače
For you to be next to me because my heart still skips a beat for you
I najmanji je osjećaj svakom danu sretan kraj
And the smallest feeling is a happy ending to every day
Samo zagrljaj jer najveće su želje besplatne
Just a hug because the greatest desires are free
Sve drugo za mene samo plan je B
Everything else to me is just Plan B
Sve drugo za mene ...
Everything else to me ...

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