Frenkie - 95% - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie - 95%

Pazi sad
Look, baby
Pazi budalo vrijeme je sad stalo
Look, you fool, time has stopped now
Repas dobro ja repam bolje malo
I rap well, I rap a little better
Svi reze od Frenkie bjeze
Everyone cuts from Frenkie, they run
Kad on s rijecima reze
When he cuts with words
Imaju stila al' mome stilu teze
They have style, but it's harder for my style
Svaka picka njeg' se veze
Every chick is hooked on him
Polecemo lagano
We take off slowly
Rime na bit slazemo
We put rhymes on the beat
Onda komisija hapamo
Then we catch the commission
Zvacemo, ispljujemo van
We'll call them, spit them out
Dodji s ekipom ili ako smijes sam
Come with the crew or if you dare alone
Ja cu vazda jednu lekciju da ti dam
I'll always give you a lesson
Od Tuzle do Mostara pa onda do Japana
From Tuzla to Mostar, then to Japan
Tolika mi je kara kad sam je onda mjerio
That's how big my anger was when I measured it back then
Ali od tad je proso dug period
But a long time has passed since then
Kita mi je debela kao Miss Eliot
My swag is thick like Miss Eliot
Rime lete iz studija sto na sat
Rhymes fly out of the studio a hundred per hour
Pazi nemoj k'o Basta sebi slomit' vrat
Look, don't break your neck like Basta
Ne mozes brzeg nac
You can't find faster
Ne mozes ovo pratit'
You can't keep up with this
Pola od ovih stvari jarane
Half of this stuff, man
Ne mozes ni shvatit'
You can't even understand
Ja brzo repam, ti brzo slusas
I rap fast, you listen fast
Pa ces onda brzo care razumit' sve
Then you'll understand everything quickly, baby
Hoces repat na bini ja ti kazem ne
Do you want to rap on stage? I tell you no
Evo ponavljam ponovo, ne mere
Here I repeat again, you can't
Fosizl na mizle za FMJAM nizl
Fossil on mizles for FMJAM nizl
Pravimo hitove kao Snoop Dog djizle
We make hits like Snoop Dog djizle
Raja je vec dole pada u trans
The crowd is already down, falling into a trance
Zato svaka picka dolje bauns
That's why every chick down there is bouncing
Frenkie i Sile hit makera dva
Frenkie and Sile, two hit makers
Ne mozes repat ko ja
You can't rap like me
To ovdje svako zna
Everyone here knows that
Ne mozes napravit' bit
You can't make a beat
Ne mozes napravit' hit
You can't make a hit
Ne mozes napravit' skit
You can't make a skit
Sta god napravis je shit
Whatever you make is shit
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
95% scene je picka
95% of the scene is a chick
95% scene je viska
95% of the scene is extra
95% scene mi pusi
95% of the scene blows me
95% Frenk sad rusi
95% Frenk is ruining now
Mrze me mnogi i stari i novi
Many hate me, both old and new
Ja kazem batle picka se odmah skloni
I say battle, chick immediately get out of the way
Vi reperi niste mi ni do peta
You rappers are not even up to my ankles
Vama smeta sto Frenka betla
You guys are bothered by Frenk's battling
Frenkie tenk gasi tvoju karijeru
Frenkie tank, extinguish your career
Frenkie tenk dizem atmosferu
Frenkie tank, I raise the atmosphere
Izbacujem te iz tima van
I kick you out of the team
Frenk tenk, tenk sad si osto sam
Frenk tank, tank, you're left alone now
Nemas s kim repat ja to znam
You have no one to rap with, I know that
Moj plan je da sirim svoj klan
My plan is to expand my clan
MC mi stvarno ne smeta
MCs don't really bother me
Al' ne mogu podnjet' Frenketa
But I can't stand Frenket
Djuskajte u klubu zajedno u krugu
Dance in the club together in a circle
Ali nemojte meni pruzat' vasu ruku
But don't offer me your hand
Kad se gace svuku znam sta je tu
When your pants are down, I know what's there
Nemate kitu nego pickicu
You don't have a dick, but a pussy
Brzi od aviona koji slijece na piste
Faster than a plane landing on the runway
Brzi od Baste, brzi od Twiste
Faster than Basta, faster than Twista
Brzi niko ne moze ovako da przi
No one can burn this fast
Poslije ko Majk drzi vazda se sprzi
After like Mike, you always get burned
Treskaj guzu i sise nemoj tako da vise
Shake your ass and tits, don't do that anymore
Na mikrofonu svako zna F.R.E.N.K.O.Z.A.
On the microphone, everyone knows F.R.E.N.K.O.Z.A.
Frenkie i Sile hit makera dva
Frenkie and Sile, two hit makers
Ne mozes repat k'o ja
You can't rap like me
To ovdje svako zna
Everyone here knows that
Ne mozes napravit' bit
You can't make a beat
Ne mozes napravit' hit
You can't make a hit
Ne mozes napravit' skit
You can't make a skit
Sta god napravis je shit
Whatever you make is shit
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Frenkie, Sile, Sove, DK
Frenkie, Sile, Sove, DK
I problema vise nema
And no more problems
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Kenneth Karlin, Nick Franglen, Carsten Schack, Fred Deakin, Andrea Monica Martin

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