Free Stayla - Alfombra Roja - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Free Stayla - Alfombra Roja

Alfombra Roja
Red Carpet
Espero entiendan lo que es agilidad mental para que cuente que esta suya y se haga mas publicidad
I hope you understand what mental agility is so that it counts that it is yours and more publicity is made
De que tienen que hablar si ellos de mi no saben na'a y muchos menos yo los conozco pa' de ellos ponerme hablar
What do they have to talk about if they don't know anything about me and much less do I know them to talk about them
Estan confiados locos por subestimar, les dare clases de respeto y sus chismes han de tragar
They are confident crazy for underestimating, I will give them classes of respect and their gossip has to swallow
Soy un mocoso y eso es lo que mas te duele, que voy solo para adelante, papi a mi no hay quien me frene
I'm a brat and that's what hurts you the most, that I'm going forward alone, daddy there's no one to stop me
No hay pactos con Dios ni con el diablo esta Traba'o tanto que camello con ellos y de ti nunca han habla'o
There are no pacts with God or with the devil this is working so much that camel with them and they have never talked about you
Se mas realista en todo lo que estas diciendo, que escuchas esto y por dentro te estas muriendo
Be more realistic in everything you are saying, that you hear this and inside you are dying
Quieres saber de mi, soy un blanco con Flow de nigga, tengo un ...
Do you want to know about me, I'm a white guy with nigga Flow, I have a...
Metido adentro haciendo un rap que ni se diga
Stuck inside doing a rap that can't even be said
No piensen que estoy flojo por tener mi corta edad, en cambio tu que tienes tanta deberias aprender mas
Do not think that I am lazy because I am my young age, instead you who have so much should learn more
Nadie es real todos quieren ser competencia y hablar paja de otros Rapers solo pa' ganar audiencia
No one is real everyone wants to be competition and talk wank about other Rappers just to 'gain audience
A mis 21 se lo que es ganar un puesto, y solo me queda bien a mi ...
At 21, I know what it's like to win a job, and it only suits me...
Para serte honesto
To be honest with you
Cuantos por fama hoy el ego los desploma no tengo que hablar de nadie ya que soy una alfombra roja
How many for fame today the ego collapses them I don't have to talk about anyone since I'm a red carpet
No tiene sentido creerse el mejor en esto ya que nunca lo eh sido tampoco quisiera hacerlo)
There is no point in believing yourself the best at this since I have never been one either I would like to do it)
Disculpa si te sientes mal con mis escritos, pero no encontre un rival por eso con nadie compito
Sorry if you feel bad about my writing, but I didn't find a rival that's why I compete with no one
No tengo que inventarme los escritos de mis temas, pues si le miento a mi oyente, le mentire hasta mi vieja
I don't have to invent the writings of my subjects, because if I lie to my listener, I will lie to my old
Y yoo
And yoo
Observo desde la cabina, como hablan de reales para conseguir vaginas
I watch from the booth, as they talk about real to get vaginas
No pueden negarlo, pues personas de tu combo ya han tenido que contarlo
They can't deny it, because people from your combo have already had to tell
Mujeres de tu clan te hablan mal de mi es por mis objetivos claros ya que nunca se los di
Women of your clan speak badly to you about me it's because of my clear objectives since I never gave them
Conservo sus regalos como una muestra de amor, para que vean que no me enojo y sientan humillacion
I keep their gifts as a token of love, so that they see that I am not angry and feel humiliation
Les falta ser persona para ser cantantes y hablar paja de los que hasta podrian respresentarte
They need to be a person to be singers and talk shit about those who could even represent you
No les creo el cuento que en esto existen union, cuando en verdad todos compiten para creerse el mejor
I don't believe the story that there is a union in this, when in truth everyone competes to believe themselves the best
Ya pasara la moda y no podrian entender que para ser mejor que alguien tienen que saber perder
The fashion will already pass and they would not be able to understand that to be better than someone they have to know how to lose
No lo tomen a mal tampoco se crean un dios, y aprendan con un solo dedo no podian el sol
Don't take it the wrong way, don't think yourself a god either, and learn with one finger you couldn't the sun
Bueno, en el espejo al huevo, hay mucho preocupa'o por el culo ageno, esos perros, no son de mi manada y entre su propia banda se les cuaja la pomada)
Well, in the mirror to the egg, there is a lot of worry about the ass ageno, those dogs, they are not from my pack and between their own band the ointment curdles)

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