Al sutra kad sretnem jezike zle mogu ponosno reći da sam pokuso sve probo ih rušiti i palioi vatre svama o prvom redu to znate nakon prve runde znao sam reć
But tomorrow when I meet evil tongues I can proudly say that I tried everything I tried to destroy them and set fires for you all in the front row you know that after the first round I knew how to say it
Uzeo sam par bodova ali oni će meč bio sam spreman moju mladost da ti predam ali godine moje djece ti nedam
I took a few points but they were the game I was ready to give you my youth but I won't give you my children's years
Znam kako je bio sam tu kad das sve a ispadnes glup
I know how it was, I was there when you gave it your all and came off looking stupid
Znam kako je kad si bjesan i ljut jer covjek je jeftin a ponoss je skup
I know how it is when you're furious and angry because man is cheap and pride is expensive
Znam kako je bio sam tu tamo gdje je isto biti dobar i lud
I know how it was, I was there where it's the same to be good and crazy
Znam kako je kad dodjes na rub znati sta zelis u tome je kljuc
I know how it is when you come to the edge knowing what you want is the key to it
Kad prestanes krivit ljude pocnes krivit kicmu malo ko postaje licnost kad vadi prvu licnu kad je zemlja
When you stop blaming people, you start blaming the spine, few become a person when they take out their first personal when the earth is
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