FreeStay - Din Întâmplare - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction FreeStay - Din Întâmplare

Din Întâmplare
Our Chance Encounter
Fac ce vrei, numai sa n-ajung in locul tau
I'll do whatever you ask, as long as I don't wind up in your position
Fac ce vrei, nu stiu cum suporti atata rau
I'll do whatever you ask, I don't know how you can tolerate so much evil
Fa ce vrei, numai sa n-ajung un bibelou
Do whatever you want, so long as I don't become a mere collectible
In mintea ta, pe umbra ta, in mana ce odata ma mangaia
In your mind, in your shadow, in the hand that used to caress me
Ma mangaia.
Caressed me.
Vreau sa-ti dau tot ce am
I want to give you everything I have
Un intreg, nu elemente
A whole, not just fragments
Vreau sa-mi dai tot ce ai
I want you to give me everything you have
Doar bucati de sentimente
Just pieces of emotion
Vreau sa spun tot ce simt
I want to say everything I feel
Fara mesаje, fara taste
Without messages, without typing
Doar patru ochi ce s-au vazut in lumea mare
Just four eyes that met by chance in this vast world
Din intamplare.
By chance.
Fac ce vreau, dar ma lovesc de zid ce-a despartit
I do what I want, but I keep hitting the wall that divides
Tot ce vreau, mai bine zi-mi tot ce-as fi dorit
All that I want, better tell me all that I should have wished
Doar noi doi, momentul cand ne-am dezlantuit
Just the two of us, the moment when we unleashed ourselves
Pe masa ta, in casa ta, pe patul ce candva tipa
On your table, in your house, on the bed that once cried out
Mai vreau, mai vreau.
I want more, I want more.
Vreau sa-ti dau tot ce am
I want to give you everything I have
Un intreg, nu elemente
A whole, not just fragments
Vreau sa-mi dai tot ce ai
I want you to give me everything you have
Doar bucati de sentimente
Just pieces of emotion
Vreau sa spun tot ce simt
I want to say everything I feel
Fara mesaje, fara taste
Without messages, without typing
Doar patru ochi ce s-au vazut in lumea mare
Just four eyes that met by chance in this vast world
Din intamplare.
By chance.
Tu m-ai facut sa plang
You made me cry
Tu m-ai facut sa plang
You made me cry
Tu m-ai facut sa plang
You made me cry
Si n-am stiut ca noi nu stim ce-nseamna doi
And I had no idea that we didn't know what "two" meant
Am asteptat tot timpul ca sa suni doar tu inapoi
I waited all the time for you to call back
Eu te-am facut sa plangi, tu m-ai facut sa plang
I made you cry, you made me cry
Si nimeni, niciodata nu va sti cum ar fi fost
And nobody will ever know how it would have been
Vreau sa-ti dau tot ce am
I want to give you everything I have
Un intreg, nu elemente
A whole, not just fragments
Vreau sa-mi dai tot ce ai
I want you to give me everything you have
Doar bucati de sentimente
Just pieces of emotion
Vreau sa spun tot ce simt
I want to say everything I feel
Fara mesaje, fara taste
Without messages, without typing
Doar patru ochi ce s-au vazut in lumea mare
Just four eyes that met by chance in this vast world
Din intamplare.
By chance.
Tu m-ai facut sa plang
You made me cry
Tu m-ai facut sa plang
You made me cry
Tu m-ai facut sa plang...
You made me cry...

Writer(s): Constantin Bodea, Traian Florin Ristei

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