Fvck_kvlt feat. Boy Wonder - Boom - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Fvck_kvlt feat. Boy Wonder - Boom

Čau čau
Hey girl
Chcem vás vidieť kývať hlavami
I want to see you bob your head
čo majú
Those who have
Môžu kludne mávat zbraňami
Can even flail their weapons
Čítal som Fukuyamu
I've read Fukuyama
Boj je vraj za nami
He says the struggle is over
čo to nedali
Those who didn't make it
Majú zostat pred bránami
Should stay outside the gates
Ešte raz ma označíš za slušného človeka
If you call me a decent person again
A ich za nejaký antisystém
And those people some kind of anti-system
Pošlem ta dovzdelat sa
I'll send you to learn more
Health-care je to isté čo Hatecore
Health-care is the same as Hatecore
Hrabe ti z centrizmu
Centrism is messing with your mind
Politických podkov
Political horseshoes
A teraz vážne
Now seriously
Neni ok hrat sa na domnelú slušnost
It's not okay to pretend to be supposedly decent
Ani zavádzat pojmy jak "extrém"
Nor to manipulate terms like "extreme"
To uškodí
It will hurt
Každému mladému
Every young person
Čo chce meniť svet k lepšiemu
Who wants to change the world for the better
Som radikál
I'm a radical
Napchaj si ma do tvojho extrému
Stuff me into your extreme
Zhodli sme sa
We agreed
Že nazi shit neni názor
That nazi shit is not an opinion
Je to klamstvo
It's false
Dokázaná lož
Proven lie
Tak len magor by chcel
Only a maniac would want
V mene slobody
In the name of freedom
Prispôsobovať náš svet pre tých
To adapt our world for those
Čo ťa zarežú
Who will kill you
Keď sa voláš László
If your name is László
Stojíme v čakárni
We're standing in the waiting room
Čakáme na lieky
Waiting for our meds
Tomu ver
You bet
Máš na výber
You have a choice
Dať na rady
To listen to the advice
Čo ti do hlavy tlačí boomer
That the boomer is pushing into your head
Alebo predať svoju zbierku platní na eBay
Or to sell your record collection on eBay
A skúšať ďalej
And to keep trying
Stojíme v čakárni
We're standing in the waiting room
Čakáme na lieky
Waiting for our meds
Tomu ver
You bet
Máš na výber
You have a choice
Dať na rady
To listen to the advice
Čo ti do hlavy tlačí boomer
That the boomer is pushing into your head
Alebo predať svoju zbierku platní na eBay
Or to sell your record collection on eBay
A skúšať ďalej
And to keep trying
(Denis, moré)
(Denis, you fool)
Nechápem jak možeš v živote tolko nenávidiet
I can't understand how you can hate so much in life
Ja nenávidím len nenávist
I only hate hatred
Ty môžeš ma vidieť
You can see me
Na všetko to čo sa a čo sa musí
Everything that should and must be done
Ja vidím ludí čakat odbehnuté autobusy
I see people waiting for buses that have left
Možno zmeškali poslednú jazdu
Maybe they missed the last ride
Hladajú smer
They're looking for direction
Možno niekedy nemáš na výber
Maybe sometimes you don't have a choice
Musíš spálit mosty
You have to burn your bridges
Hodit do seba to čo sa nesmie o čom mlčíš
Inject yourself with what you're not supposed to, what you keep silent about
Ja keby som bol ty
If I were you
Ty dement
You idiot
Radšej mlčím
I'd rather keep quiet
Sám nedokážeš nič
You can't achieve anything on your own
Sám si iba nikto
Alone you are nobody
Začínaš sa podobat na svojho tatka
You're starting to resemble your father
Skrátka niktoš
In short, a nobody
Splodil také isté hovno jak je sám on
He sired the same piece of shit he is
Keby stupidita kvitla
If stupidity bloomed
Tvoja rodina je záhon
Your family is a flower bed
Tak strašne potrebuješ vodcu
You need a leader so badly
Sám si stratený
You're lost on your own
Na tejto zemi na životoch nacistov nezáleží
On this earth, the lives of Nazis don't matter
Nedokázal si nič
You haven't achieved anything
Proste si sa narodil
You were simply born
Neistotu skrývaš za hrdost
You hide your insecurity behind pride
Radšej sa pomodli, bitch
Better pray, bitch
Stojíme v čakárni
We're standing in the waiting room
Čakáme na lieky
Waiting for our meds
Tomu ver
You bet
Máš na výber
You have a choice
Dať na rady
To listen to the advice
Čo ti do hlavy tlačí boomer
That the boomer is pushing into your head
Alebo predať svoju zbierku platní na eBay
Or to sell your record collection on eBay
A skúšať ďalej
And to keep trying
Stojíme v čakárni
We're standing in the waiting room
Čakáme na lieky
Waiting for our meds
Tomu ver
You bet
Máš na výber
You have a choice
Dať na rady
To listen to the advice
Čo ti do hlavy tlačí boomer
That the boomer is pushing into your head
Alebo predať svoju zbierku platní na eBay
Or to sell your record collection on eBay
A skúšať ďalej
And to keep trying
(Denis, moré)
(Denis, you fool)

Writer(s): Lukáš Jedlička

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