Furman - Bullshit - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Furman - Bullshit

Nikt mi nie dal szansy czaisz, sam sobie musze ja zabrac
Nobody gave me a chance, you know, I have to take it myself.
Robie te ruchy dla moich ziomali, choc licze ich na czterech palcach
I make these moves for my homies, even though I count them on four fingers.
Moi ziomale to nie blazenada ani jebany wasz squa squa
My homies are not clowns or your fucking squad squad.
Nie licze na farta od losu, bo korzystam z okazji jaka sie nada
I don't count on luck from fate, because I take advantage of any opportunity that comes my way.
Jebana zenada, typy by chcialy poskladac poskladac
Fucking joke, guys would like to put together put together
Skladaja ubrania, ktore kupuje im ojciec i matka
They put together clothes that their father and mother buy them
Banany sie woza nie boli mnie wcale ich gadka na trackach
Bananas are driving me crazy I don't care about their talk on the tracks
Bo jedyne co widze i slysze to tylko jebana przewozka nic wiecej
Because all I see and hear is just a fucking ride nothing more
Dawaj mi penge, wkladam w to serce w sumie nic wiecej
Give me the money, I put my heart into it, that's all
Masz do mnie problem, zalatw to w gębe, a nie na backstage
You got a problem with me, handle it in the mouth, not backstage
Spinasz sie hieno, a gowno masz mi do tu
You're tense, hyena, and you have shit to me here
To Ty Opierdalasz raperom, za to jestes szanowany do zobaczenia
It's you who sucks off rappers, that's why you're respected, see you later
Ciagle pierdolisz jaki to ja kurwa nie bylem nie jestem
You keep bullshitting what the fuck I wasn't, I'm not
Tak bardzo interesuje Cie czyjes zycie ze nie patrzysz typie na siebie?
Are you so interested in someone else's life that you don't look at yourself, dude?
Zmieniam se flow, nie wchodze w panne tylko na backstage
I change the flow, I don't go into the chick just backstage
Stylimiliony to ziom, beztematycznie frustracja robi ten bengrr
Stylimillions is a buddy, thematically, frustration makes this bengrr
Oni chcieli zebym zniknal, wrogowie znacznikiem tego sukcesu
They wanted me to disappear, enemies marker of that success
Depcze po glowach, pale za soba te mosty bez celu
I trample on heads, I burn these bridges behind me without a purpose
Na przod dluga droga, a czuje sie jakbym dotarl tam prawie
There's a long way ahead, and I feel like I'm almost there
Nie czuje sie dobrze gdy poblazliwie spogladam na kurwy z gory jak Raziel
I don't feel good when I look down on bitches from above like Raziel
Czasem pale stuff, jestem taki jak Wy
Sometimes I smoke stuff, I'm just like you
Robie kurwa trap, nosze nowe vansy
I'm fucking trap, I wear new vans
Kumpel kupil majk, kumpel dal mi trampki
My friend bought a microphone, my friend gave me sneakers
To jest kurwo rap, a nie flexxy matki
This is fucking rap, not flexxy mats
Co Ty wiesz typie o stylowie, Kopiujac kazdego rapera
What do you know, dude, about style, copying every rapper
Widze ze jara Cie gangsterka, to nie to samo co pozerka
I see you're into gangsterism, it's not the same as posing
Pierdolą ciagle na trackach ile to hajsu nie maja w kiermanach
They keep fucking on the tracks how much money they don't have in their pockets
Pierdolamento raperow, chcieli by pomarzyc o grubych kanapkach
Rappers whining, they would like to dream about thick sandwiches
Sandwich to ty kurwo widzisz jak matka Ci znow pakuje plecak
Sandwich is what you see, bitch, when your mom packs your backpack again
Chcialbys byc gangsterem ale boisz sie o kosy w plecach
You would like to be a gangster but you're afraid of knives in the back
Nie zgrywaj cwaniaka bo to nie jest Twoje zycie typie
Don't play smart because it's not your life, dude
Lepiej wypierdalaj uczyc sie do szkoly, jak byc dobrym kitem
Better fucking learn to go to school, how to be a good kit
Czasem pale stuff, jestem taki jak Wy
Sometimes I smoke stuff, I'm just like you
Robie kurwa trap, nosze nowe vansy
I'm fucking trap, I wear new vans
Kumpel kupil majk, kumpel dal mi trampki
My friend bought a microphone, my friend gave me sneakers
To jest kurwo rap, a nie flexxy matki
This is fucking rap, not flexxy mats

Writer(s): Dawid Furman

Furman - Bullshit
date de sortie

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