Frenkie - Frenkie i Buba Coreli - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie - Frenkie i Buba Coreli

Frenkie i Buba Coreli
Frenkie and Buba Corelli
Reci svaka čast kad čujes Maltu i Alpaša
Say "damn" when you hear Malta and Alpasha
Svakog pakaša bušim k'o iz kalaša
I'll pierce every poser like with a Kalash
Reperi nestaju poput Glavaša, niko da sazna šta
Rappers disappear like Glavash, no one knows what's up
Zvuk im tvrd ko u Balaša
Their sound is hard like Balash's
Ti si Dodik, ljakse iz Laktaša
You're Dodik, a loser from Laktashe
Zini kurvo, kurac ces da glabaš sad
Open wide, bitch, you're gonna swallow dick now
Tebi je plafon u baraž past
Your ceiling is to fall into the playoffs
Ali ovo je liga šampiona, ustani za Šahbaza
But this is the Champions League, stand up for Shahbaz
Gamad zna, ne može na nas dva
The vermin know, they can't touch us two
Frenkie veličanstveni, reci merhaba
Frenkie the Magnificent, say merhaba
Tvoj zvuk, tvoja ekipa mršava
Your sound, your crew is skinny
Moja ekipa, Fmjam država
My crew, Fmjam is a state
Masonska loža nema ovakvog lobija
The Masonic Lodge doesn't have a lobby like this
Armija koja pobija, autonomija
An army that kills, autonomy
Dođemo sa par kombija, noću kao insomnia
We come with a few vans, at night like insomnia
Nađu te mrtvog u Holandiji kao Džonija
They find you dead in Holland like Johnny
Palimo, žarimo, babilon varimo, pravimo,
We burn, we blaze, we cook Babylon, we make,
Kvarimo mi smo mladi ne starimo
We break, we're young, we don't age
Alipašino Marijin dvor talimo se sa carinom
We melt Alipasino Marijin Dvor with customs
Drugi dio dam maloj da prenese to pod haljinom
I give the second part to the girl to carry under her dress
Redom davimo mali moj, kuje šaljemo na Malibor
We choke them one by one, my little one, we send bitches to Malibor
Kad se priča money, mali moj mi se ne šalimo
When it comes to money, my little one, we don't joke around
Falimo sceni mi definitivno falimo
We definitely lack the scene
Talimo se salijmo sve pa se hvalimo
We melt, we greet everyone and then we brag
"Geranimo" u kafani ćemo da te ranimo
"Geronimo" in the tavern we will wound you
Ko će da te brani kada nikoga ne žalimo
Who will defend you when we don't spare anyone
Karino večeras ćemo da te zadavimo
Karina tonight we will strangle you
Nećemo se lagat fakat ti malu barimo
We won't lie, we're really after your girl
Corelli stani, alo srce zamalo mi stalo
Corelli stop, hello my heart almost stopped
Neću ba budalo preko bita radim galop
I won't, you fool, I'm galloping over the beat
Ispuhat ću sve repere sa ovim kao balon
I'll blow all the rappers away with this like a balloon
Da me bolje razumiju repat ću sporije malo
To understand me better, I'll rap a little slower
Ne vrijedite mi ni feninga jebiga
You're not worth a penny to me, damn it
Malo treba treninga
You need a little training
I za pravo ću da sebi dam
And for real, I'll let myself
Da tebi kažem da si nebitan
To tell you that you're insignificant
Ja ću te prebit van kad izađeš
I'll beat you up outside when you come out
Hodajući leš džaba mi plačeš
Walking corpse, you cry to me in vain
Njih lažeš, a šta meni kažeš
You lie to them, but what do you say to me
Da ne'š više nikad, e nikad ne'š
That you'll never, ever
Zvaću ljude da ti naude
I'll call people to hurt you
Veselo će da nam bude
We'll have fun
Zaboli me kurac šta nam nude
I don't give a fuck what they offer us
Napravit ću hit daj mi gram i tambure
I'll make a hit, give me a gram and tambourines
Ja repam dok jedem hamburger
I rap while eating a hamburger
Nikada mi to problem bio nije
That was never a problem for me
