Frenkie feat. Crni Zvuk - Beton Bosne - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie feat. Crni Zvuk - Beton Bosne

Beton Bosne
Bosnian Concrete
Na cesti sam se rodio
I was born on the road
Tu cu brate i umrijet
Here with brother and die
Bolje pazi kome ces se
Watch better who will you
Ovdje u facu unijet
Here in college face sink
Moja bagra kad se razvali
My gang when it falls apart
Meni ce mobitel uzet
They will take my mobile phone
To je nas ugled
This is our reputation
Bosanski rulet
Bosnian roulette
Skidaju se patike
Get off your sneakers
Obijaju se trafike
Rob the shops
Obori pogled i ruke
Lower your eyes and hands
U dzepove stavite
Put them in your pockets
Ludi se pravite
Pretend you're crazy
I samo dalje gazite
And just keep on going
Brzo hodaj i kapu
Walk fast and put the hood
Na glavu nabijte
On your Head
Nisi vise isi
You are not Icy
Kada vidis ovo jednom
When you see this once
Po zidu outro i belton
Down the wall outro and beton
Bosanski beton
Bosnian beton
Samo politicari i mafija
Only politicians and mafia
Imaju skupa kola ostali
Have expensive cars others
Golfa, jebeni bus ili trolla
Golf, the fucking bus or the troll
Pokupili su sve sa stola
They collected everything from the table
Radna klasa je gola
Working class is naked
U startu im je odma
At the start they had
Oduzeto pola
Half was taken away
Zaradit lovu mogu
Can earn money
Ako prodaju drogu
If they sell drugs
Bore se kao u rovu
Fight like in the trench
Okrenuli su ledja Bogu
They turned their backs on God
Za bajram ne idem van
I don't go out for the holiday
Sjedim u kuci sam
I sit at home alone
Jer za bajramski dernek
Because on holiday feast
Najlakse dobit degenek
The easiest to get the degenek
Krkan se napije pa ga
The boar gets drunk and then
Drugi krkan razbije
Another boar breaks it
Sve veliki muslimani
All big Muslims
Ustvari male balije
Actually small bales
Kroz grlo tece rakija
Rakia flows through the throat
U dzepu je cakija
In the pocket is a cakija
Misle da su opasni
They think they are dangerous
Ustvari su pjesadija
Actually they are infantry
Teretana im
Their gym
Samopouzdanje nabija
Self-confidence charges
Balavi klinci misle da
Balavi kids think that
Su opasna mafija
Are a dangerous mafia
Ovdje narodnjak zavija
Folk music wails here
Noz se u ledja zabija
The knife is stabbed in the back
Cak preko dana
Even during the day
Zakljucava kapija
The gate is locked
Niko ne daje izjava
Nobody makes statements
Nema prijava
No applications
Zakon se kupuje
The law is bought
A murija ismijava
And the police are laughing
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Ne postujemo domace
We don't respect the domestic
A jos manje goste
And even less guests
Prepusti se posve
Let yourself go completely
Idemo do koske
We're going to the bone
U case nek se dospe
Let's get into the house
Dok se krv ne prospe
Until the blood is spilled
Prati nas
Follow us
I osjeti beton Bosne
And feel the concrete of Bosnia
Ja sam rodio se tu
I am born here
Bas na tuzlanskom asvaltu
Right on the Tuzla asphalt
Crni zvuk i Frenki predstavljaju
Crni zvuk and Frenki represent
Krojcicu i Maltu
Krojcicu and Malta
Na prvi pogled ovaj
At first glance this
Grad mozda ce ti se dopast
You might like the city
Ali iz moje perspektive
But from my perspective
Kada gledas to je propast
When you look at it, it's a disaster
Ovdje ako imas novca
Here if you have money
Imas vlast, neces past
You have power, you will not fall
Svaka cast u banci
Every honor in the bank
Svota samo ce ti rast
The amount will only grow for you
Ljeto devedesetdrugo
Summer of ninety-two
Ljeto devedesetpeto
Summer of ninety-five
Vec od tada shvati
Understand since then
Bosna postala je ghetto
Bosnia has become a ghetto
Jos jedna pronadjena
Another found
Grobnica iz Potocara
Potocari grave
Zrtve majke Srebrenice
Victims mothers Srebrenice
Neka dodju trazit svoje mrtve
Let them come look for their dead
Ovdje od proteklog rata
Here from the last war
Zivot ko nagazna mina
Life like a landmine
Sestra ostala bez brata
Sister left without a brother
Majka izgubila sina
Mother lost her son
Ratnih invalida puno
Lots of war disabled people
Nemaju sta ni za jesti
They have nothing to eat
Tako njihova bi djeca
So their children would
Da ne provode na cesti
Not being on the street
Tezak zivot vodit tu
Life is hard to live here
Su navikli Bosanci
Bosnians are used to it
Bez posla, perspektive sve
Without work, perspective everything
Smo vise kriminalci
We are more criminals
Brat vodi rat ovdje
Brother is at war here
Pravila su stroga
The rules are strict
Ovdje ulice su pune
Here the streets are full
Kriminalaca i droga
Criminals and drugs
Travu puse djeca mnoga
Weed smokes a lot of kids
Cesto i vise od toga
Often more than that
Al' u kurac otislo je sve
But everything went to hell
Vise niko ne vjeruje u Boga
No one believes in God anymore
Sad izaberi kojim putem
Now choose which way
Ti ces ici kriminalom
You will go with crime
Da se bavis neces
That you will do
Daleko stici
Get far

Writer(s): Adnan Hamidovic, Monroe

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