Freezy Trap - Lebenssinn - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Freezy Trap - Lebenssinn

Meaning of Life
I bin ned perfekt, des was i söwa a
I'm not perfect, I know that myself
Doch wos i was, is, dass i mi ned afoch so vastöhn kau
But what I do know is that I can't just settle
Die Zeidn san vorbei, ois jedem Recht zu mochn
The times are over when everyone gets their way
Geh in mei Innerstes eine und werd es endlich schoffn
Go inside myself and finally achieve it
Brauch kane Freind, de ma höfn, nur mein Egoismus
I don't need friends who help me, just my egoism
San im Endeffekt unnedig, mochn ständig Bitchmoves
In the end, they're unnecessary, always making bitch moves
Perfekt is kana, jeder der perfekt sei wü, der kau si zuschaun
Nobody's perfect, anyone who wants to be perfect can watch
Wie er untageht in seiner Scheiße und sie söwa zuagrobt
As they sink in their own shit and bury themselves
I moch nix foisch und nix richtig, i mochs fia mi passend
I do nothing wrong and nothing right, I do it my way
Des is mei Eistöllung, des Posivite zum mochn
This is my attitude, to bring positivity
Solongs rennt, es is rund wie a Kugel
As long as it runs, it's round like a ball
In meim Leben bin i wichtig und ned des Double
In my life, I'm important and not the double
Wos is perfekt? Famülie, Haus und Musik
What is perfect? Family, house, and music
Meine Erfoige in der Branche, i brauch nur mein Beat
My successes in the industry, I just need my beat
Donn geht′s dahi, donn gib i ois, wie die letzten 16 Joah
Then I go for it, then I give it my all, like the last 16 years
Wori augfaunga hob und nur die Bestn bleim im Tor
Where I started and only the best remain in the game
Mei Werdegong: Todesfälle erlebt
My journey: Experienced deaths
Soi i no wos sogn, hob hoid die Härte erlebt
Should I say more, I've experienced hardship
Umzüge, on 2 Händ zöht
Moved house, counted on 2 hands
I siachs positiv, des End zöht
I see it positively, because the end counts
Des End und da Onfong vo am Neibeginn
The end and the beginning of a new start
Doch wos is, womma Menschen leida ned siacht
But what is it when you don't see people suffer
On 2 Leid hob i schee zum Kiefeln daron
I had two people I was close to
2 vo Locz Grip, i hoff ihr wissts des vadommt
2 from Locz Grip, I hope you damn well know
Probleme: 100 000
Problems: 100,000
Uman Daumen ungenau gsehn
Seen roughly
I hob Ongst, dass mei Mama ned allanich über d'Runden kummt
I'm scared that my mom won't make ends meet on her own
Hob Ongst, dass sie irgendwonn endet wie a junger Hund
I'm scared that she'll end up like a young dog
Der Hüfe braucht beim Leben, vor oim finanziö
Who needs help in life, especially financially
Würd sufuat a Göd herschenken, auf da Stö
Would give away money right away, on the spot
Häd i a boa 1000er, i würds ihr schenken
If I had a few thousand, I would give it to her
i was, mit dem Göd brauch i mei Lebn ned lenkn
Because I know, I don't need to steer my life with that money
Muas zuerst auf mi schaun, des is leida kloa
Have to look after myself first, unfortunately that's how it is
Doch dass mei Mama fost ka Pensn kriagt, des is leida woah
But that my mom gets almost no pension, that's unfortunately true
Und so vazweifel i on monche Tog, wos is wonn wos is
And so I despair on some days, what is, what is
Wonn sie allanich do steht, und ned dazaht dass wos is
When she's standing there alone and doesn't say anything's wrong
Nämlich Notstond, und wie gez donn weida
Namely, an emergency, and how do we go on then
Ned allanich übalebensfähig, so is des leida
Not capable of surviving alone, that's how it is unfortunately
I würd ihr höfn, höfn sufuat, doch wie long
I would help her, help her immediately, but for how long
Konn i 2 Lebn finanziern, dass uns guad jetzt im Stond
Can I finance 2 lives so that we're in a good position now
Und so frog i mi oft, wo is der Sinn des Lebens
And so I often ask myself, what is the meaning of life
Dass ma jedn Tog vasuacht, im Studio trinken zu gehen
That we try every day, to go drinking in the studio
Mei Werdegong: Todesfälle erlebt
My journey: Experienced deaths
Soi i no wos sogn, hob hoid die Härte erlebt
Should I say more, I've experienced hardship
Umzüge, on 2 Händ zöht
Moved house, counted on 2 hands
I siachs positiv, des End zöht
I see it positively, because the end counts
Des End und da Onfong vo am Neibeginn
The end and the beginning of a new start
Doch wos is, womma Menschen leida ned siacht
But what is it when you don't see people suffer
On 2 Leid hob i schee zum Kiefeln daron
I had two people I was close to
2 vo Locz Grip, i hoff ihr wissts des vadommt
2 from Locz Grip, I hope you damn well know
Probleme: 100 000
Problems: 100,000
Uman Daumen ungenau gsehn
Seen roughly
Mei Werdegong: Todesfälle erlebt
My journey: Experienced deaths
Soi i no wos sogn, hob hoid die Härte erlebt
Should I say more, I've experienced hardship
Umzüge, on 2 Händ zöht
Moved house, counted on 2 hands
I siachs positiv, des End zöht
I see it positively, because the end counts
Des End und da Onfong vo am Neibeginn
The end and the beginning of a new start
Doch wos is, womma Menschen leida ned siacht
But what is it when you don't see people suffer
On 2 Leid hob i schee zum Kiefeln daron
I had two people I was close to
2 vo Locz Grip, i hoff ihr wissts des vadommt
2 from Locz Grip, I hope you damn well know
Probleme: 100 000
Problems: 100,000
Uman Daumen ungenau gsehn
Seen roughly

Writer(s): Freezy Trap, Klusiqbeats

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