Frayer Flexking feat. Pil C - Stokárske R/N/B - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frayer Flexking feat. Pil C - Stokárske R/N/B

Stokárske R/N/B
Hood R/N/B
Zabil som to v mojej hlave
I killed it in my head
Ostal tam iba tento spev
Only this song remains
Nikto nevie že čo sa stane
Nobody knows what's gonna happen
A mňa zachránil more trap life
And the trap life saved me
Od mala bola lopta na nohách, na drese Maradona
Since childhood, the ball was on my feet, Maradona on the jersey
Z ihriska sa vracal domov keď bola tma
Coming home from the field when it was dark
V škole nedával pozor, poznámka za poznámkou
Not paying attention in school, note after note
Nebol čas na komp, radšej robil zlo
No time for the computer, rather doing mischief
V trináctich odišiel do Dubnice
At thirteen, I left for Dubnica
Futbalista, prvá liga, mala to byť cesta easy
Football player, first league, it was supposed to be an easy path
Ale life ukazuje karty v kríze
But life shows its cards only in crisis
More došiel hiphop, boy stal sa stokárom
Hip hop came, boy became a hoodlum
Stratený vo svete na intraku žiari sídlisko
Lost in the world, the housing estate shines in the dorm
V slúchadlách music a každý deň tréning
Music in headphones and training every day
Miloval som budovať si na ulici credit
I loved building credit on the street
Bipolar vo mne sa bil - anjel a démon
Bipolar fought within me - an angel and a demon
Byť profi športovec, alebo bad boy
To be a professional athlete, or a bad boy
Mal som to v sebe od malého zmrda
I had it in me since I was a little shit
Ego bolo tvrdé, chcel som byť hviezda
Ego was hard, I wanted to be a star
Stredná škola, v pľúcach marihuana
High school, marijuana in my lungs
Cítim sa byť iný jak všetci okolo mňa
I feel different than everyone around me
Párty, chlast, bitchеs, experimenty
Parties, booze, bitches, experiments
Extrémnе ma bavilo byť mimo
I enjoyed being out of it
Joint za bongom, bongo za jointom
Joint after bong, bong after joint
Fľaša za čiarou, čiara za fľašou
Bottle after line, line after bottle
Bitka za bitkou, čórka za čórkou
Fight after fight, theft after theft
som si prestával tykať aj s loptou
I was already starting to lose touch with the ball
Po piatich rokoch vyhadzov z niekoľkých stredných škôl
After five years, expelled from several high schools
to nebol obyčajný chlapec,
He was no longer an ordinary boy,
Ale vagabund, čo chcel len povedať svoj názor
But a vagabond who just wanted to say his opinion
Bol to kruh, bola to pasť
It was a circle, it was a trap
Stereotyp jak labyrint
Stereotype like a labyrinth
Žil som tmu, svetlo zapínam
I lived in darkness, I turn on the light
Toto je stokárske RNB
This is hood RNB
Na starý hood rád spomínam
I like to remember the old hood
Všetky pomaľované steny
All the painted walls
mám kľud, idem do budúcna
I have peace now, I'm going into the future
Nechcem ten shit z minulosti
I don't want that shit from the past anymore
Stojím tu sám, spomínam
I stand here alone, remembering
Na časy keď sme boli mládenci
The times when we were young
Zabiť ma, navždy bude hrať naše stokárske RNB
Kill me, our hood RNB will always play
Zvoní budík, naťahujem sa, dúfam že som ho vypol
The alarm clock rings, I stretch, I hope I turned it off
Suché rožky, polievky v sáčku a bratu vifon
Dry rolls, soups in a bag and brother, instant noodles
Každý deň rovnaký a každý deň fakt psycho
Every day is the same and every day is really psycho
Rozjebávať lóve v automatoch bolo zvykom
Smashing money in slot machines was a habit
Prvé kroky viedli do basy a nasrať
The first steps led to jail, fuck it
Jak sa z tade vymotám, jak sa dostanem odtiaľ naspák
How do I get out of there, how do I get back
Smola lepí sa na päty ako asfalt
Bad luck sticks to my heels like asphalt
Jebať na to bratu, ver mi že ja mám plán
Fuck it, brother, believe me, I have a plan
Bol to kruh, bola to pasť
It was a circle, it was a trap
Stereotyp jak labyrint
Stereotype like a labyrinth
Žil som tmu, svetlo zapínam
I lived in darkness, I turn on the light
Toto je stokárske RNB
This is hood RNB
Na starý hood rád spomínam
I like to remember the old hood
Všetky pomaľované steny
All the painted walls
mám kľud, idem do budúcna
I have peace now, I'm going into the future
Nechcem ten shit z minulosti
I don't want that shit from the past anymore
Ja sedím na ďalšom byte
I'm sitting in another apartment
Nepoznám tváre, nepoznám mená
I don't know faces, I don't know names
Každý tu svoj vlastný svet
Everyone here has their own world
Poviem ti o sebe všetko, zajtra si nepamätám
I'll tell you everything about myself, I won't remember tomorrow
Nepozerám dozadu, nepozerám do späťáku
I don't look back, I don't look in the rearview mirror
Aj keď nabúram, tak opravím
Even if I crash, I'll fix it
V servise som bol milión krát, milióny robotách
I've been in the service a million times, millions of jobs
Bitch legál striedal ilegál
Legal bitch alternated with illegal

Writer(s): Andreas Stolárik, Lukáš Kajanovič

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