Freezy Trap - Hin oda her Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Freezy Trap - Hin oda her Remix

Hin oda her Remix
Hin oda her Remix
Wir befinden uns im Jahre 2015
We find ourselves in the year 2015
Ganz Österreich ist von Rapidioten besetzt
All of Austria is occupied by rap idiots
Ganz Österreich? Nein! Ein unbeugsamer Rapper hört nicht auf
All of Austria? No! An unyielding rapper doesn't stop
Den Idioten Widerstand zu leisten
Resisting the idiots
Erfoig hin oda her, wos Ha
Success or not, what the hell
Intressiert mi des scho groß! Wosn
Does it really matter to me! What
I bleib a No Name, oda so! Jo
I'll remain a No Name, or something! Yeah
Moch mit bei jeda Castingshow! Yiah
Join every casting show! Yiah
Duat ma lad, i hob afoch zu Stoiz, Right
Makes me tired, I simply have too much pride, Right
Und a ka Lust dazua, mas daugt
And no desire for it, what do I care
Österreich is afoch unter olla Sau! Fuck
Austria is simply below all pigs! Fuck
Und des Leben is ned afoch für mi
And life isn't easy for me
I probier vüles aus, du host kan Tau wies is
I try many things, you have no clue how it is
Augfaunga hob i mit dreizehn Joah
I started at thirteen years old
Vüle Scheiß Texte gschriem, jo wös so woa
Wrote a lot of shitty lyrics, yeah, whatever
Und davoa hob is mit am Radl probiert und jongliert
And before that, I tried with a bike and juggling
Imma wieda auf de Fressn gfoin und riskiert
Fell on my face again and again and risked a lot
Hob Theater gspüt, a eigenes Solostickl gschriem
Played theater, wrote my own solo piece
Und in dera Branche bin i unterm jo a bliem
And in that industry, I also blossomed under the year
Vüle Auftritte im Circus und nebnbei vabessert
Many performances in the circus and improved on the side
Olle Hater hom mi g′ärgert, hob die Rederei vagessn
All the haters annoyed me, I forgot the gossip
Und 2006 is donn losgonga
And in 2006 it started
Hob den Woidviatla Poetry Slam 2 moi gwunna
Won the Waldviertel Poetry Slam twice
Woa mit Bauchklang auf da Bühne und Locz Grip aschoffn
Was on stage with throat singing and created Locz Grip
Is Woidviatl erobert, an Kulturbetrieb eröffnet
Conquered Waldviertel, opened a cultural business
3 Solo Alben gmocht, 6 Free Tapes ausaghaut
Made 3 solo albums, released 6 free tapes
In ana Tour gwerkt, Kollabo Sochn, dassd nur schaust
Worked on a tour, collab stuff, you wouldn't believe it
Erfoig hin oda her, wos Ha
Success or not, what the hell
Intressiert mi des scho groß! Wosn
Does it really matter to me! What
I bleib a No Name, oda so! Jo
I'll remain a No Name, or something! Yeah
Moch mit bei jeda Castingshow! Yiah
Join every casting show! Yiah
Duat ma lad, i hob afoch zu Stoiz, Right
Makes me tired, I simply have too much pride, Right
Und a ka Lust dazua, mas daugt
And no desire for it, what do I care
Österreich is afoch unter olla Sau! Fuck
Austria is simply below all pigs! Fuck
Die Kreativität valosst mi nie, wölis lieb
Creativity never leaves me, whoever loves it
Und i kämpf imma no weida fia den vadientn Sieg
And I keep fighting for the deserved victory
Owa jo, und jetzt kummts, wos bringt ma de Scheißn
Oh well, and now it comes, what does this shit bring me
Im Woidviadl ois Rappa konnst jo eh nix reißn
As a rapper in Waldviertel, you can't achieve anything
Würd ma Rap nimma daung, würd i aufhean damit
If I didn't like rap anymore, I would stop it
Wös ma eh nix bringt, außa den onderen Mist
What doesn't bring me anything anyway, except the other crap
So wie Feind, de mi schlogn wön, wös as ned pockn
Like enemies who want to beat me, who can't stand it
Dass i afoch weida moch, i bin a härterer Brockn
That I just keep going, I'm a tougher dude
I red imma nur groß vom Erfoig und den Fame
I always talk big about success and fame
Doch i dron bleibn, des is hoid so im Game
But I want to stick to it, that's how it is in the game
Deshoib hob i so ausprobiert und Features gmocht
That's why I tried so much and did features
Nur dass i zum Ruhm kumm, hättast niemois docht
Just to get to fame, you would never have thought
Moch Videos mit Bitches, wös so schick is
Make videos with bitches, which is so chic
Doch die Views bleibn gering, i check den Shit ned
But the views remain low, I don't get this shit
Bin zur großn Chance gonga und Herz von Österreich
Went to the big chance and Heart of Austria
Doch ois Rapper host do eh ka Chance, blöder Scheiß
But as a rapper you have no chance here anyway, stupid shit
Erfoig hin oda her, wos Ha
Success or not, what the hell
Intressiert mi des scho groß! Wosn
Does it really matter to me! What
I bleib a No Name, oda so! Jo
I'll remain a No Name, or something! Yeah
Moch mit bei jeda Castingshow! Yiah
Join every casting show! Yiah
Duat ma lad, i hob afoch zu Stoiz, Right
Makes me tired, I simply have too much pride, Right
Und a ka Lust dazua, mas daugt
And no desire for it, what do I care
Österreich is afoch unter olla Sau! Fuck
Austria is simply below all pigs! Fuck
Im Endeffekt san olle meine Alben fian Oasch
In the end, all my albums are for the ass
Wös jo kana kaft und i dua nur so auf hoat
Because nobody buys them and I just act tough
Dass i fame bin und Connections hob, wos wasn i
That I'm famous and have connections, what am I
I moch allanich meine Sochn, wonn kana mitduan
I only do my things when nobody wants to join
Und donn hobts a wieda wos zum redn, a Hysterie
And then you have something to talk about again, a hysteria
Lustige Videos von mir san wie Magie
Funny videos of me are like magic
Du muast di nur drauf eilossn kena
You just have to be able to let yourself in on it
Donn vastehst mi a, und konnst di on mi gwehna
Then you'll understand me too, and you can get used to me

Writer(s): Beatingu, Freezy Trap

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