Free Finga - Tu Maivais - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Free Finga - Tu Maivais

Tu Maivais
Tu Maivais
Atsidarė durys, negaliu įeiti
The doors opened, I can't enter
Jau turbūt žinai, bet patinki man baisiai
You probably know it already, but I like you terribly
Tu truputį kuklinies naktinio reiso
You're a little shy about the night flight
noriu tave pažint, bet tu maivais, beib
I want to get to know you, but you're being bad, baby
Dvidešimt bernų tuo pačiu metu atsistoja
Twenty guys getting up at the same time
Praplauki lėtai, net langai rasoja
You pass by slowly, even the windows fog up
akis matai, jie turbūt pavydi
I see their eyes, they must be jealous
Baro kėdės ir stalai baigia išsilydyt
The bar stools and tables are about to melt
Tu ištraukei žemę man po kojų
You pulled the ground out from under my feet
Porą valandų jau sunkiau kvėpuoju
It's been a couple of hours and I'm already having trouble breathing
Gal susipažinsim pakeliui namo?
Maybe we could get to know each other on the way home?
penkių minučių baltas Renault
A white Renault in five minutes
Noriu glostyt tau plaukus, dingti šitos skylės
I want to caress your hair, escape from this hole
Tu atrodai pavargus, o tave baigiu įsimylėt
You look tired, and I'm starting to fall in love with you
Karštą ugnį užkūrei, negesink jos, kol esi rate
You've started a hot fire, don't put it out while you're on the wheel
Smilksta paskutiniai dūmai, kai pabaigsim dubį varom pas mane
The last smoke is rising, when we finish the bowl we'll go to my place

Writer(s): Free Finga

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