The red thong snapped with a pop, and there was no hand to help me fasten it
置いてけ堀をけとばして 駆けだす指に血がにじむ
I hurried over the burrowed ditch, and blood oozed from the cuts on my fingers
さくら さくら いつまで待っても来ぬひとと
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I’ve waited and waited, for someone who's not coming
死んだひととは おなじこと
It’s like they’re dead
さくら さくら はな吹雪 燃えて燃やした肌より白い花
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, the petals dance and fall, the flowers are whiter than the skin that I burnt
浴びてわたしは 夜桜お七
Drenched in it, I am Yoshino cherry tree O-shichi
さくら さくら 弥生の空に さくら さくら はな吹雪
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, cherry blossom, the petals dance and fall against the March sky
I put on my lipstick and bit into a tissue
涙が ぽろり もひとつ ぽろり
A single tear fell, then another
熱い唇おしあててきた あの日のあんたもういない
You pressed your hot lips against mine, but today, you’re gone
たいした恋じゃなかったと すくめる肩に風が吹く
I shrugged my shoulders, saying it was nothing more than a fling, but the wind whipped around me
さくら さくら いつまで待っても来ぬひとと
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, I’ve waited and waited, for someone who's not coming
死んだひととは おなじこと
It’s like they’re dead
さくら さくら はな吹雪 抱いて抱かれた 二十歳(はたち)の夢のあと
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, the petals dance and fall, wrapping themselves around the dream I had as a twenty-year-old, of being held in your arms and loving you
おぼろ月夜の 夜桜お七
Yoshino cherry tree O-shichi, under the hazy moonlight
さくら さくら 見渡すかぎり さくら さくら はな吹雪
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, the petals dance and fall, as far as the eye can see
さくら さくら さよならあんた さくら さくら はな吹雪
Cherry blossom, cherry blossom, sayonara, cherry blossom, the petals dance and fall
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