Za kraj žena ti je fuj ja bio bije
In the end, your woman is ugly, I would have been
Vazda kada pive popijem dvije
Always when I drink two beers
Hejteri hello bitom jurim ko Barikelo
Haters hello, I'm chasing the beat like Barrichello
Pravim djelo lajne valjam ba
I'm making a work, I'm rolling lines, man
K'o da valjam lajne bijelog
As if I'm rolling lines of white
Halal vam sva slava rajvoSa Tz Panama
Halal to you all the glory rajvoSa Tz Panama
Ništa Gucci Prada Uzi Danda šibam ko iz pama
Nothing Gucci Prada Uzi Danda I'm whipping like from a pam
Mama zovi 122 zlo je opet ušlo u mene
Mom call 122 evil has entered me again
Drama poslije par grama
Drama after a few grams
Cijeli cu crew u klub da uvedem
I'll bring the whole crew to the club
Iza Jale je mahala džaba vam ba brate sve
Behind Jala is the hood, it's all in vain, brother
Za mahalu radi jala vi radite za hale
Jala works for the hood, you work for the halls
Nemoj da čekate jačeg, najjačeg sam nadjač'o
Don't wait for a stronger one, I've outdone the strongest
Ma slobodno pljuj šta ćeš
Go ahead and spit, what will you do
Ba šta ćeš, pašćeš na nos
Well, what will you do, you'll fall on your nose
A ko nas konta taj će ruke podić na plafon
And those who understand us will raise their hands to the ceiling
Klimaj glavom kad si s Frenkom
Nod your head when you're with Frenkie
Kontrom Corellijem Jalom
Kontra, Corelli, Jala
Alo, upadmo ko interventna rafalna paljba
Hello, we burst in like an intervention, burst fire
Bit je meta
The beat is the target
Krit neću zelim vrh svijeta
I won't hide, I want the top of the world
Mada još kera getom šetam
Although I still walk the dog through the ghetto
Ej šarklo i kraj baš k'o kadilak i makro
Hey shark and the end, just like a Cadillac and a macro
Skidam vam s očiju mrak
I'm taking the darkness off your eyes
Znači da jebo sam svakog
That means I fucked everyone
Kako ću samo remix prebit', spremni
How am I going to kill the remix, ready
Kontra upada opepelit' nemoš' meni
Kontra breaks in, incinerate, you can't to me
Vreli stil k'o lava vulkana
Hot style like volcano lava
Kurčevit k'o skok u svemir, k'o Felix sam velik
Courageous like a jump into space, like Felix I'm big
Na meni stavim ti jezik, proglasim verbalni delikt
Put your tongue on me, declare a verbal offense
Malu školu repa ja vam svaki put po taktu dam
Every time I give you a little school of rap on the beat
Od kolijevke do tabuta u repu sam vam babuka
From the cradle to the coffin, I'm your grandpa in rap
Repere rendam, Reverend Run
I shred rappers, Reverend Run
Rep Mont Everest, ne možeš sam
Rap Mount Everest, you can't do it alone
Na ledene bedeme rijetki uspiju
Few succeed on the icy walls
šta ti je lave ba, đeš' na Rusiju
what's with you, lava, where are you going to Russia
Uletimo na Troyanac krkanski, momački, robusno
We fly in on the Trojan Horse, brutally, manly, robustly
Uletimo na Troyanac, dakle to znači na konju smo
We fly in on the Trojan Horse, so that means we're on a horse
Kontra, Jala, Frenkie, Buba, zemlja ce da zadrhti
Kontra, Jala, Frenkie, Buba, the earth will tremble
A DJ Soulu gori mikser kad vam ovo zavrti
And DJ Soulu's mixer burns when he spins this for you
Iz S.A. pojačanje pravi traci novu štetu
Reinforcements from S.A. are causing new damage to the tracks
Gori Troja, pogađmo PAM-om Ahilovu petu
Troy is burning, we're hitting Achilles' heel with PAM
Nemojte se pravit' ludi, brojke reć'e ko je gdje
Don't play dumb, the numbers will tell you who's where
Nemojte se džaba trudit', flow mi skup k'o Moyet bitch
Don't bother, my flow is expensive like Moyet, bitch

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