Frenkie - Ovo Nije OK!! - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Frenkie - Ovo Nije OK!!

Ovo Nije OK!!
This Is Not OK!!
Punimo tape-ove
We're filling up the tapes
Punimo diskove
We're filling up the discs
Pravim hitove
I make hits
Ozivljavam ritmove
I bring rhythms to life
Slavimo pri tome,
We celebrate as we do it,
Repere gazim ko cikove
I stomp on rappers like cigarettes
Jer baksuzno izvode,
Because they perform like losers,
Prepadam okolo likove
I ambush characters around
Kad prosipam im trikove.
When I sprinkle tricks on them.
Pozdravite TZ freak-ove
Greet the TZ freaks
BH rap ikone,
BH rap icons,
Mi donosimo promjene,
We bring about changes,
Jer to zelite od mene.
Because you want this from me.
U planu nista nemam
I have nothing in mind
Pa sam spreman mike da 'lemam,
So I'm ready to crush microphones
Kad cujem ostale
When I hear others
Ja odma' zijevam
I immediately yawn
Pa se kuci spremam.
Then I prepare to go home.
Sad bi svako repat htio,
Now everyone wants to rap
Sad bi svako MC bio
Now everyone wants to be an MC
Sad bi svako neciji dio,
Now everyone wants to be someone's part
Sad bi svako battle-at smio.
Now everyone dares to battle.
U vasim ustima je samo laz
There is only a lie in your mouths
I moja sperma,
And my sperm,
Moja ekipa sad je spremna,
My team is now ready
Da vidim ko frku treba
To see who needs to be rocked
Kad Frenkie rime reda,
When Frenkie rhymes
Izboscu vas bez problema
I will gouge your eyes out, no problem,
Poput jebenog goblena,
Like a fucking troll.
Ja i Risbo kao stijena.
Me and Risbo, like a rock.
Laki ste kao pero,
You are light as a feather.
Rusim vas i vase selo,
I destroy you and your village.
Plitki ko tanjir i bara,
Shallow as a plate and a puddle,
Derem ko papir i haram.
I tear like paper and haram.
HEJJJ Ovo nije OK!
HEJJJ This is not OK!
Frenkie kad roka digni ruke sve
Frenkie when you raise your hand, all hands
Kako ovako ovako ubije
How he kills it like this, like this
Mi kad rokamo nema publikeeee...
When we rock, there is no audience...
Punimo dvorane,
We fill halls,
Velike sale i hale,
Large rooms and halls,
Konkurenti bale
Competitors are dancing
Jer nemaju razloga da slave,
Because they have no reason to celebrate,
Ljubomorne budale
Jealous fools
Na put nam stale
Stood in our way
Pa pale
So they fell
Kad se masine pale
When the machines start
Onda svi hvataju sturu brale.
Then everyone catches a storm, brother.
Haram ko kuga,
Haram like a plague,
Naplacivanje starog duga
Collecting an old debt
Noc je duga
The night is long
Povedi svog druga,
Take your friend with you
Pojescu vas bez truda.
I will eat you without effort.
Kad repam nema suma,
When I rap, there are no sums,
Danas sam siso sa uma,
Today I am crazy with desire,
Na glavi mi kruna,
On my head is a crown,
A u saci cijeli Balkan,
And in my hair all the Balkans,
Kada przim i startam,
When I przz and start,
Tebi se odjednom manta,
Suddenly you have a blanket,
Tuzla, Brcanska Malta
Tuzla, Brcanska Malta
Za mene je ostalo kanta.
The can is left for me.
FRENKIE, MC sa velikim spolnim organom,
FRENKIE, MC with a big dick,
Sa sarmom i salom,
With charm and bacon,
Vi sa stapom,
You with a stick,
Ja picim slalom.
I drink slalom.
Ugusit ces se pod valom
You will choke under the wave
Sa ekipom svojom malom,
With your little team,
Ne mozes rokat sa vandalom,
You can't rock with a vandal,
Ja stanem na binu
I stand on stage
I odjekujem salom
And I echo through the room
Refren 2x
Chorus 2x

Writer(s): Adnan Hamidovic, Boris Petrovic Risbo

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